He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 977 vs. Vortex Ghost!

Soon, Xiaozhi led the strong chicken, and the lobster soldier had officially entered the depths of the corridor.

At this moment, there are no other tourists here. It can be said that Nuo Da has a large space, and he is the only human being.


Pikachu cast flash again to illuminate everyone, and the strong chicken and Xiaozhi walked side by side.

After all, this is the sea area, not the area where the strong chicken is good at.


The Lobster Soldier waved its big pincers and led the crowd to open the way ahead.

Although the current lobster minion is still a pure water Pokémon, once it evolves, it can get a "evil attribute", which can be regarded as a professional ghost-fighting lobster in reserve.


Xiaozhi slowly pushed open one of the rather wide doors, and there was a lounge-like place inside.

Next to it, there are several rather old navigation logs and books.

This is the written record left by the staff of Zeng Jinhai Zijin, which was preserved by Zijin City.

As a prop for tourists to experience the environment at that time in depth.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi opened the diary casually, trying to find out something about the ghost Pokémon.

"Is that so..."

After some investigation and reading several diaries in a row, Xiao Zhi had a new understanding of this Viola, or the Viola company.

It turned out that the original Corydalis company was responsible for the construction of this offshore platform.

And the manpower and material resources... come from the Sinnoh region, a place called Heijin Tanpit.

Most of Zeng Jin's staff here are also employees of Heijin Tankeng.

After all, the mining field in the Fangyuan area was already occupied by Devon, and Corydalis had no choice but to choose other overseas partners.


It's just that the more you look at it, the more frightening it becomes, and Xiaozhi couldn't help but gasp.

At that time, the competition between Devon and Corydalis had reached its peak, and whoever broke through its technical limitations first could completely defeat the opponent.

For this reason, employees who work on this platform are also forced into a crazy work mode.

Seven days a week, 24 hours a shift, 996 has become a younger brother here.

No overtime pay, no promotion and holidays...

Even at work, they are forced to sing work songs.

"Working on holidays is great~Labor unions are not advisable~Overtime fees are unnecessary~New energy~Hai Zizhen~"

Xiaozhi tried humming a few times, but it still rhymed.

After reading these records, even Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

Deserves bankruptcy.

This place seems to be a despicable sweatshop at all!

"Shouldn't it be the ghosts of these workers who are causing trouble here...?"

Thinking of something suddenly, Xiaozhi couldn't help shivering.

The above did not say what the movement of this group of employees will be.

But when Xiaozhi was flipping through the diary, a crooked ball of paper suddenly fell from the middle layer.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a letter of apology.

"I, Solan Reis, accidentally lost a keystone brought from the Black Gold Charcoal Pit. I am deeply sorry..."

Xiaozhi touched his head, wondering what the "keystone" was?

Is it an item similar to Mega Stone?



Suddenly, the entire closed room began to be gusts of wind, a mysterious sense of oppression, which made Xiao Zhi feel that his face was being pressed down by something.

"Is it finally here?!"

Xiaozhi was not secretly happy, he walked in this indoor location so carelessly, just to fight this ghost head-on.

Turning his head, he saw a large mass of purple translucent gas in front of him, in the shape of a vortex.

Among them, there are also a few dark green bewitching light beams.


The hazy silhouette just appeared in front of Xiaozhi, and even the green eyes and the big gaping mouth could be vaguely seen on it.

"Are you the Pokémon that sucks the air? Then I will subdue you today!!"

Xiaozhi didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, and even waved his hand, taking the initiative to attack.

"Lobster minion, use the bubble light!!"


The big white eyes of the lobster soldier froze, and the pincers opened, and countless foams flew out of it, and they rushed towards the huge ghost in front of them.


However, the bubble light just goes straight through and doesn't make any sense at all.

"It doesn't work..."

Xiaozhi frowned secretly, ghost Pokémon can be said to be the most metaphysical, often appearing in this state of no entity and unable to attack.

"In this case, let's use the trick of shooting down!!"

Xiaozhi attacked again.

There is still the blood of evil in the body of the lobster soldier!


The failure of the skill also made the lobster soldier angry, and immediately rushed towards the target.

One of the large pliers shone with a dark purple light.

Shoot down!


However, this time, the slap-down pliers still penetrated straight through, completely missing.


And this huge purple-black vortex grimace made a mocking sound.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

Not only that, the green streamer on the ghost's face suddenly shot out.

Taking advantage of the moment when the lobster soldier had just finished shooting and landed, several green lights also penetrated the lobster soldier's body.

Only this time, it wasn't an invalid attack.

The entire red shrimp shell of the lobster soldier began to shrivel up to the naked eye, and the essence of the whole shrimp seemed to be sucked dry.


After a while, the lobster soldier could only stagger in place, and finally fell down heavily.

"Damn, what kind of move is this..."

Xiaozhi quickly took the lobster soldier back.

Killing the lobster minion with one move proves that this Pokémon is of a very high level.

This gave Xiaozhi the first time he met his own Geng Ghost, the latter also brought him such a strong sense of oppression.

No, this time it was much stronger.

"Didi. Can't recognize Pokémon..."

Even the illustration book made a sound of ignorance and weakness.

"In this case, Lizhuang Chicken, prepare to fight!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he attacked again:

"Strong chicken, use the trick of seeing through!!"

See through, this is a common move of the fighting attribute, which endows fighting Pokémon with the ability to effectively hit ghost Pokémon.

This is Xiaozhi's hidden secret weapon.


The strong chicken immediately jumped in front of the vortex ghost, screamed loudly, and his eyes were sharp, as if it had pierced through something.

"Then use the double kick!!"

The strong chicken jumped up, and kicked out two sharp high-speed kicks with two sharp chicken claws in the air, directly attacking the face of the purple-black vortex ghost face.

call out...!

It's just that the double kick in the state of seeing through is still going straight through.

Whoosh...! Whoosh...!!

The vortex grimace repeated its old trick, and several green beams of light shot out with lightning, which also penetrated the body of Li Zhuang Chicken.

"Just..." After a while, the originally strong Li Zhuang Chicken also fell into a weakened state, half kneeling on the ground, staggering.

Another quick kill.


After doing this, the vortex ghost looked at Xiaozhi, and let out a creepy laugh.

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