He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 988: The Pendant of the Picture Book

"Good! Good! Good!"

Hearing that curator Kusnoji shouted three times, he almost lost his old gentleman's integrity.

Although Xiaozhi's age seems unbelievable, it is impossible for President Zvoki to deceive himself.

"Then let's share the location... Someday I will initiate an official challenge to Team Lava and Team Ocean. When the time comes, the location will be near the city you are traveling in. You only need to go to the designated location to accept the challenge. Can!"

Curator Kusnoji even considered Xiaozhi's trip, and would not interfere with the latter's itinerary at all.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed, which meant that he could find a lot of free experience packs along the way, purely for blood.

As for going against Team Ocean or Team Lava...

It doesn't matter, the Fangyuan area is not his hometown, anyway, after the league competition here, Xiao Zhi will also sell the bus.


Leave the Oceanographic Museum.

Due to being disturbed by Team Lava, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan ended the journey ahead of schedule.

"There is still some time, but I can go back to the gym for special training..."

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Xiaozhi slapped his fists, and immediately made a plan.

It was just these words that made Xiao Lan next to her suddenly feel nameless anger.

"Xiaozhi this guy...!"

Just now in the museum, I just watched the Roaring Whale King on my own. Now that I came out, I turned around and thought about going back to the special training...

Although Xiaolan didn't know why she was angry, but she just couldn't restrain this emotion, Baozi's face bulged like a fish with thousands of needles.


With a final stomp, he left Xiaozhi angrily, planning to find a place to be quiet.

"Wait a minute, Xiaolan..."

Xiaozhi was puzzled, but hurriedly called out.

"What are you doing!"

In a fit of anger, Xiaolan scolded Xiaozhi, which was rare, and subconsciously turned her head angrily.

Just the next moment, the sullen expression suddenly froze on his face again.

At this moment, Xiaozhi is holding two doll pendants in his hands, each with a kind of Pokémon hanging below them.

On one side is a turquoise long monster fish with white spots, its body is covered with orange fins, and its mouth full of teeth is exposed.

It's just because it is a Q-sized doll, it looks ugly and cute.

The other Pokémon is a pink slender fish with two purple shells on its chest.

"I don't know what kind of Pokémon this is...but the curator Kusnogi gave it to me just now. It seems that there is a custom of giving gifts on the Tanabata Festival...?"

Saying that, Xiaozhi put the spotted snake pendant on the corner of his illustrated book.

Then he handed the pink long fish pendant to Xiaolan.

His face was tight, and he looked quite serious, as if he was worried that Xiaolan would not accept it.


It was the first time to see Xiaozhi showing such an expression, and Xiaolan finally turned his anger into joy, and laughed softly.

That's right, Xiaozhi is Xiaozhi, and he shouldn't be angry at all.

After receiving Xiaozhi's cherry blossom fish pendant, Xiaolan also took out her illustrated book and put it on it carefully.

Finally, shaking in front of Xiaozhi, he asked rather playfully:

"How about it? Looks good~!"

"Well, it looks good..."

Xiaozhi nodded and blurted out.

It's just that when he said this, Xiaozhi's eyes seemed to fall on the pendant, or he seemed to be looking at himself...

This made Xiaolan's fair face instantly turn red.

"Then... Then Xiaozhi will exercise hard!! I will go to the beach by myself!!"

After hemming and hawing, Xiaolan didn't dare to stay where she was any longer, and left as if fleeing.

And Xiaozhi just looked at Xiaolan's gradually receding figure, and then looked at the corner of the illustrated book in his hand, the extra strange fish pendant.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but he turned and walked towards the hotel gym.


He even hummed a rare tune.

Chi: "..." Chi, who had witnessed this scene completely, didn't know for a while that he should evaluate Xiaozhi as a piece of wood that couldn't support the wall.

Or a seasoned veteran?

One release and one catch, just right, easy to do... outrageous.

"Run, blue girl, this cliff is a sea king!!"

If Bilan was nearby right now, she would have taken Xiaolan along with her...



Xiaozhi returns to the hotel gym to continue his special training.

And Xiaolan, who walked hundreds of meters away from the city, gradually came to the edge of the beach.

Looking at the pink sakura fish pendant at the corner of the illustrated book, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't fall for a while, and after walking a few steps, he took it out and looked at it for a while, full of joy.

"Hey, are you the foreign woman who stole the flame and the Hokage keystone? Isn't the foreigner too arrogant?"

Even the scolding sound from the side was completely ignored.

As if she didn't see or hear, Xiao Lan just passed by a woman with short purple hair standing by the beach without any reaction.

Huoyan: "..."

She frowned. Is this little girl ignoring herself on purpose?

Flame and Hokage are her two colleagues, and all three are senior cadres of the Lava team.

It's just that the precious keystone bestowed by Chiyansong was stolen by these two people recently by an inexplicable woman...

Although in the reward announcement, the lava team only notified the direct criminal - Bobo with a human face.

But the two colleagues have already told Huoyan that this Bobo must be the Pokémon manipulated and driven by that guy Bilan.

He even told Huoyan about Bilan's face portrait.

Now that they bumped into each other at the Oceanographic Museum, Huoyan naturally wouldn't stand by.

It's just that the faces are aligned, and the ages don't seem to match...?


However, Xiaolan just hummed the Zhenxin Town ditty to herself, until she walked tens of meters in a row, then she seemed to have realized it, and turned her head in a daze.

"Hey, are you calling me?"

It seems that the nerves have a high degree of latency.

But how can a normal person have a nerve delay, this little girl must be disgusting herself on purpose.


Huo Yan, who has always been indifferent, was a little disgusted by Xiao Lan in the first move, and his chewing gum tasted like chewing wax.

No wonder both Huo Huo and Hokage said that she was a scheming woman, especially good at attacking their psychological defenses.

Of course, the two didn't tell Huoyan about their previous battle with Bilan and the Keystone, and that they refused to accept their losses.

How can you forcibly take away the opponent's things after the battle? This is the behavior of a thief! !


"What the hell, Team Lava?"

Xiaolan who turned her head was stunned, and soon recognized that the purple-haired woman was the one standing next to Chi Yansong in the Oceanographic Museum.

Could it be that Xiaozhi has become the mascot of the Oceanographic Museum?

No, that's Xiaozhi's business, what are you doing to snipe yourself?

Wait a minute, she seemed to have said the word "stealing the keystone" just now...?

Xiaolan raised her eyebrows and finally came to her senses.

"Are you looking for Sister Bilan...?"

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