Bai Ye went to the sea several times to hunt for treasures, the purpose of which was to obtain wealth, so as to buy a rebirth potion to treat his sister Bai Xiaorou, so that not only her sister could recover her health, but also remove her parents' heart disease for many years.

Now Bai Ye has embarked on the road of cultivation, and the future days are not destined to be too peaceful, so this family will always need his sister to take care of him in the future, only in this way can he cultivate at ease in the future.

Three birds with one stone.

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this: "The rebirth potion is made by our God of War Palace, and the Tianshen Pharmaceutical Industry also belongs to the industry of our God of War Palace, so the rebirth potion is naturally available, and when you join the God of War Palace, there will be an initial contribution point reward, and when you directly use the contribution points, you can directly exchange it for the rebirth potion." "

Direct exchange?" Bai Ye's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

According to Zhang Wei, as long as he joins the God of War Palace, he can immediately get the rebirth potion.

Bai Ye thought for a while and asked, "What do I need to pay to join you?" Bai

Ye does not believe that there is a free lunch in this world, and if you pay, you will be rewarded, on the contrary, if you want to get gain, you must give something.

Zhang Wei replied, "I know what you're worried about, but you can rest assured that our God of War Palace is a very free cultivator organization.

"You don't get coerced management when you come in, you are not forced to do things, and you are not forced to complete tasks."

"You're free most of the time to do your own thing."

"Most of the things in the God of War Palace will be released in the form of tasks, and only by completing the tasks can you get contribution points, so as to exchange them for the materials you need.

"And these tasks are also in accordance with your personal wishes, voluntarily to pick up and complete, there will be no mandatory requirements, of course, if you do not do any tasks, it is naturally difficult to obtain contribution points, and the heavenly materials and earth treasures are naturally not available and cannot be exchanged."

"And with your heaven-level strength, even in the God of War Palace, you belong to the ranks of the strong, and there is almost no situation of being bullied.

"I want to know if my family will be affected if I join

the God of War Palace?" Zhang Wei couldn't help but smile when he heard this, loving his family, this is a common human feeling, and at the same time a beautiful character, and then he spoke: "You can rest assured, every warrior who joins the God of War Palace, his family is protected by the God of War Palace, and the warrior cannot do anything to the ordinary family of another warrior, this is a rule personally set by our boss, and no one dares to violate it." "

I join.

As soon as Zhang Wei's voice fell, Bai Ye directly agreed.

I hid my cultivation before because I didn't understand the real situation in this world. And now that you have some understanding and your strength has been exposed, it is better to join this War God Palace, so that you can also have a clearer understanding of this world, better cultivation, and this is also the fastest way to obtain rebirth potions.

Bai Ye's heart was also full of interest in the heavenly materials and earth treasures that Zhang Wei said.

According to Zhang Wei, the God of War Palace is naturally the largest backer in the world.

Naturally, Bai Ye did not think that Zhang Wei would deceive him, this was the intuition and pride of being a strong man, and with his spiritual sensitivity, whether the other party was sincere or not, whether he was malicious, he could naturally feel it.

"Okay, in that case, then I'll help you register a warrior house account first.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone, pulled Bai Ye to help him download an APP called the Warrior's House, and the question helped him verify and register an account.

After registering an account and adding contact information to each other, Zhang Wei looked at the mutated giant lobster next to Bai Ye and said: "What do you plan to do with this mutated lobster, do you plan to keep it yourself, or sell it to the God of War Palace?"

Zhang Wei nodded and said: "This is nature, now in addition to cultivators, there are a small number of mutant creatures on the earth, these mutant creatures are extremely harmful to ordinary people, and ordinary people are difficult to deal with even if they take thermal weapons."

"But mutant creatures themselves are extremely precious, and different mutant creatures have various uses, like rebirth potions, which are made by using certain precious substances from the body of some powerful mutant creatures."

"Moreover, powerful mutant creatures are not only rare, but also extremely difficult to hunt, so the scale of rebirth potion production has always been difficult to expand."

"Like this mutant lobster, it is itself a heaven-level demon beast, strong in strength, amazing defense, to hide in the deep sea, even if it is a heaven-level powerhouse, it is extremely difficult to hunt, it is almost impossible to hunt, unless it is a strong person who is proficient in water system power, or leads it out of the bottom of the sea."

