He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 972: Mushui Town and the Three Divine Pillars

In this battle, he only thought about his own comparison, but ignored the actual situation of the opponent's armored bird... This is a big taboo for military strategists.

Steel attributes, rock attributes, can be said to be the attributes with the most sturdy Pokémon.

Not to mention the flying attribute bird, facing the armored bird, it is at a huge attribute disadvantage from the beginning.

In order to use this new one-hit kill move, he forced the unfavorable Bi Diao to appear on the stage.

Obviously, Emperor Yan, who uses the fire attribute, has a much higher winning rate...

Chi counted Xiaozhi's several crimes of arrogance.

Xiaozhi: "..."

The crimes one after another naturally fell into his ears seamlessly, making his head swell.

Xiaozhi could only shake his head, temporarily suppressing Chi's voice.

Although what you say makes sense, now is not the time to condemn yourself!

Chi: "Well, now you have committed the crime of laziness..."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Dawu: "?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's face suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny, he thought Xiaozhi had broken his defense because of this battle.

The level is not bad, but this mentality still needs to be tempered.

But I have to say, if he had replaced it with another Pokémon that didn't have the sturdiness characteristic, it might really be in Xiaozhi's hands...

Without continuing to fight, Dawu can't evaluate Xiaozhi's strength for the time being.

But the name of the Heavenly King trainer should not be worth it.

But what makes Chi sigh is that in the past, even any Pokémon owned by the king of the alliance would make it difficult for Xiaozhi to parry.

Now even if it is the main Pokémon of a league champion, Xiaozhi can at least compete...


Taking back the poke ball, Xiaozhi and Dawu planned to leave this ancient sacrificial stone room.

After all, the latter is for gathering information, and now that the murals have been recorded, there is no need to stay here.

"By the way, Mr. Dawu, when President Zvqi asked me to see you, I will give this to you."

After the fighting enthusiasm passed, Xiaozhi finally remembered that there was still a letter in his arms, and quickly took it out to complete the delivery task.

"Father's letter...?"

Dawu thought about it again, it seems that he has really been useless to use the communication phone recently.

He took the envelope and opened it to have a look.

Dawu's expression gradually became serious, as if he was thinking about something.

"Is it because of that catastrophe...?"

Xiaozhi asked tentatively.

These words made Dawu couldn't help but take another look at Xiaozhi, it seems that his father also told the young man in front of him about that incident.

This kind of strength is barely qualified to intervene in major events at the regional level.

"It can only be said that it has something to do with that catastrophe..."

Thinking of this, Dawu simply passed the envelope in his hand to Xiaozhi.

The above is just a few lines of text, please Dawu to investigate a mysterious incident.

"Many archaeologists gathered in Mushui Town. It is said that they have cracked the mystery about the Three Divine Pillars, and now they are trying to awaken them from the ancient seal..."

"Go to Mushui Town to investigate, and don't let this group of people get into trouble."

"When necessary, if the power of the Three Divine Pillars can be used, let's use it temporarily."

Xiaozhi looked confused, where is Mushui Town?

What is the Three God Pillar, Pokémon?

"Mushui Town is a seaside town in the south of the Fangyuan area. As for the Three God Pillars..."

Seeing Xiaozhi's doubts, Dawu slowly explained:

"The Three Divine Pillars are legendary Pokémon that have been passed down in the Fangyuan area since ancient times. Well, in your Kanto area, they probably exist similar to the Three Divine Birds."

Hearing this comparison, Xiaozhi instantly understood.

The Kanto area is the three sacred birds, and the Johto area is the three holy beasts... So the Fangyuan area is the three sacred pillars?

Pillar, three pillar Pokémon?

Xiaozhi thought about it in his mind, and his appearance was unimaginable.

Dawu's eyes were solemn, thinking secretly about his father's scrutiny.

In order to deal with the catastrophe in the Fangyuan area, now his father is constantly preparing a new way out.

Bioenergy is a way...

The power of the Three Divine Pillars is also a way...

But in Dawu's heart, there is only one most critical path.

Gulardo, Kyoka, Rikkakuza!

These three ancient gods in Fangyuan area are the focus of their research.

Coupled with the prehistoric murals seen now, it is obvious that in ancient times, there was a disaster involving three ancient gods.

"But the matter of the Three Divine Pillars is indeed not a trivial matter..."

Thinking of this, Dawu narrowed his eyes and put away the letter.

He planned to get out of the cave of stones, so he drove the armored bird directly to Mushui Town.

"By the way, in order to thank you for delivering the letter, then this thing, I will give it to you as a gift."

Thinking of something, Dawu suddenly took out a small ball from his arms and threw it to Xiaozhi.

After receiving the little ball, Xiaozhi naturally recognized the object in his hand immediately.

"This is a mega stone...?!"

Small orange beads with a red and blue ribbon in the center.

Dawu nodded and said casually:

"This is a mega stone that I unearthed by accident, and it's not in our Devon company's mega stone guide, so there is a high probability that it is a mega stone from Pokémon in other regions."

As for the specific type, Dawu is not clear.

No one has planted trees before... If you want to use unknown newly unearthed mega stones, then there is only a stupid way to try one by one.

"Thank you Mr. Dawu!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi didn't shirk it, and carefully kept this mega.

Might be useful in the future.


Next, Dawu took out the hole-piercing rope props.


The two grabbed the rope and spun on the spot for a while, and when they blinked again, the sun by the sea had already shone on Xiaozhi's two people.

They returned to the mouth of the Cave of Stones.

"Then Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, see you next time..."

As he said that, Dawu released the armored bird to take off, and after a while, it disappeared from Xiaozhi's sight.

It's been a while since my father's letter was signed, and I don't know if I will have time to go to Mushui Town...

And Xiaozhi turned back and went to the basement level of the Stone Cave...

Forest lizard, the two friends are still in the cave.

When he returned to the beginning, the collapsed position of the cave and the underground floor.

With such a big movement, there are quite a few mountain men gathered here at the moment.

Xiaozhi also saw two familiar figures.

On the one hand, under Xiaogang's treatment, the forest lizard has basically recovered.


The forest lizard was holding its head in both hands, leaning against the rock wall to rest, and its movements were rather cold and arrogant. .

It's just that on the latter's chest, a scar of more than ten centimeters looks a little scary, and it still hasn't healed.

But in this way, it made the forest lizard look more wild and aggressive.


Even Pikachu saw it and wondered if he would draw a scar on his face one day, it's pretty cool...

On the other side, Xiao Lan looked down from the collapse, and beside her was a yellow upright Pokémon, which looked cute and looked like a human girl.

"It seems that the big mouth baby has been tamed...?"

It's just that the strange black mouth of the big mouth child's head is extended backwards, and when it is closed, it still shows sharp teeth, which looks rather intrusive.

This is a Pokémon that can only look at the front face...

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