He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 954 Heatstroke Latias

in a few days.

On the No. 105 waterway, Xiaozhi and his party had boarded old man Hatch's small leather speedboat and headed towards Wudou Town to break the waves.

I saw that although the old man Hutch was old, under the sunlight, his upper body was shirtless, showing his strong muscles.

Living by the sea for many years has made his skin darker than ordinary people's.

The appearance of the helm in the sea made the three of them say that they are old and strong.


Above the heads of the three of them, a long-winged gull was circling and flying, singing from time to time.

Xiaozhi and his party had already left Kanaz City, turned back through the Orange Blossom Forest, and returned to the unmanned beach pier before.

The three of them were sitting on the deck at the moment, bathed in the sea breeze and splashing water from time to time, with relaxed expressions.

The tropical ocean beach area in the Hoen area is the most common terrain.

The size of this small boat is not large, about the length enough for Xiaozhi to do ten backflips. There is a platform protruding from the middle, which is the position of the captain and helmsman.

Old man Hatch is also a captain, helmsman, sailor and navigator... all professions.

After sailing for most of the day, the old man Hatch set the boat to automatic navigation, and suddenly got down from the helm position of the high platform.

"Boys~ Wudou Town can only be reached the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, you need to temporarily stay on a small island to rest for a day."

The three of them were taken aback, meaning they would not sail for a day?

"Yes, this is what Xiaopi and I have always been used to~!"

The old man Hutch said with a smile, and the long-winged gull in the sky also landed on the former's bald head, making a cooperating cry.

Undoubtedly, if this long-winged gull uses its trick of repaying favor, its power can be fully utilized.

As he spoke, the old man Hatch pointed to two islands in the sea ahead, one large and one small, which were almost connected together, separated by a sea distance of about a hundred meters.

"It's an uninhabited island, and it's also the place where Xiaopi and I met for the first time..."

The old man Hatch fell into a state of reminiscence.

"So every time we pass through sea area 105, Xiaopi and I will stay on this small island for a day, reminiscing about the past~"

Compared with Zeng Jin's two companions, one became Genji who became the king of the Hoyen area alliance, and the other became the president of the largest company in the Hoyen area...Hatch's retirement life is undoubtedly more comfortable.

He was pursuing something different from the other two.

"So from now on, you can temporarily stay on the big island and rest for a day. I will pick you up in the morning of the day after tomorrow and continue to go~!"

Xiaopi's hometown is on the small attached island, which can only be said to be a reef platform of about tens of meters.

It was said that the three of them had no objection, after all, they were all given a free ride to sea, so a day's delay would not be a big problem.

"Is that the island...?"

Xiaozhi straddled the bow of the boat, posing in the same pose as Pikachu, looking at the distant island.

Although it is not a big island, at least it is a place where you can't see the end at a glance.

"Just a day of special training!"

Xiao Zhi made up his mind.

The next Wudou Town is where the second gym is located, and strive to improve the current Pokémon's strength to another level!


After landing on the beach of the island, the old man Hatch and Xiaopi were still on the boat.

"Then the morning after tomorrow, I will pick you up at this location~!"

chug chug...!

After speaking, there was a sound of the engine, and the old man Hatch and the long-winged gull drove the boat towards the small rocky island a hundred meters away.

The three Xiaozhi who stayed in place turned around and began to look at the unknown island.

This is an uninhabited island, except for the soft sand where the three of them are at the moment, most of the other edges are cape cliffs.

The soil layer in the middle is not a hard rock, but more like a soft clay ground.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to start the special training today.

Everyone found a good place, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan skillfully set up the tent, and Xiaogang set up firewood and iron pot beside them.

They are old explorers, sleeping and exploring in the wild, so they come at their fingertips...



next morning.

The three got up early and started their day on the uninhabited island.

Xiaozhi walked around this small island last night, it was basically a bare rocky land, not even much vegetation, and he didn't see any wild Pokémon.

Expeditions were impossible, so Xiaozhi simply found an open space and took out several elf balls in his hand.

When he left Kanaz City before, Xiaozhi adjusted his team composition slightly.

General Pikachu is still in the lead.

"Come out, you three~!"

Ash started throwing his poke ball.

Next is the juvenile state of the new three generals in the Fangyuan area, namely Huozhiji, Mushougong, and Aoguyan.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Huo Zhiji stared at Mu Shougong next to him with a displeased expression.

It's just that he is obviously shorter than the latter by half a head in height, which makes Huo Zhiji very aggrieved at the moment.

Compared with the growth of strength, it seems to be more eager to grow taller.


On the other hand, Aoguyan, who wears an imposing headband, completely withdraws from the space between the two, her eyes are sharp, and she is in the posture of a snipe and a clam fighting for the fisherman's gain.

What's the point of being taller, two Muggles who can't fly.

"And you two!"

As he said that, Xiaozhi threw out another elf ball and a love ball.

boom! boom!

After the crisp sound, Emperor Yan's heavy body fell to the ground, causing a slight vibration.

With a majestic body, a lion's head wearing a three-color hard shell, and volcanic ash rolling slowly on his back, his imposing aura immediately made the three Fangyuan generals dare not be careless.

When a trainer is walking outside, the nanny Pokémon must naturally be carried.

The normal trainer's nanny Pokémon may be auspicious eggs, flower therapy rings, etc... Ash is an Entei.

Now no matter what intractable disease you encounter, just spray a mouthful of holy flames on it, the basic medicine will cure the disease, and you can go to work on the spot.


Trapped in the urban area for 300 years, Emperor Yan left his hometown for the first time, attracted by the sights of the new world, but temporarily ignored his position as a nanny.


And the one flying out of the love ball was naturally Latias.

The flexible body hovered in the air for a while, and finally flew towards Xiaozhi.


During the process, the body turned into a human red-haired girl, with hair protruding like a small horn, and behind it were two strands of slender hair in a ponytail.

With a delicate face, strange amber pupils, and a black and white maid uniform, she just stood beside Xiaozhi so prettyly.

She is slightly taller than Xiaozhi by half a head.


It's just that the weather is hot at the moment, and Ladias is wearing a heavy maid uniform, which makes Latias faintly show signs of heat stroke. Finally, with a reddened wail, he leans on Xiaozhi's shoulder so softly.

Xiaozhi: "..."

You're just hallucinating, and you're not really wearing clothes! !

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