He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 956 Mega Vulture!

"Bi Diao, use your wings to flap!!"

On the coast, Xiaozhi is instructing Bi Diao to warm up.

Bi Diao, who hadn't seen him for a long time, spread his wide wings, circled in the sky for a week, and then swooped down to the sea.

Bang bang! !

The white light wings slammed against the water surface, and immediately aroused a majestic stream of water to rupture, forcibly making a vacuum gap, and the movement was extremely loud.

The white light wings were covered with a layer of metallic silver light, and the steel wings waved out, causing the sea to vibrate wildly and rippling again and again.

Next is the air blade that Aoguyan has not yet mastered, the storm, the brave bird's onslaught...

Bi Diao released his bird-attribute signature moves one by one, full of courage.

After conquering the Viridian Forest, Bi Diao set his sights on other forests in the Kanto region, with the intention of wantonly expanding his territory.

Fighting again and again, Bi Diao's strength at the moment is extremely tyrannical, even a powerful alliance king, will not have the slightest timidity.

Coupled with the addition of Rabbi Shi, the God of the Forest, this gave Bi Diao a better excuse.

Namely, the so-called divine right of kings.

Rabi is the god of the forest, and it is the king of the forest, which is completely in line with the destiny.

"Hiss, hiss...!"

Standing on the shore, the proud swallow looked envious for a while, and even gesticulated on the spot, fluttering its wings to imitate.

It feels that its own experience value is constantly rising.

"It's done, Bi Diao!!"

Seeing that Bi Diao had finished warming up, Xiao Zhi walked forward and threw a small ball into the air suddenly.

Bi Diao's mega evolution stone!

"Compared to the carving~!!"

Bi Diao uttered a high-pitched cry, flapped its wings and flew up, the eagle's eyes flashed sharply, and firmly held the small ball on the bird's beak.

Without thinking too much, he swallowed it on the spot.

Bird Pokémon have their own unique esophagus organs, which can be used to feed back food or store props. There is no need to create an additional mega stone utensil and inlay it on the surface of their body.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi took a deep breath and raised his right hand high.

On the right wrist is a mega bracelet made by Datoru.

In the same way, Bi Diao circled for a while, and came to the position directly above Xiao Zhi's head.

"Let's mega evolve, Bi Diao!!"

As Xiaozhi let out a loud roar, with a thought, the keystone bracelet on his wrist and the inside of Bi Diao's throat began to emit a strange white light.

The light kept flickering, and finally even came out of the body, turning into a series of energy pulses like electric currents, connecting a person and a bird in the void.

Bi Diao's body was also completely covered by strange white light energy, and a special shell similar to a prismatic eggshell evolved on the surface of the body.

bang bang...! !

In the end, all the colorful energy eggshells were broken, and Bi Diao appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

The whole body appears shorter and wider, and the feathers covering the back have changed from the previous yellowish brown to reddish brown.

There are traces of blue feathers on the edges of the wider and longer wings.

The most striking thing is that the feather crown on the eagle's head has become more gorgeous, with golden feathers in the middle and fancy pink feathers on both sides.

Not only that, but a crooked pink feather fell on his forehead.

The other strand extended to the back, like a pink tail, which was actually slenderer than the whole body, swaying in the wind, looking extremely coquettish and cool.

Mega compares carvings! !

The power of mega evolution is not easy to master, forcibly using it may even sometimes cause Pokémon to fall into a state of berserk and lose their minds.

But for today's Xiaozhi and his veteran, it is not difficult.

After a little getting used to each other's fetters, they can basically be used smoothly.

"Is this Bi Diao's mega evolution...?"

"It's become even cooler..."

This big movement made Xiaogang and Xiaolan who were not far away also approached, and it was the first time they saw Bi Diao's new form.

However, the long feathers on the back of Mega Bidiao's head seem to have no other purpose besides being handsome...


After gaining the new power of mega evolution, Bi Diao's speed has been greatly improved.


Flying in mid-air, there was even a penetrating friction sound.

It seems that even the air can't bear the speed of this gust of wind.

The improvement of Mega Bidiao is basically in the two aspects of speed and special attack, and other qualities have not changed much.

Whoosh! !

I saw Mega Bi Diao's wings flying out several blue and white air blades, both in number and power, far exceeding the previous warm-up moves.

Bombarded on the ocean, the entire surface of the sea was shattered with cutting marks, and the momentum was huge.

Boom boom! !

The storm trick aroused by the wings stretched even more, and combined with the sea in front of it, forming a very huge sea tornado, sucking everything in the ocean.

It is difficult to see the end of the sky, as if connected to the sky all the way...


Even when Xiaozhi saw it, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

But now that the mega evolution is ready to go, you can also try what Brother Chi said before.

"Bi Diao, come down first."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and shouted.

"Comparison with carvings~!"

Mega Bi Diao immediately flew down, folded his wings, and stood beside Xiaozhi like a rigorous guard.

As for one person and one bird, they looked at a Chenglong leisurely spraying water on the sea nearby.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan didn't know what was going on, and didn't know what kind of riddle Xiaozhi was trying to play.

"Chenglong, use absolute zero!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth and instructed.

"Turbish ~!!"

Chenglong understood, and after making a melodious cry, his whole body began to emit an astonishing chill.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to freeze suddenly.

The overwhelming icy energy spread out, and the sea water connected to his body was instantly frozen into solid ice.

creak creak...!!

The absolute zero attack continued to spread outward, and the originally swaying sea surface also began to freeze outwards with Chenglong as the center.

It wasn't until it spread nearly 30 meters all the way that the icy trajectory converged.

"Now, use parrot to learn tongue!!"

Xiaozhi instructed again.

This time, the object of Xiaozhi's words is Mega Bi Diao.

At this moment, the latter's eyes were shining brightly, and a strange white light was flowing in his pupils, and he had completely copied Chenglong's absolute comprehension of this one-hit-kill move.

"Compared to the carving~!!"

Next, it took off with wings and landed on another sea surface. In an instant, a terrifying and chilling chill arose once again overwhelming the sky.

creak creak...!!

The surface of the sea, which was still flowing, was frozen into solid ice again in less than a while.

"Is it really possible to copy a one-hit kill..."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi nodded, and a characteristic name that brother Chi said appeared in his mind.

No defense.

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