He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 982 Offer a reward to the thief, face Bobo!

Kaina City, considered to be a city close to the center of the Fangyuan area, was also set by Bilan as its base camp.

She doesn't intend to continue to perform by Xiaolan's side... well, but she will still stay in the same area.

Next, whether it is looking for dreams, or making troubles, or acting alone is more convenient.

During Xiaozhi's and his group's travels in the Fangyuan area, Bilan planned to start a big business with Kaina City as the starting point.

"By the way, this is a meeting ceremony~!"

When everyone left the beach and headed for the city, Bilan suddenly thought of something and turned her head slightly.

This is a strange expression, but an 18-year-old man, in front of a group of 11- and 12-year-old boys and girls, looks a bit curious.

In the Fangyuan area, it seems to be a very common thing for elders to give gifts to younger generations.

Immediately afterwards, the blue palm reached into her bra without any scruples, fumbled for a while, and then took out two round beads.

About the size of a pigeon's egg, it is a strange color of seven colors.

In the end, he casually threw it to Xiaolan and Xiaogang next to him.

"And the temperature..."

Xiao Gang blushed and murmured.

But Xiaolan next to her had a bright eye and recognized the object in her hand on the spot.


That is, when mega evolves, the props that humans need to wear can resonate with the mega stones on Pokémon.

The key stone bracelet on Xiaozhi's hand has made her envious for a long time!

"Sister Bilan, where did this precious item come from...!?"

Holding the keystone, Xiaolan couldn't put it down, and asked quite fieryly.

Coincidentally, she now has the mega stone of Big Mouth Baby, and the keystone is also complete, and she can already start preparing for Big Mouth Baby's mega evolution!

"It's really a great gift...!"

Xiao Gang next to him also showed a shocked expression.

Is this the boss' move? It's really generous.

Compared to the one in Xiaozhi's body... let's not talk about it for now.


"Well~ this thing is my trophy~!"

Bilan just waved her hands indifferently, feeling like a big sister.

With her appearance and figure, walking on the street can naturally attract countless eyes.

"Then I was molested by two hooligans one day~!"

Bilan smiled proudly.

She took the initiative to send it up to seek death, which she did not expect.

So Bilan easily cleaned up the two hooligans...just hit the younger one, and then the older one came.

"It seems to be two senior cadres of the lava team~"

Bilan said with a smile, as if she was still reminiscing about the original scene.

In the end, the two groups opened their bets and fought a battle... and what Bilan was eyeing was naturally the keystone in the hands of the two senior cadres.

Fangyuan area and Carlos area are currently the only places where keystones are mined. Although the storage capacity of keystones is still extremely low...but on average, there are actually several large organizations.

And those two senior cadres were good, but they were easily taken away by Bilan.

"Then it's your meeting~"

Bilan doesn't have much obsession with mega evolution, she is more inclined to the battle of surprise soldiers...

If it is not a regular face-to-face battle, the demand for keystones is naturally not that high.

"You are amazing, Big Sister Bilan~!"

"As expected of Big Brother Bilan!"

The two who obtained the important props naturally expressed their admiration without hesitation.


Bilan looked quite useful, with her hips akimbo, leading the crowd in front of them flaunting her might.

"Well, Big Brother Bilan, what about me...?"

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi finally pointed at himself, showing his presence.

Is this ignoring me on purpose, or have you forgotten?

"Oh~ I almost forgot~"

Thinking of this, Bilan didn't show favoritism, took out a spherical object from her bosom and threw it to Xiaozhi.

Starting with the sphere, Xiaozhi frowned.

This thing, if he is not mistaken...

"Didi. Muziguo, if Pokémon carries it, it will be immune to the chaos effect once during the battle."

The illustration book intimately reminded.

Xiaozhi: "..."

What a show of favoritism!

However, Bilan had already led everyone forward for a few meters, and had no intention of arguing with Xiaozhi about the importance of Muziguo and Keystone.

They are all combat props, there is no high or low, so there are no rubbish props, only rubbish trainers.

Xiaozhi: "..."



Kaina City, this is a rather leisurely and open seaside tourist city.

There are not too many high-rise buildings, most of them are hotels and shops, and the traffic is dense.

In the distance, you can also see a large open-air market... Rounded off, it belongs to a horizontal department store building.

"It's all rumors, it's all rumors! Experts pointed out that it is impossible for a tsunami to occur on Kaina Beach within 30 years!!"

But what surprised a few people was that at the moment, on a huge electronic screen at the entrance of the city, a Miss Junsha was repeating the announcement with a serious expression.

This electronic board is usually used for advertising... Today, because of the sudden appearance of Absolu, it was temporarily requisitioned as a news media.

Kaina City is not located in an earthquake-volcanic zone, and there have been no records of earthquakes or tsunamis in the past few decades.

The premonition of the tsunami this time is purely a rumor.

"Trust the Science! Trust the Experts!"

After repeated by Miss Jun Sha, the panicked crowd gradually calmed down.

Many daring people even turned back to the beach, brushed past Xiaozhi and the others, and continued to play.

This farce has finally come to an end...



After the rumor notification ended, the huge electronic screen in Kaina City switched back to the serious news notification.

"Recently, the Weather Research Institute has developed an induction wavelength device, which is expected to attract the lost god of the earth, Gulardo, back to the Fangyuan area, and it will be put into practical use in the near future..."

Xiaozhi was a little dazed, that guy Xiaomao seems to be doing this...?

"The investigation of the prehistoric underwater ruins in Mushui Town has made a major breakthrough, but the specific information has not been made public..."

"Insert an announcement. A huge reward order officially issued by Team Lava..."

At this time, another notification was inserted on the electronic screen.

"A Pokémon named Bobo is wanted in Quanfangyuan area. This criminal Pokémon has stolen important props from Team Lava."

"The characteristics of the prisoner Bobo are as follows... If someone arrests Bobo, or even has any clues, they can contact the official number of the lava team in exchange for a reward..."

Soon, the electronic screen flashed, and a picture of Bobo appeared.

The body shape of this Bobo is the same as that of ordinary Bobo, except that there is a mosaic on the face.

It's just that the mosaic is the same as if it hadn't been painted. You can still see that this Bobo has human facial features, and it seems to be wearing makeup?

Xiaozhi: "..."

A group of people turned their gazes to Bilan beside him.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan looked at the keystone in their hands...

"Wait a minute, isn't this stolen goods...?"

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