But these methods often need to expose Bai Ye's strength, and Bai Ye now has many concerns about exposing his strength, and does not want to show his strength now.

After all, this world can even invent such an advanced thing as the rebirth potion, but with such an existence as the mysterious small tower, it is not ruled out that others also have adventures, so this world may not be as simple as it seems.

Once Bai Ye showed his strength, then his current peaceful life might be broken, and many unexpected things might come to him, and it was impossible for him to practice as before.

Only after the cultivation reaches the fifth stage and the strength has made a qualitative leap, Bai Ye can have the confidence to be fearless of everything on the earth.

Only if you are strong in your own strength, can you make others fearful, so that when you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you can choose to solve the person who raised the problem.

Therefore, although Bai Ye wanted to obtain the rebirth potion, he still decided to choose a safe method, and now for him, the best way to earn wealth is still in the sea.

"Go to the beach again. "

White Night came to the beach again, found a location that no one noticed, and dived into the sea again.

Coming to the bottom of the sea, this sea area has not been searched before, and Bai Ye searched more carefully this time.

An hour later, Bai Ye came to a dense seagrass bush, the seagrass here was extremely luxuriant, only more than ten meters away, and it was completely impossible to see the situation inside, and this place was close to two hundred meters from the sea level.

Suddenly, ready to plunge into the white night of the seaweed, his figure retreated sharply, as if he was avoiding some danger.

"Boom. I

saw that when the white night retreated, a huge pincer suddenly struck out from the seaweed and attacked the original position of the hundred leaves, and then the lush seagrass turned for a while, and a behemoth appeared.

This is a strange creature that resembles a large lobster, but in the white night knows, there is absolutely no such a big lobster in the world, I saw that the monster in front of him has a body that is more than 6 meters tall, a pair of pincers larger than an adult, and twelve legs that are several long, like a sharp blade, full of gold, like wearing a set of gold cast armor.

One is a pair of huge pliers, each only more than 2 meters in size, I believe it is enough to easily clamp a car into two segments, even Bai Ye felt a trace of danger from this pair of pliers.

"What kind of prehistoric lobster is this? Looking

at the monster that resembles a lobster in front of him, satisfied, his heart was shocked, the world is really not as simple as it seems on the surface, this monster in front of him is simply a new generation of ocean overlords, like what tiger sharks, whales and the like, I am afraid that it is a matter of pincers in front of him.

Bai Ye stood in front of this lobster monster, not as tall as its shrimp legs, just like people facing prehistoric behemoths in disaster movies.

A hint of tyranny flashed in the eyes of the lobster monster the size of a sea bowl, and once again swung its huge pair of pincers towards the white night.

This time, Bai Ye was prepared, and he did not dodge, clenched his fists with both hands, suddenly exerted force, and his strength burst out, and he punched up.

His right fist hit the giant pincers like a cannonball.


A dull sound sounded at the bottom of the sea, and at the same time a terrifying water flow rushed out in all directions, and Bai Ye's fierce punch also knocked the lobster monster back more than ten meters, leaving a deep fist mark and several cracks on the front of the gathering, and Bai Ye's fist also had a trace of pain coming from it.

"This monster's defenses are really strong. Bai

Ye was not satisfied with the damage caused by his punch, and at the same time, he was shocked by the strong defense of the giant shrimp monster.

You must know that he has specially experimented, with his current strength, even if it is a steel plate half a meter thick, but this punch has to become smashed, if it is replaced by a whale, this punch can shake it into a blood mist, and even the slag is not left.

The pincers of the giant shrimp monster in front of him were not burst by a punch, but only left a fist mark and a few cracks, you can imagine how strong its defense is, replaced by ordinary thermal weapons, I am afraid that it will not be able to cause the slightest damage to it.

The lobster monster repelled by White Night not only did not escape, but thought of a more crazy and tyrannical color in his eyes, and attacked and killed White Night again.

What he didn't expect was that Bai Ye's speed in the water was faster than that of the giant shrimp monster.

Almost instantly, Bai Ye came to the giant shrimp monster, and the terrifying fist suddenly bombarded the giant shrimp monster with a fist, leaving huge fist marks and cracks.

While Bai Ye quickly moved around the giant shrimp monster, dodging the giant pincer attack, on the other hand, he was constantly punching and attacking the giant shrimp monster.

Although this giant shrimp monster has extremely amazing defense and powerful attacks, its speed is far from Bai Ye, and a pair of giant pincers cannot attack Bai Ye at all, but smashes out giant pits at the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the originally calm sea above also set off waves, but fortunately it is far from the coastline and is not noticed by people on the shore.

In this way, punch after punch, the terrifying power continued to smash the defense of the giant shrimp monster, transmitting it to its body, and soon, the resistance of the giant lobster monster became weaker and weaker, until a pair of giant pincers fell, and finally stopped moving, and was shocked alive by a pair of fists in the white night.

"Whew, finally killed.

