He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty third: Bilan who is fully wanted

"Hey!! I admit it!"

Under the suspicious eyes of the crowd, Bilan finally admitted the identity of the criminal Bobo.

"But I'm not stealing... It's obviously getting back my original things!"

Bilan quickly and seriously explained.

What happened in reality was a little bit different from the story she told before.

When she and the two senior cadres of the lava team ended the battle and easily won the victory...the two opponents turned their faces on the spot, turned around and left.

Helpless, Bilan could only choose to use violence to control violence, transforming into Bobo and stealing the two keystones that should have belonged to her.

"Damn it, this lava team dares to beat me up and insult my reputation!!"

Looking at the mosaic Bobo on the screen, Bilan suddenly became short of breath.

Hearing that Xiaolan and Xiaogang were relieved, they should not be considered stolen goods.

Only then, the picture changed again.

"Similarly, Team Ocean has recently been stolen by thieves and lost important props of the company... As for the clues of the suspects, the clues are temporarily unknown, and Team Ocean will provide high rewards to those who can provide clues..."

The few people looked confused, did the two groups have an appointment to be thieves?

Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on her face, Bilan's beautiful eyebrows raised, and she quickly defended herself:

"Hey, hey! I really don't know about the Ocean team!"

However, Xiao Gang discovered that the news time was marked in the lower right corner of the news, which was about a month ago.

It looks like a wanted warrant played on a loop, and it's been a month and there is still no news.

At that time, they hadn't officially set foot in the Fangyuan area yet.

"The misunderstanding is resolved, Sister Bilan~!"

"Don't worry, I have always believed in you the most!"

The three of Xiaozhi said seriously. It's just that the footsteps of everyone haven't gone far, and the third wanted warrant also appeared on the screen.

"Next is the wanted reward from the Devon Company...!"

Xiaozhi: "???"

The entire Fangyuan area has been thieves, right? !

"Ten days ago, the Devon company was stolen and several important items were lost. According to eyewitnesses, the suspect may be the same as the previous prisoner, Bobo..."

After speaking, the screen displayed the image of the mosaic Bobo again.

Bilan: "???"

Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes fall again, this time Bilan was more confused than them.

Well, you thief Dewen company, you like to follow suit and touch me, don't you? !

"Wait a minute, ten days ago, it was probably when we left Kanaz City..."

"At that time, sister Bilan, she should be in Kanaz City too...?"

"Hey, hey! I went to the nearby Kalu Tunnel to look for Dreams, so I don't have the time to deal with Dewen Company!!"

Bilan tried to argue, but her voice seemed weak.

After all, this time, the other party even had witnesses.

Devon, not Team Lava, Team Ocean, still makes sense.

"Wait a minute, I'll call President Zvoki."

Xiaozhi quickly took out his mobile phone and signaled Bilan to be safe.

After all, the time coincided with the time they left, and it might have something to do with them.

When the call was dialed, everyone found a place on the side of the road and sat down.

"Humph!! These bastards...!"

Bilan was still stomping her feet angrily, she hadn't done anything to the Fangyuan area, and the latter poured a basin of dirty water on it first.

Is it true that Bobo from other places is easy to bully! ?



Soon, the phone was dialed.

In the screen of the illustrated book, there was a man with a square face and silver-white hair.

"Isn't this Xiaozhi, what can I do for you? Oh, I've heard from Dawu that he has seen you..."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two quickly got to the point.

President Zvoki's expression also became serious.

"Actually, on that day, shortly after you left, the precious stone of the big bird disappeared..."

"Not only that, but two key stones and several precious mega stones were lost in the safe of our Devon Company..."

Each of these props is an extremely precious existence. Even the president Zvuch, who is used to watching the big rivers and waves, has a very painful expression on his face.

Because of this, President Zifuqi could only follow suit and issue a reward order, trying to recover a little loss.

"Hey! Old man, why do you think that Bobo stole it?! Brainless and embarrassing, right...?!"

At this time, Bi Lan next to her came up and scolded in an unceremonious tone.

"This girl is..."

The sudden appearance of the big head on the screen even surprised President Zvouchi.

It looks very similar to that girl named Xiaolan...Is it my sister?

"Oh, because after I presented the mega stones to you, my secretary went to the warehouse to check again... I happened to bump into a Bobo with a human face, grabbing a few beads and running away in a hurry..."

Pokémon criminals are becoming more and more rampant now!

After the words fell, everyone turned their gazes to Bilan again.

Secretary... Are you referring to Xiaona's secretary who greeted them?

Xiaozhi still remembered that the latter was a good-tempered big sister, about the same age as Bilan, and her skin was a darker wheat color that is quite common in the Fangyuan area.

"Damn! Someone really dares to target me. Even if the entire Fangyuan area is blown up this time, I will find out the murderer and hang him on a tall building to expose the public to the sun!!"

Saying that, Bilan lost her temperament to greet everyone, and jumped on the spot.

Puff puff...!

The next moment, after a strange wriggling, the human figure turned into a Bobo.

Without even saying goodbye to everyone, he flapped his wings and flew in one direction.

"Look!! It's Bobo with a human face!!"

"If you catch it, you can get a huge reward!!"

All of a sudden, the passers-by around were excited, holding various big nets and chasing after Bilan Bobo.

Whoop! !

One of the children then took out his slingshot, and the stones shot out hit the latter's wings with great precision.

"Damn... I forgot the default setting is Bobo..."

Seeing this, the blue-faced Bilan simply fell to the ground.

Hush! !

As soon as it landed, there was a burst of violent flying sand feet, completely obscuring the surrounding vision.

"Huh? Where's that Bobo just now?!"

"Why is it missing?!"

When the flying sand feet are over, there will be no traces of Bobo.

It's just that no one noticed that a Mukel with a human face was flying towards the distance...


"Sister Bilan should be fine..."

Xiaolan asked rather worriedly.

The three giants in the Fangyuan area seem to be eyeing her.

"Don't worry, Big Brother Bilan will be fine."

Xiaozhi didn't worry about anything, the boss's realm was not something they could look up to.

It's just this incident... Team Lava was done by Big Blue.

So who is Devon and the Ocean Team stealing?

Although Bilan denied it, with the character of the former, Xiaozhi was not too sure whether it was true or not.

And why are the key stones and mega stones related to mega evolution...?

"It shouldn't be Bilan..."

At this time, Chi's voice suddenly came from Xiaozhi's mind.

It's not that he believes in Bilan so much, even in Chi's mind, he wouldn't be surprised if Bilan really stole things from the three organizations.

The latter is not strictly a positive role.

But he didn't believe that Bilan would deny what he had done in front of his juniors.

Let's not talk about Team Lava and Team Ocean...just talk about Devon's words.

"In this matter, either Bilan is lying or the secretary is lying."

Chi came to the final conclusion.

"So there is a ghost inside...?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi thought to himself, he still prefers to trust his own people.

After all, knowing everything, Big Brother Bilan really doesn't need to pretend to be anything with them.

After thinking about it unsuccessfully, Xiaozhi could only send a message of "Beware of ghosts" to President Zivuqi, and temporarily put this matter behind...

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