Heading to Hell

013 My Deskmate

11 minutes and 17 seconds after β1-2103257 erupted.

One minute after the master left the scene, everyone in the room gradually calmed down.

On the one hand, they are already a little numb to panic.

On the other hand, although the rules-based secret realms are weird, they also leave opportunities for ordinary people.

Maybe there is no need to fight, and there is no need to fight against the creatures in the secret realm.

Just figure out the rules, achieve your goals, and satisfy your master!

As for the rules here, the master has already shown them, and they are nothing more than ordinary——

Teacher, students, class.

As long as you don't break the rules, you have a chance to survive!

Of course, pay attention to the information revealed by the master.

For example, what he just said——

[Choose your best friend and sit at the same table.

[Tell everything you know and share the harvest.

[Teachers don’t like lonely classmates. 】

These words are completely indicating one thing——

Want to form a team!

So...who do you team up with?

The person you have the best relationship with?

Of course you can, but this is not necessarily the optimal solution.

If possible, try to form a team with strong people to increase the probability of survival.

The so-called strong can mean a high IQ, a strong fist, or even a mean, shameless, cruel and ruthless person.

So...the strongest person here is...


Half of the people turned around and turned towards Li Qingming.

He had never shone so brightly before, so black that he shone brightly.

But just a few minutes ago, not to mention sitting at the same table with him, the nine palaces around him were places of death, and only the most excluded people would be placed there.

But now, when he is really in danger, this black god of death has become the best teammate.

Finally, the master also said [the teacher does not like lonely classmates].

In other words, those who do not have a seatmate are likely to be punished.

Therefore, even Li Qingming had to team up with one person.

In this secret realm, if the survival rate of less than 2% really shows up, it will only happen to this team.

Just when everyone was hesitating, the strongest boy in the back row had already pushed away the people around him and rushed to Li Qingming's side. He wiped his sweat, stared at him and trembled: "Qingming... I couldn't help myself before... …We don’t know each other without fighting. From now on, you will provide the brains and I will provide the strength. We will definitely be able to work together until the end!”

"Go away." Li Qingming politely refused, without even saying "go away."

"What about me?" The girl with glasses in the front row who studied best said back tremblingly, "Since the theme is school... there will most likely be questions and exams later..."

"Go away." Li Qingming said, looking up and looking around, treating everyone equally, "Not just her, I mean everyone."

After saying this, he stood up and pulled the table over, as if he wanted to sit side by side with Ji Xiaoxiang.

Seeing this, Cai Zhixin hurriedly stepped forward to persuade:

"Good brother, don't worry, I'll help you analyze it.

"In your current situation, it is equivalent to choosing a concubine. We can choose any one of you as your favor. Anyway, they are more useful than Xiao Jixiang.

"If you choose me, I promise to listen to your command throughout the process, and I will do whatever you ask me to do!

“Also, even if you think about it from a collective perspective, you shouldn’t choose Xiao Jixiang.

“Look, there are 45 of us in total, and there will always be one person who doesn’t have a tablemate, right?

"If we have to eliminate one person here, it can only be Xiao Jixiang. At this time, everyone is okay with abandoning the weakest one collectively, right?"

Although everyone felt uncomfortable hearing this, it seemed reasonable and difficult to refute.

There is no way, we are already in the secret realm, and we must base our behavior on the survival of the majority. This is not the time to engage in the Holy Mother.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Abandoning the weakest one in order to survive is the greatest justice, especially from the perspective of a person like Li Qingming, this is the right choice.



Li Qingming leaned his desk heavily against Ji Xiaoxiang's desk.

"If you touch her, you touch me." After leaving his words, he put his pockets in his pocket and sat down, once again standing between everyone and Ji Xiaoxiang, not bothering to say another word.

Everyone then became silent.

When did they form an alliance?

In the first three years, I clearly didn’t say a word!

In the midst of the confusion, Cai Zhixin smiled: "I understand, Li Qingming is deliberately choosing the weakest person as his teammate, so that if only one person can win in the end, he will be relaxed."

Everyone suddenly realized.

But they didn't dare to realize it for too long, so they quickly looked for their tablemates.

Since the recommendation of Ji Xiaoxiang to become a "lonely person" failed, then "lonely people" will only appear among the remaining people.

Although the chance of survival is limited, who is willing to fall at this first level?

In the window seat in the back row, Ye Qian was also hesitant at this time.

Detach now? Or should we wait?

If it is a rules-based secret realm, there is indeed a chance to complete the cleanup, but it is more likely to die suddenly.

What's more terrible than death are the rules that cause people to kill each other.

If that happens, where should I stand...

"A team?"

Zhang Qingyi's voice came from in front of him.

Ye Qian hesitated for a moment, then quickly regained her smile: "I'm afraid I'm going to hold you back, why don't you try to team up with Li Qingming?"

"Oh, I would rather be eaten by a monster." Zhang Qingyi asked, "What about you? Why don't you try with him?"

"I don't like Li Qingming, he's too pretentious." Ye Qian said with a smirk, "Unless he asks me for help."

"Who are you kidding? Didn't you just go to him to form a team?" Zhang Qingyi smiled and crossed her arms, "You were sneaky and got rejected. I saw it all."

Ye Qian's face flushed, so he could only smile and scratch his head, laughing.

"Okay, it's time now, there's nothing to lose face about." Zhang Qingyi sighed and glanced at everyone, "They all have no chance. I told them to 'three no's and one wait' but they didn't listen. I took the lead to fight with Li Qingming but they didn't dare. They are incompetent and afraid of trouble. They are a bunch of useless things... Forget it, it doesn't matter. Before being killed by Li Qingming or monsters, I just want to be with the person I like."

She turned around and smiled casually: "It doesn't matter if you use me as a backup. Let's just make do for a while. Anyway, there may not be a future."

"Be optimistic, there must be." Ye Qian nodded and smiled back, "Besides, I should be your backup."

"No, you have been the first choice since the first day." Zhang Qingyi shook her head and smiled, stood up and straightened her shirt, and then moved the table.

Ye Qian just shook his head and smiled. Although he was happy, he didn't dare to take it seriously.

In the front position, Cai Zhixin and Zheng Ruixing, who didn't talk much on weekdays, also met eyes, perhaps because of the revolutionary friendship just now.

"How about we... just make do with it?" Cai Zhixin said.

"You are a person with ideas." Zheng Ruixing said calmly, "but you can't abandon Xiao Jixiang like you just did."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Cai Zhixin responded repeatedly.

Zheng Ruixing then moved the table and nodded with Cai Zhixin, saying, "We must not let people like Zhang Qingyi destroy the group. All of us must go out and work together for this goal."

"Okay, class leader brother, work hard, friendship, and victory!"

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