"This side highlights the preciousness of the mutant lobster, you can sell it to the God of War Palace, you can get 50 contribution points and 10 billion cash."

"50 contribution points, 10 billion cash?" Hearing this, Bai Ye was shocked, and his eyes showed shock.

50 contribution points, he still does not understand how much it is worth, but he still knows the value of 10 billion cash, even some billionaires, it is difficult to come up with 10 billion cash.

"Haha, you don't have to be shocked, after joining our God of War Palace and really coming into contact with the cultivation world, you will understand that money is really nothing to us, and wealth that is difficult to see in the eyes of ordinary people is within reach for us.

"For us, what is really precious are those cultivation resources that are not of much value in the eyes of ordinary people, and the most precious thing in the God of War Palace is contribution points, and with contribution points, you can exchange them for all the resources you need."

"As long as you have enough contribution points, you can even ask our boss to personally point out your cultivation."

Zhang Wei saw the shock in Bai Ye's heart and explained with a smile.

"Sell it to the God of War Palace over there. Bai Ye calmed down a little, and then decisively agreed.

The mutated lobster does not have much effect on Bai Ye at present, originally it was to be disposed of and sold to Zhang Wei without having to bother himself, and Zhang Wei's bid is so high, it can be said that it is very sincere, Bai Ye does not believe that he takes it to deal with it, can sell such a high price, the average person may not understand its true value, let alone have contribution points.

"The contribution points will be directly credited to the account of the warrior's home you just registered, and the money will be directly credited to the bank card you just bound, you pay attention to check.

After speaking, Zhang Weiling took out his mobile phone and performed an operation on it, and in less than two minutes, Bai Ye's mobile phone received 10 billion arrival information, and at the same time, on the account of the dancer's house, the position of the contribution point was also changed from the original zero to 150.

Looking at the 10 billion information on his mobile phone, Bai Ye was surprised again.

That's 10 billion.

To know that Hua Guo's review of money is extremely strict, such as the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars, all need to be strictly reviewed, and now a full 10 billion, Zhang Wei directly through the mobile phone in just two minutes to turn over, you can imagine how much energy Zhang Wei has, but also reflects the extraordinary status of cultivators.

"With my contribution points, how can it be 150 points? Shouldn't it be 50?" It wasn't until Bai Ye came back from the shock of 10 billion that he realized that something was wrong, and this contribution point was different from what he just said, which was 100 more points.

"This extra 100 points is the reward for joining the God of War Palace, each newcomer who joins the God of War Palace will issue different contribution points according to their strength, the stronger the strength, the more contribution rewards you will get after joining, and your heaven-level strength will have 100 contribution point rewards." Zhang Wei explained.

"If you have anything you need to exchange, you can redeem it directly on the Dancers' House, and someone will deliver it to your designated place after placing the order."

After that, Zhang Wei grabbed the mutant lobster a few meters away, and the mutant lobster that was more than 6m long flew directly up, came to his hand, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Grab things in the air, storage magic weapon?" Zhang

Wei's hand once again surprised Bai Ye.

The former grabbed objects in the air, with his current strength, he can also control the energy in the body, but like a storage magic weapon, he does not have it now, maybe he can get it in the future.

However, there is an expectation in Bai Ye's heart, maybe it won't be long before he can have his own storage space.

With the disappearance of the mutated lobster, Zhang Wei's mood soared again in Bai Ye's surprised gaze, and the speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared from view in a few blinks.

"God of War powerhouse, flying in the air. "

Flying in the air is one of the symbols of the God of War powerhouse, this kind of strategic-level powerhouse, even in China, there are only ten, and in the entire world, there will be no more than twenty, belonging to the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid.

Looking at Zhang Wei who flew away, a trace of expectation and yearning flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, everyone had fantasized that they could soar freely in the sky, and Bai Ye was naturally no exception.

And Bai Ye will soon be able to break through to the fifth small stage, according to the realm division in Zhang Wei's mouth, that is, the God of War level in Zhang Wei's mouth, then Bai Ye will also be able to fly.

According to the cultivation progress, Bai Ye broke through to the fifth small stage, and the time should take a week, and the longest should not exceed two weeks.