Bai Yechang breathed a sigh of relief, although this giant lobster monster seemed to have been simply killed by him, after all, this was the first time he encountered this kind of monster, and it was inevitable that there was a trace of nervousness.

At this time, the giant lobster monster's body was densely packed with cracks, and the golden armor was almost unable to find a piece intact.

And Bai Ye, who killed these giant lobster monsters, did not suffer any injuries except for the slightest pain from his fist.

The energy in the body is running, and the pain in the hand is also eliminated.

"What kind of monster is this? I've never heard of it before, let alone reported it. "

Until now, Bai Ye can't think of what kind of creature this giant lobster monster belongs to, with the huge size of this giant lobster monster and the defense and destructive power it shows, a proper new generation of ocean overlords, even the original ocean overlords, such as tiger sharks, great white sharks, whales, etc. It will not be its enemy, but such a powerful creature, Bai Ye has never heard of it before, and the relevant reports are even more not.

Bai Ye didn't think much about it, picked up the giant lobster monster with one hand, and went upstream, ready to drag the giant lobster monster ashore.

Although this giant lobster monster has tens of thousands of catties, and there is even the oppression of sea water around it, dragging the giant lobster monster in the white night is extremely easy.


After a long time, White Night brought the giant lobster monster to a remote and uninhabited coast.

At this time, Bai Ye was thinking about how to deal with the corpse of this giant lobster monster, which was undoubtedly a big problem for Bai Ye now, much more difficult than him killing the big lobster.

If it is directly discarded, Bai Ye is unwilling, such a huge giant lobster, the strength is so powerful, a proper mutant creature, or some undiscovered prehistoric animal, its corpse must be very valuable.

But if you carry it back directly like this, this is absolutely shocking, proper explosive news, will cause a sensation, and the impact on himself will not be small.

After thinking for a long time, just as Bai Ye was about to contact his father's friend who was the supervisor of the Celestial God Auction House, his face suddenly changed and he suddenly turned around.

"Who?" I

saw a middle-aged man not far behind Bai Ye, and this person was actually treading water, and in a few moments he quickly came to a place not far behind him, and was suspended above the water.

The middle-aged man looked about 40 years old, wearing a black power suit, and the whole person looked very competent, and he was suspended on the water at this time, looking at the white night with a smile.

Bai Ye saw this middle-aged man's strange appearance, plus now that he can actually stand in the air, this man is definitely a cultivator like himself, and his strength will definitely not be weak, even stronger than his current self.

After all, Bai Ye's current speed can reach the level of the man just now, but he can't stand in the air.

"You can kill a Heaven-level demon beast at a young age, I'm afraid your strength has reached the Heaven-level.

"I didn't expect that Tianhai City still hides a cultivation genius like you. The middle-aged man saw that Bai Ye directly discovered his arrival, and he didn't feel strange, the sense of the Heavenly Extreme Strong was extremely keen, and it was strange that he couldn't perceive it.

Sensing Bai Ye's vigilance, the middle-aged man spoke again: "Introduce yourself, my name is Zhang Wei, I am from the God of War Palace, and I am one of the four major inspection envoys of the God of War Palace. Bai

Ye looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, with vigilance in his heart, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

This was the first cultivator he had seen, cultivators other than him, even if he had guessed before, this world might not be as simple as he had seen before, but he did not expect to come into contact with other cultivators so quickly.

Moreover, the middle-aged man in front of him is powerful, so he can't be vigilant in his heart, and Bai Ye's heart is also full of doubts about what the man said, and he has never heard of it before.

At the same time, the identity of the cultivator that he had been hiding was also exposed to outsiders.

Seeing Bai Ye's puzzled look, Zhang Wei smiled and said, "You should have accidentally obtained the cultivation exercises, and then cultivated alone to the point of your current strength, and you haven't had much contact with the cultivation world. "

Because the known Heavenly Pole powerhouses on the earth today, he knows everything clearly, and almost all the warriors of the Hua Kingdom are in the War God Palace, and they have been registered, as long as I want to become stronger quickly in the Hua Kingdom, I can't bypass their War God Palace, and only some lucky people who have inadvertently obtained the inheritance of the exercises and have not yet come into contact with the cultivation world can miss it."

"And you shouldn't have practiced for too long, otherwise you would have been discovered by the God of War Palace a long time ago, and you would have already become famous with your strength.

"In this way, your talent should be beyond my imagination, genius, you are definitely a rare genius in the world." It

can be said that the middle-aged man in front of him is definitely an old fox, just based on these words just met and the information he has, he has made so many judgments, and these judgments are extremely close to the truth, which is even more terrifying.


Bai Ye looked at the middle-aged man, fell silent, and nodded in response.

Zhang Wei showed an unsurprising expression and said, "Then how much do you know about cultivation now?" "

You are the first cultivator I have come into contact with, and like you said before, I have never come into contact with the cultivation world before. As if realizing that Zhang Wei did not have any malice towards him, Bai Ye shook his head and said a little helplessly.

