He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 955 Special training on the island!


However, Ladias didn't care about it at all, he just decided that he had suffered from heat stroke, and most of his body was leaning on Xiaozhi's body.

From an outside perspective, it looks like a woman is hugging Xiaozhi's head, making people blush.

In fact, it was a chubby Pokémon hugging Ash.

As for the dark Rogia in the silver feather pendant...I don't know what happened recently, and I didn't come out of it.

According to Brother Chi, this is the bottleneck period for reaching Rogia, and he is sleeping and accumulating strength.

It is estimated that the time required is not short.

The legendary Pokémon are born powerful, and their power is even more terrifying when they are at their peak...

Of course, it's not without cost.

That is, this type of Pokémon will spend a very long time in the growth stage, and often needs to fall into a deep sleep and slowly accumulate strength.

Or like the frozen bird, it needs a long journey of God that belongs to itself.

These all take time to accumulate.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi didn't continue to think about Diablo Rogia, but took out two more Poké Balls.

This time, Xiaozhi specially transferred two veterans from the Damu Research Institute.

Don't look at the number of Pokémon in front of me is already six... It's not a big problem, Xiaozhi still has Chi's quota, so there are 12 in total.

"It's up to you~!"

Two poke balls are thrown, and on one side is the mighty and gorgeous Bi Diao, with a high eagle head, wide wings close together, and an extraordinary posture.

Now that he has obtained the Bidiao mega stone, Xiaozhi naturally planned to start practicing immediately.


Bi Diao's arrogant appearance made the proud Yan next to him show a look of envy.

This is a real bird!


On the other side, there is a blue water beast with a thick thorn shell on its back, with a gentle face... ride a dragon!

Considering that there are many waterways in the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi brought Chenglong, who is good at long-distance sailing on water, along with him.

Of course, there is another reason...

This is my brother's suggestion.

He said that he had an idea and planned to ask Chenglong to cooperate.


Due to the small number of people, Xiaozhi didn't ask them to report the number routinely.

"Then start the special training now! Mu Shougong, Huozhiji, you two fight each other, remember not to use the moves of your respective attributes, and only use your own body's own quality to practice!"

Two guys with rivalry, Xiaozhi arranged them together.

At this moment, Mu Shougong and Huozhiji probably are not far away from evolution. Taking advantage of the final stage, Xiaozhi wants to squeeze their bodies.



The two Pokémon looked at each other, ignoring the seemingly powerful seniors around them, and immediately walked aside, opened the way and began to attack each other.

"Bi Diao, Cheng Long, you two come with me... Ao Gu Yan, you also follow me, and watch the old man fight with the bird attribute."


Aoguyan understood, her eyes were like lightning, and she didn't take her eyes off Bi Diao's body for a moment.

One day, it too will be such an iconic bird...

And overturn this giant brown eagle!

"For Pikachu, you can hold the line."


Pikachu asked Xiaozhi a question.

However, Xiaozhi just shook his head and shrugged helplessly.

The Pikachu that was slashed is still there, and its level is much higher than that of ordinary Pokémon. A day of special training is meaningless at all.

"In Emperor Yan's case, you are responsible for patrolling the entire island... If you find someone with a problem, heal it with the holy flame."

The weather is hot, and anyone who walks may suffer from heat stroke.

Even heat stroke can be healed by the holy flame.

"Ho Wu...?"

Hearing that Emperor Yan frowned, he originally thought he was going on a military patrol... but in the second half of the sentence, he became a nanny?

It really wanted to spew a destructive holy flame towards Xiaozhi's face right now.

"As for Latias, since he has already suffered from heat stroke..."

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, there was a burst of intermittent soft voices in his mind.


This is Ladias's telepathy, and he is still not very proficient.

Latias had returned to her normal maid posture, standing beside Xiaozhi with serious eyes.

He also took out a cardboard and a pen in his hand, as if to help Xiaozhi record the data seriously.

Xiaozhi: "..."



"This guy, has he gotten too close to Xiao Zhi recently...?"

Not far away, Xiaolan couldn't help frowning when she saw Latias who was hugging Xiaozhi.

Although I knew it was a Pokémon... But at this moment, Latias transformed into a fair-skinned and beautiful beauty, which looked somewhat weird.

"Sister Bilan doesn't know where she went..."

Xiaolan shook her head, since they came to the Fangyuan area, Bilan often separated from the three of them.

Basically, after several days, it will turn into a Bobo and fly back.

She doesn't want Xiaolan to be so leisurely, Bilan is looking for dreams everywhere.

Of course, now Bilan has been able to transform into a human form for 1 or 2 days, so she can still use her body to do whatever she wants.

Then just turn into an ordinary Bobo and escape from the scene.

Blue Days is not boring.

Seeing that Xiaozhi's special training has started in full swing, Xiaolan also learned to take out her poke ball.

This time when she came to the Fangyuan area, Xiaolan also deposited most of her Pokémon in the Oki Research Institute.

Previous Pokémon include Ditto, Blue, who can transform at any time, and Nidoqueen, a magic tool man.

There are also new Pokémon that have been tamed after coming to the Fangyuan area-Yoyo Ball and Dou Ninja.

Just looking at the mega stone in her hand, Xiaolan secretly made up her mind.

"Well! Next, in Wudou Town, we must subdue a big-mouthed frog!"


On the other side of the island, Xiaogang also released his accompanying Pokémon.

The tree monsters brought from the Kanto region, the flashing Kola Kola, and the newly tamed Lianye Boy.

"It's you in the end, come out, Tentacle Lily!!"

With a flick of his palm, Xiaogang released the fossil Pokémon Tentacle Lily that he had just obtained from the Devon Company.

It looks like a sea anemone on the seabed, with a purple body branching out, and long pink tentacles scattered outward.


Compared with the ancient Pokémon with a strong will to attack... Tentacle Lily is a rare target, majoring in torture.

"Rock and grass attributes, very strange combination of attributes..."

Thinking of this, Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he began to communicate with his tentacle lily, constantly increasing the intimacy.

"Then let's start training too, Cocodora, Tentacle Lily~!"

When he came to the Fangyuan area, Xiaogang planned to use the two as his main force.

Especially now that he has obtained Cocodora's mega stone, Xiao Gang also wants to experience the legendary mega evolution.

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