He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 989 Tonight's dreams are all sweet.

"Hey, hand over the keystone, maybe I will choose to spare your life...!"

Huo Yan's eyes turned serious, and he uttered a threat.

Xiaolan took a few steps back subconsciously, and suddenly sensed something behind her, turned her head, and saw a gorgeous golden fox.

The nine tails behind him were suspended and scattered in mid-air, and the scorching breath floated out faintly, which made people dare not be careless.

"Nine Tails...is this her Pokémon?"

Xiaolan put away all the joy before, it seemed that this woman was not joking.

But this is something that sister Bilan gave her. If there is a problem, go to Bilan, she will not just hand it over.

At this time, Xiaolan suddenly found a sneaky person approaching the sandy beach not far away, she quickly said pleasantly:

"Hey, Teacher Gang!"

However, Huo Yan's eyes did not leave Xiao Lan at all.

It's just a low-level diversion trick.

What made her even more curious was, could this mysterious woman really be able to change her age at will?

Drive the human face Bobo... You know that Bobo stole the keystone at that time, and even made a funny face at her two colleagues, just like...

Like a real person!

The art of disguise and transformation seems to be some kind of mysterious inheritance from other places. Maybe this seemingly harmless girl in front of her has such power.

sniff! sniff!

But the next moment, Huo Yan suddenly heard a continuous sniffing sound, as if something appeared and was smelling her body.

Taking a closer look, he saw a dark-skinned young man, squinting, constantly changing his position, sniffing at his body.

"Hey! What are you doing!!"

Huo Yan immediately reprimanded.

Is this little girl's accomplice?

Or a beach bum?

The law and order is not good recently, I heard that there are quite a few crazy idiots like this on the beach...

However, the next moment, Xiao Gang raised the corner of his mouth, revealing his white teeth.

With one hand, he gently raised Huoyan's palm, and gracefully bent his knees and squatted down.

In the other hand, there was already a bouquet of bright red roses.

"This beautiful lady, Qixi Festival has not yet passed completely, I wonder if you would like to play on this beach with Xiaosheng~?"

Xiao Gang sent out an invitation.

He was looking for beauty on the beach, but he didn't expect to smell a strange and charming fragrance... Following the source to find it, he didn't expect it to be a beautiful woman!

Huoyan: "..."

This is something she didn't expect.

Xiaolan: "..."

Xiaolan stepped back quickly, expressing that she was not very familiar with the man in front of her.

Seeing that many people had gathered around, after all Kyuubi was not a common Pokémon in Fangyuan area, Huoyan frowned secretly.

She doesn't like to do things in public...

"Hmph, then I will let you two go temporarily today!"

Thinking of this, Huo Yan let out a low cry, planning to stop for the time being.

"That beautiful lady..."

Xiaogang still wants to continue to deliver roses.


I saw that nine-tailed bird jumped up and landed in front of Huoyan, and it shouted back Xiao Gang's movements with a low growl.

"Anyway, I remember both of you, the Lava team is not a junior who can touch porcelain...!"

Huoyan seems to have a strong sense of belonging to the lava team, and after throwing down the last harsh words, he just walked away with Jiuwei.

The passers-by saw that there was nothing to eat, and immediately dispersed, leaving only Xiaolan and Xiaogang in place.

"This woman is not simple..."

Xiaolan's eyes fell on Huoyan's graceful and receding back, wondering if she could defeat him in a real fight.

She is not like Bilan, who likes to take the initiative to provoke others...but that doesn't mean she has no fighting power.

Next to him, Xiao Gang also fell into a state of silence, staring at Huo Yan's back in a daze.

The next moment, after knowing it later, Xiao Gang suddenly showed an expression of ecstasy.

"Xiaolan, did you hear that, she said she remembered me!! Then this big sister must be interested in me!!"

Although I don't know the name and identity of the other party... but tonight's dream will be sweet.

Xiaolan: "..."

Since Mr. Gang came to the Fangyuan area, his condition has become more and more serious...



Day 3 in Kaina City.

Today is the last day for the three of Xiaozhi to stay in this city, and tomorrow they will officially go to Zijin City where the third gymnasium is located.

But Xiaozhi didn't have any special training today, but went to the area north of Kaina City with Xiaolan and Xiaogang.

Gorgeous contest!

Both Xiaozhi and Xiaolan signed up for this competition, and today is the day of the competition.

"Glamourous Contest..."

Xiaogang did not participate, it is said that this is a competition to show the charm of Pokémon...so 70% of the age ratio of the participants are female trainers.

Contrary to the Gym Challenge, 70% of them are male trainers here.

"In other words, it is estimated that there will be many beautiful big sisters..."

Xiaogang rubbed his chin, thinking secretly that he could choose a good location for the meeting and observe it carefully.

"I don't know how the level of trainers in the gorgeous competition is...?"

Walking on the road, Xiaozhi also showed a look of anticipation.

It can be used as a warm-up before the challenge of the gymnasium, I hope it is not all some fancy fights...

"Xiaozhi, the trainer of the Gorgeous Contest has a unique title~ It's called Coordination Trainer~"

The three of Xiaozhi were chatting, when suddenly there was a clear and pleasant sound from behind.

The three of them turned their heads, only to see a girl with short brown hair, two strands of hair fell down on her forehead, and a big red bow was tied on her head, like two playful ears.

"Isn't this Xiaoyao~!"

The three were pleasantly surprised that the person who came was the novice trainer they met in Weibai Town.

I haven't seen her for about half a month, and she still looks young and beautiful.

"Long time no see, three~!"

Xiaoyao waved his hand and greeted cheerfully.

After some conversation, the three of them knew that Xiaoyao was also here to participate in the gorgeous competition.

"So you plan to become a coordination trainer?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, he thought the latter was joining the Gym Challenge just like him.

"No, I just want to try both sides of the game, anyway, I'm not in a hurry~"

Xiaoyao explained that she is interested in both paths...but she is not particularly enthusiastic about them.

After all, Xiaoyao's will at this moment comes from Xiaoyao in the electronic world.

In the electronic world, because Yushu took the lead to become the league champion, Xiaoyao did not continue to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion, and left Caiyou City after congratulating.

So no one knows Xiaoyao's exact strength.

As for the gorgeous contest... the gorgeous contest in the electronic world, she rushed to the master level.

But it is obvious that the gorgeous competition in this world is not the same as her memory.

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