He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 990 Gorgeous Contest!

On the way the four of them walked to the venue of the gorgeous contest in Kaina City, Xiaoyao introduced the gorgeous contest to several people.

After all, she is a native of the Fangyuan area, so she still understands.

The gorgeous contest in the electronic world is divided into two stages.

In the first stage, simply show Pokémon and use its own charm value to get high scores.

Among them, there are five groups: beautiful, smart, cute, handsome, and strong, and there are four levels: normal, super, advanced, and master.

The second stage is to let the trainers and Pokémon who have advanced to the first round use unique moves in turn to obtain high scores.

But the beauty contest in this world is different, there is no beauty pageant in the first stage of Electronic World.

Or about five dimensions of charisma ratings...will be completely spread out throughout the game.

The first stage here is already using skills, which is equivalent to the second stage in the electronic world.

And the second phase here... is the battle between coordinating trainers.

"It's not just a simple battle, but a battle under the premise of being gorgeous and elegant~"

Xiaoyao shook his finger and introduced with a wink.

"Each battle lasts for five minutes, and the big screen will also display the opponent's points. When the Pokémon is attacked, makes a mistake...even when the opponent shows a gorgeous move, or uses the opportunity to resist your move gracefully, it is all Points will be deducted. When the points come to an end, the winner will naturally be determined."

Xiaozhi was a little dizzy after hearing this round and round introduction.

"In short, it's just adapting to the situation, and you can score with a good operation."

Xiao Gang concluded that this was in line with Xiaozhi's fighting style.

"Yeah~ Of course, if you beat your opponent to the point where you can't fight 5 minutes ago, you can still decide the winner~!"

This sentence made Xiaozhi's eyes brighten up.

There are so many bells and whistles... It means that as long as you kill the opponent as quickly as possible, you can still tell the winner.

After making up his mind, Xiao Zhi secretly clenched his fists, let these coordinating trainers experience the fighting power of gym trainers!


Soon, the four of them entered the gorgeous competition venue.

"Then cheers everyone~!"

Xiao Gang snatched a seat in the first row and separated from the crowd.

Xiaozhi and the others went to the make-up and dressing room backstage.

In the gorgeous contest, although the focus is on the charm of Pokémon... but the appearance of the coordinating trainer will still affect it to a certain extent.

"I don't need it."

Xiaozhi waved his hand, but didn't intend to change into a dress.

"Hey~ Then I won't change~"

Originally, there were still many public dresses in the room, but after hearing that Xiaolan didn't plan to change them, she didn't have the dream of becoming a coordination trainer.


Xiaoyao next to her shook her head, but went to the side to change into the long orange dress she had prepared in advance.

After all, it is a game in my hometown, so there is still a sense of ceremony.

After some waiting, this gorgeous competition officially began.


"Hello everyone, I am the host of this gorgeous contest, Vivienne~!!"

The stage lights illuminated, and a woman with long brown hair stood on the stage, speaking a familiar opening remark.

There are no four levels of gorgeous contests in this world... There are only ordinary gorgeous contests, and the grand celebration of the gorgeous contest that only those who collect five ribbons are eligible to participate in.

The mode is somewhat similar to challenging gyms, collecting badges, and participating in alliance conferences.

Of course, there are no five types of groups...Of course, you punch hard on the stage, and the judges will also score according to the direction of strength.

Next to it, three judges sat in turn.

"First of all, Mr. Conkenstein, the Director of General Affairs of the Gorgeous Contest! Mr. Sukisa from the Pokémon Fan Club! And Ms. Joey from Kaina City!!"

Vivienne introduced the three of them. This is the standard lineup for the gorgeous competition in the Fangyuan area.

At this moment, the audience was already full of audience, and the applause was warm.

The Splendid Contest was held in the Fangyuan area, but it was a very popular competition, and there were no seats left.

"Then enter the first stage of the tournament right now! I invite contestant No. 1, contestant A from Lusha Town!!"

Vivienne introduced in a long voice, officially leaving the field to the contestants.

Soon, a contestant who couldn't see his face appeared on the stage, and when he threw the poke ball, there was already a coyote in front of him.

"The coyote uses a long howl!!"

I saw the hyena raised its head and let out a low growl at the sky.

Suddenly, a fierce red light appeared on its body.

"The next step is to awaken the power!!"

Player A continued to direct.

The hyena dog understood, arched its back, and immediately condensed a circle of energy white balls around its body, flying out.


The white energy was in mid-air, and the flame suddenly ignited again, it seemed to be a hyena dog awakened by fire.

"It's now!!"

The coyote leaped vigorously, and jumped over the awakening fire as if it were a ring of fire.

Finally, the flames of awakening collided with each other in mid-air, turning into flashes of light that shattered and fell down.

"Well, it looks pretty good~"

"This coyote is quite handsome."

"But there are some problems with the connection of moves..."

The three judges commented that they were quite polite.

There was no scoring after that, and player A left the field with the coyotes.

After all the contestants have finished their performances, the top eight contestants will be selected to enter the second round of assessment, and then they will fight one-on-one according to the order of the normal elimination system to determine the winner along the way.


"Is that so..."

"It doesn't seem too difficult..."

The two people from Zhenxin Town sat side by side on the bench in the lounge, watching the live broadcast of the stage on TV, commenting from time to time.

Since the two were the last to sign up for the competition, the ranking order is almost at the end.

At this time, everything on the stage was replaced by another green-haired boy who was about the same age as them.

However, the eyes are half pressed, and the bangs fall obliquely, giving people a sense of pride, but also a bit of elegance.

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan looked at each other, and a word came to mind at the same time.

"Xiaomao's Fengyuan area?"

But Xiao Mao is obviously much more arrogant than the green-haired boy on the screen.

And this person is more involved than Xiao Maosao.

"The second contestant is Xiao Shun from Larus City!"

The boy named Xiao Shun flipped his palm and threw out a small green Pokémon, holding a red and blue rose in each of his left and right hands.

Next is the magic leaf, and the petal dance is performed alternately. The gorgeous green leaves and pink cherry blossoms are flying in the air, showing a gorgeous value far exceeding that of the previous player.

After finishing a set of operations, Xiao Shun and Poison Qiangwei nodded slightly to the referee.

This is the rule of the game. Player A didn't do this at all last time...Leaving the game alone, he was already deducted three points.

"I like it very much~"

"Perfect show."

"The cooperation between the trainer and Poison Rose is impeccable..."

The three judges unanimously gave a high evaluation.

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