The fifth stage of the Eternal Heavenly Scripture Foundation is the God of War.

In fact, according to the maximum income, after Bai Ye breaks through to the fifth stage and reaches the God of War, the contribution reward at that time when joining the God of War Palace is the most abundant.

It's just that White Night didn't take this into account before.


Garden complex 302 rooms. Bai Ye was fiddling with his phone.

After returning from the beach, Bai Ye did not return to his parents' house in the first time and inform his parents of the news of the 10 billion, but returned to the garden community first.

Bai Ye planned to see the exchange of the rebirth potion first, how he planned to exchange the rebirth potion first, and then take it back when the time came, and tell his parents with one of them.

Soon, Bai Ye found the exchange option for the rebirth potion on the exchange list of the warrior's house.

The exchange price of the rebirth potion is a "little" contribution value.

In the outside world, it is enough to cause rich people to compete, and the rebirth potion worth more than 100 million can be exchanged here with only a little contribution point, which shows how valuable the contribution point is.

Bai Ye decisively placed an order, and the contribution points were deducted a little, leaving 149 points.

The rest of the time is to wait for the rebirth potion and see what else can be exchanged.

Just as Bai Ye thought that he would have to wait a long time to receive the rebirth potion, there was a knocking sound from the balcony.

Bai Ye came to the balcony to see a sci-fi drone in front of him, and at the same time, he received a message on his mobile phone asking him to pick up the items on the balcony.

When the white night came to no one, a burst of white light scanned from the drone, and finally a mechatronic sound was heard.

"After the identity is confirmed, honorable Lord Bai, please pay attention to checking your belongings. Immediately

, a box popped up from the drone, containing a rebirth potion.

After Bai Ye confirmed that the potion was authentic, he clicked to confirm receipt according to the prompt.

"Thank you Lord Bai for your patronage, and I wish you a prosperous martial life." "

The transaction was completed and the drone returned at breakneck speed.

Bai Ye looked at the time, and from the time he placed the order to the time he confirmed the receipt, only ten minutes had passed.

The rebirth potion has finally arrived.

"Call your parents first, let them be happy first, and have a preparation. Bai Ye, who was happy in his heart, took out his mobile phone and dialed his parents' video call.

This is a big happy event for their family, Bai Xiaorou's illness has always been a heart disease of her parents, now let them breathe first, so as not to wait too much surprise and excitement.


Yujing Community, at this time, Bai Guohua and Zhao Ting, the parents of the day, were standing at home chatting idly, and it seemed that the two were in a good mood at this time.

"Xiao Ye's results in the college entrance examination this time came out, and he scored 650 points, and he will definitely be able to enroll in a good school. Bai

Guohua is very happy in his heart, although his daughter Bai Xiaorou dropped out of school early because of physical reasons, but the eldest son Bai Ye has been very productive since he was a child, and his grades have become very good since he was a child, and this college entrance examination scored 650 points, which is enough for him to make a fierce show in front of his neighbors, and more importantly, his son can have a good future in the future.

"I don't know which university my son is going to apply for, but I found several very good, the environment and teachers are very good, especially Jianghai University, as a national key university, and it is also close to us. Zhao Ting was also very happy in her heart, and even the university was looking for it in advance.

"This matter will be called back by Xiao Ye, when the time comes, we will discuss it together, this time it mainly depends on Xiao Ye's own thoughts, this child has his own opinions since he was a child, we can at most provide him with some advice."

"Said that Cao Cao arrived at Cao Cao, it was a video call from Xiao Ye. Bai Guohua just took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, but he just happened to see a video call from Bai Ye.

Bai Guohua clicked to connect, and Bai Ye appeared on the mobile phone.

"Dad, Mom. Connecting the video call, Bai Ye quickly spoke: "I'll show you a good thing, don't get too excited later."

After that, Bai Ye showed the rebirth medicine in his hand in front of the camera.

He believes that his parents will be very excited when they see it.

"This, this is the rebirth

potion?" After Bai Guohua saw the potion that appeared on the video, he was a little incredulous, and his voice trembled slightly.

He recognized at a glance that this was the rebirth elixir that his heart had in mind, but he couldn't believe it now.

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