He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 978 Huayan monster, ghost potted plant!

The two generals who killed him in an instant still showed a dangerous look...

Although the facial features of the ghost in front of him were vague and abstract, they should be mocking him.

Different from the original Geng Gui, the latter has ambivalence of resentment against humans and pranks.

But the vortex ghost in front of him... seems to be purely trying to squeeze out all the targets he sees.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

In the next moment, several green beams of light shot out from the ghost image again, shooting towards Xiaozhi.


Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly rolled over at a high speed, dodging two attacks in a row.

He didn't dare to bet on whether his body could block the opponent's draining attack.

And Pikachu next to him even shuddered, it had already noticed the whirlpool grimace in front of it, and turned its target on itself.

Wild Pokémon tend to attack Pokémon more.


The green light that can drain the soul hits repeatedly, and Pikachu hurriedly dodges up and down.

Electric mice are also afraid of ghosts.

If I had known earlier, the forest lizards and the forest lizards would have stayed at the gate to keep watch!

Pikachu even flew an electric ball in the gap, but it went straight through the ghost image without any effect.

"This is...?"

However, while Pikachu and Ghost Shadow were in a battle, Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the ground, discovered something.

From the back of this vortex ghost, there was a blurry tail extending backward instead of a completely independent existence.

It's more like a ghost growing out of something...?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi had a plan in his mind, stood up immediately, grabbed the door and ran towards the gate.

"Pikachu, get ready to run!"

Pikachu understood, and immediately launched a flash of lightning to shuttle flexibly among several green lights, and finally went straight through the vortex ghost and passed by.

Da da da...!

The next moment, one person and one mouse had already returned to the corridor outside, running again and again.


This group of ghosts seemed to be out of their minds, and it took them a while to react.

call out...!

Following the tail of the phantom behind him, the whole group of vortex ghosts began to shrink, and quickly chased after Xiaozhi and the other two.


"It's here!"

Following the extension direction of the ghost shadow tail, Xiaozhi in the corridor set his eyes on one of the gates.

At this moment, this tail is pierced through this gate.

The door was even more dilapidated, as if it hadn't been opened for a long time.


Xiaozhi pulled the doorknob, but it was locked and could not be opened.

Seeing that the group of ghosts behind was about to catch up, Xiao Zhi quickly instructed:

"Now, use Iron Tail!"


Pikachu jumped up, hit the steel tail and swept towards the door in front of him.

Boom! !

With a majestic blow, the entire door was smashed on the spot until the screws burst, and it was shot out in a horizontal motion.

Xiaozhi quickly ran into the room holding his nose, surrounded by smoke and dust, and cobwebs, obviously it was a place that hadn't been used for a long time.

Here, it looks like a tool storage room.

And there is nothing special in the room, except that in the center of the floor, there is a brown-gray stone, which looks like a stone pier more than ten inches long.

Not only that, but there are several crooked cracks on the stone pier.


From the cracks, translucent purple air seeped out, extending all the way to the outside.


When the shadow flew back, the translucent strip behind it was connected to the crack of the stone pier.

"So this stone pier is the main body...?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, no wonder the illustrated book couldn't get any data.

He quickly took out the illustration book, and sure enough, this time the illustration book completely identified the other party.

"Didi. Huayan monster, also known as ghost potted plant in the folk, is a ghost and evil-type Pokémon. For unknown reasons, it was sealed into the keystone by someone at an unknown time, and the legend leaked out. His body is made up of countless human souls."

The illustrated book said loneliness.

But Xiaozhi heard one of the key words.


Are you talking about this dilapidated stone pier with cracks?

He also saw this name in the letter of apology before. It seems that it was brought from the Sinnoh area. No wonder the Fangyuan area shows that there is no such ghost...

After staying here quietly for decades, now that the seal of the keystone is loose, the body finally got out of it, causing riots?

Xiaozhi blindly guessed.



Almost returning to the main body, the purple-black swirling flower rock monster was suspended above the keystone.

The body at this moment is particularly solid, revealing the complete green eyes and lightning-shaped curved mouth.

Around the big face, there is a row of green spots of different sizes.

The whole appearance is like a wide-faced flower growing on a keystone.

"No wonder it's called a ghost potted plant..."

Xiaozhi nodded secretly. Generally, official names are more formal, while folk translations are more realistic and vivid.

Such as fast dragon and hypertrophy.

But at this moment, the main body has appeared, so the current attack should no longer be an invalid attack, right?

Boom! !

The Huayan monster stared, and actually shot out two curved black currents.

Shadow of the night!

For the first time in so many years, it was chased to its lair by humans, which somehow gave it a sense of crisis.

Get rid of the electric mouse in front of you!

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"


Now entering the battle of Pokémon, Pikachu calmed down, his body tensed up, the electric current surged, and a similarly bent electric current shot out.

Boom! !

The collision of the tricks caused a burst of smoke and dust explosion in this not-so-wide room.


Before the smoke dissipated, a ghost figure suddenly sprang out from the middle, and it flew down to Pikachu's side in the blink of an eye.

It's just that the Huayan monster didn't attack directly, and a vortex grimace unexpectedly rushed to Pikachu's ear.


Sneaky, seems to be whispering something.

The next moment, Huayan Monster's ghost-faced gas was strangely retracted into the keystone, giving people a sense of returning to the Poke Ball.


But Pikachu staggered on the spot, and his movements suddenly became limp.

I don't know why, but after listening to the Huayan monster's whispers, I feel as if I suddenly became weak?

"Didi. Unique trick: drop the harsh words, and after letting go of the harsh words, you will be forced to exit, and the target who hears the harsh words will reduce the attack and special attack."

The illustration book reminded in time.

Since the Huayan monster didn't have any elf balls at the moment, he went straight back to his keystone.

"It's pretty fun to play... In that case, use Iron Tail!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi fixed his gaze, and planned to directly attack the keystone of Huayan Monster's body.

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