He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 971 Xiaozhi who committed the crime of arrogance

After completing the mega evolution, Xiaozhi suppressed the excitement in his heart, but his expression on the surface pretended to be a lot calmer.

I don't know if Mr. Dawu knows about Bi Diao's information, but he only has one chance to use his defenseless Absolute Zero, so he must grasp it.

Cold knowledge, it is said to be 100% hit, but in fact there is still a risk of being dodged.

Absolute Zero is not a long-range move, it must be cast close...

"In this case, use the tide spin trick!!"

Xiaozhi concentrated and launched an attack decisively.

After the mega evolution, Bi Diao's body appeared wider. When the wings flapped forward, a water tornado condensed within a short while, pushing towards the target.

Tide spin...?!

Dawu was taken aback for a moment, is this a move that Dabiri can master?

"Use metal claws!"

However, the armored bird raised its metal claws and rushed into the vortex of the water alone. With a swipe to the sides, it completely split the huge tide vortex move, bursting into countless water droplets and falling down.


But the next moment, Bi Diao's phantom rushed towards him, and his figure was already less than one meter away from the armored bird.

After mega evolution, Bi Diao's speed skyrocketed again.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi finally stopped suppressing the ecstasy on his face, and roared loudly:

"It's time to decide the outcome, use absolute zero!!"

Absolute zero at this distance, absolutely cannot escape!

"Absolute zero...?"

Hearing this voice, Dawu was stunned for a while, although he also guessed that Chaoxuan was just a cover move...

But absolute zero was something he didn't expect.

Dawu didn't come back to his senses until the sky above this large stone room was covered with a shivering chill.

creak creak...!!

An ice mist that chilled everything spread out from Mega Bi Diao's body, and even the surrounding air was frozen into solidified ice.

And the closest armored bird was the first to bear the brunt of the shocking chill, and the metal body was covered with thick ice visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it was completely frozen into a big ice lump.

As if unconscious, his eyes widened and he didn't move.

"Haha I won!!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi instantly entered the stage of ecstasy.

Squeak bang! !

It's just that before the armored bird fell from the sky, the ice layer attached to its body had already cracked.


The armored bird flapped its wings and was not affected.

"How can it be?!"

The ecstatic expression froze on Xiaozhi's face, and he blurted out in surprise.

No hits?

Impossible, the armored bird has been frozen into ice sculptures.

So it was the grade gap that caused the failure? !

But Xiaozhi didn't think it would be this answer, there shouldn't be any problems with his plan...

When the battle situation changed, Xiaozhi suddenly became flustered, and even Bi Diao, who was in mid-air, also began to panic.


However, Dawu on the other side just chuckled, and instantly saw through Xiaozhi's plan.

But now is not the time for him to explain...

"Armor bird, use the cannon light cannon!!"

The armored bird opened its iron mouth, both sides were covered with dense and short sharp teeth, and a streak of silver energy quickly accumulated.

Whoosh! !

The silver streamer flew out!

"Bi Diao Diao...!!"

Bi Diao hastily dodged.

Just the next moment, a silver figure appeared directly above Bi Diao's figure.

You must know that at this moment, the armored bird is still maintaining a lightweight state, and its speed is extremely fast.

"Now, use metal claws!!"

As Dawu's voice fell, the armored bird came out with both claws, and slashed at the back of Mega Bi Diao from the front.

Hiss! !

With severe back pain and strong impact, Bi Diao almost fell to the ground, but at the last moment he propped up his wings and flew again.

It's just that when Bi Diao and Xiaozhi looked up, they saw that the armored bird was at the absolute commanding height of the rock wall ceiling, and the surface of the silver-white body was filled with golden energy...

"Armor bird, use the bird to slam!!"

Dawu gave a low snort and attacked mercilessly.

Whoosh! !

In an instant, the armored bird turned into a divine bird of golden light, and swooped down quickly!

This armored bird accumulates energy extremely fast,

Or it could be said that Dawu, who had seized the opportunity, attacked like a storm, making it difficult to breathe.

Until now, Xiaozhi finally saw the strength of this former league champion.

It seems to be completely locked, this move can't dodge and maneuver at all...

"Bi Diao, let's use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Xiaozhi was forced into Dawu's rhythm, so he could only attack from the front.

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Mega Bi Diao's whole body suddenly burst into blue energy flames, and when his wings flapped, he also rushed towards the midair with an extremely domineering momentum!

The next moment, Brave Bird and Raptor collided head-on without hindrance!

It is obviously the same attribute energy, but the color is one gold and one blue, and the energy flames fly towards the surroundings.


The terrible collision, even though the two birds were in mid-air, still made the entire rock wall of the stone chamber tremble, and the movement was extremely loud.

In the end, the energy exploded completely, and a burst of thick smoke and dust exploded in midair, covering everything.


Xiaozhi stared at the sky closely, his face tensed.

In less than a while, a figure quickly fell from the smoke and dust, and hit the rocky ground below heavily.


Countless dust was splashed, and finally Bi Diao fell to the ground like this, the colorful light dissipated, and he withdrew from the posture of mega evolution.

Bi Diao lost his ability to fight.


On the other side, the armored bird landed in front of Dawu, its body with steel wings folded together, with several scars on it.

But his eyes were still sharp, and he scanned them.

The victory and defeat have been divided.


"I lost..."

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi's head sank, his fists clenched, and finally he could only admit it.

It was a matter of course for him to lose to a league champion...but at this moment, Xiao Zhi seemed a little unbelievable.

He hadn't experienced a defeat for a long time, and he seemed to subconsciously think that he could defeat Dawu as a matter of course?

Taking back the armored bird, Dawu walked slowly and reminded softly:

"Xiaozhi, the characteristic of my armor bird is strong."


Xiaozhi rubbed Bi Diao's feathers, and subconsciously repeated it in his mouth.

He knows the characteristic of sturdiness. In the state of full health, after receiving any attack, the last bit of stamina must be retained... probably equal to the imposing belt.

But the armored bird had been hit by Bi Diao's Yan Fan before!

And the appearance of the armored bird is more like a state of health, rather than a drop of blood in the wind...

"Because of its strong properties, it also has a second effect."

Dawu saw Xiaozhi's doubts, and explained softly:

"In the face of the sturdiness characteristic, all one-hit kill moves are invalid."

So when seeing Bi Diao perform Absolute Zero, why can he master this move compared to the latter...

Dawu was even more surprised that someone would use a one-hit kill move on his armored bird?

"So there is such a saying..."

Knowing what happened, Xiaozhi took back Bi Diao, and Xiaozhi stood up rather disappointed.

He was completely defeated.


Even Chi, who had been watching the battle silently, couldn't help shaking his head.

A champion of the league made him also interested in secretly observing, but obviously Xiaozhi didn't force much of Dawu's strength.

Chi sat on the grand master's chair in his hat space, surrounded by mysterious unknown totems, and the golden light flowed, but he sighed softly:

"This kid, committed the crime of arrogance."

It looks like someone who dictated the punishment of God for crimes...

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