Zhang Wei nodded when he heard this, and said: "Then let me briefly introduce to you, our warriors are divided into five realms: yellow level, Xuan level, earth level, heaven level and war god level from low to high. "

The force reaches 2000kg, the speed reaches 30m per second, and it becomes yellow.

"The Xuan-level has a strength of 10,000kg and a speed of 50m per second, which is not afraid of ordinary small-caliber weapons.

"The prefecture-level strength reaches 50,000 kg, the speed reaches 100 meters per second, and it is not afraid of the threat of large-caliber weapons."

"The power of Tianji reaches 500,000 kg, and the speed reaches the speed of sound, even heavy weapons cannot pose a threat to such a strong person." "

The God of War level has broken through the limits of the human body, awakened its own powers, can master superpowers such as earth, wind, water and fire, and can fly in the air, even missiles are difficult to threaten such a strong person."

"And the God of War Palace is the most powerful cultivator organization on the earth today, the strongest cultivator in our Hua Kingdom, and it is also the strongest in the world, and the only existence on the earth that surpasses the God of War, Lord Xuantian. "

Ten years ago, the World United Political System Organization was established by the governments led by our Lord Xuantian of the God of War Palace, so we Hua Guo can firmly occupy a dominant position in it. "

The World United Government, currently the largest administrative unit on the planet, was established ten years ago with the purpose of uniformly handling contradictions among the countries of the world, rationally allocating resources, jointly coping with unknown dangers, and forming a united front when the earth's human beings face great threats.

Bai Ye was shocked when he heard this, and at the same time he also had a certain understanding of the cultivation world.

"Your boss has subdued all countries with only one person, how powerful is this?" This is definitely a big news sensation in the world, and even Bai Ye's current worldview feels the impact.

Zhang Wei said with a smile: "Our boss is the only existence on the earth who has surpassed the God of War level, which is enough to be a hardcore bomb, do you say that it is the first in the world, will the countries be convinced?" Speaking of his boss, Zhang

Wei's expression could not help but show a trace of awe and worship.

Bai Ye was even more shocked when he heard this, after all, the nuclear bomb has always been the most powerful weapon in the minds of human beings, and the power can be called the destruction of the world, and now suddenly heard that someone can smash the nuclear bomb with flesh and blood, how can it not be surprising?

"You should now have a certain understanding of the God of War, so are you interested in joining our God of War Palace?" Zhang Wei looked at Bai Ye and invited him, there is no genius like Bai Ye, there is no cultivator organization that does not want to absorb.

Moreover, when Bai Ye joins the God of War Palace, not only can Bai Ye be cultivated, so as to quickly improve his strength, but also contribute to the God of War Palace, and at the same time, this can also improve the strength of Hua Guo cultivators.

Waiting for Baiye to break through to the God of War level can further enhance China's voice in the international community, which is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing.

"Since you have stepped into the cultivation world and become a heaven-level powerhouse, then joining the God of War Palace must be your best choice now, so that you can contact more cultivators, and at the same time, you can get better resources, so as to improve your strength faster.

Hearing Zhang Wei's invitation, Bai Ye also felt that it made sense in his heart, and did not refute it, but did not directly choose to agree, but directly asked: "What good can I do by joining you?" Although Bai Ye

has just become an adult, he is determined, he has his own ideas in the face of things since he was a child, and he will not just listen to a few words from others, so his mind is hot, and he agrees to everything.

Seeing that Bai Ye did not directly choose to agree, but was asking for benefits, Zhang Wei did not feel any surprise.

After all, except for those who are simple-minded, no one will listen to him just by saying two dry words.

If you are really a simple-minded person, you are destined to go far on this path of cultivation, and you will often die halfway.

So White Night's inquiry is a very normal situation.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "The God of War Palace has many precious resources, treasures that are difficult to find in the outside world, the God of War Palace has it, and what the outside world does not have, the God of War Palace also has. "

In short, there must be a God of War Palace in the outside world, and there must be a God of War Palace that is not available in the outside world, with sufficient resources and strong people like clouds, this is the God of War Palace."

"Like some heavenly materials and earth treasures that can directly improve their strength and help cultivation, they are difficult to find in the outside world, but this can be directly exchanged in the God of War Palace." "

A heavenly material and earth treasure that can improve his strength and cultivation?" When Bai Ye heard this, his heart also moved, if there really was such a treasure, then his cultivation speed could undoubtedly be further improved.

His current cultivation is directly absorbing the cosmic source energy between heaven and earth to improve his cultivation, and he has never used any heavenly materials and earth treasures, and if there is such a heavenly material and earth treasure, then his breakthrough speed can be faster.

After all, one of his goals in life is to live forever and even achieve eternity.

Bai Ye thought slightly in his heart, then opened his mouth and asked, "Then does your War God Palace have a rebirth potion?"

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