Heading to Hell

014 Emergency Food→Criminal Partner!

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting warmer and no one was paying attention anymore, Ji Xiaoxiang dared to come out and scratch his deskmate Li Qingming, who was sitting next to him in his pocket.

"This... I have no value. There is no need to go against everyone just to protect me..."

"What you say about your value doesn't count, what I say counts." Li Qingming nodded, "If you deny yourself, you are denying me. Are you sure you want to express yourself like this?"

"No, no, no... I'm just afraid... I'm afraid of tricking you!" Ji Xiaoxiang rubbed his head and said, "I have tried to play team games before, but no matter how hard I try, I can't play well... I get scolded by my teammates every time ...I scolded me so much that I started to tremble and get scared when I saw the game icon..."

"Those are just a bunch of losers who only know how to blame others. My strategy is to block everyone at the beginning of each game." Li Qingming said and tugged on Ji Xiaoxiang's crooked ponytail, "But this game is an exception. , I’m happy to share strategies with you and respect your opinion.”

Ji Xiaoxiang couldn't help but open his mouth.

It turns out that I am not only emergency food, but also a partner in crime!

This is awesome!

Li Qingming was generous, so he pouted at the window and shared his strategy: "Let me talk about the emergency plan first. If the situation really gets out of control, I will grab Ye Qian's Noble Phantasm of Escape for us. Escape...well, there is a risk in snatching hard, but the success rate is higher if you cheat, so use cheating."

Ji Xiaoxiang also peeked over and muttered, "I feel like Ye Qian is a very nice person, but I can't bear to be bullied..."

"Who makes him not very smart?"

"Indeed, you have to run away immediately after the Noble Phantasm is exposed. His indecisiveness now will only cause trouble and be in danger at any time." Ji Xiaoxiang said and hid behind Li Qingming's shoulder. Now he became more courageous and even slipped away. He closed his eyes and observed more people like a reconnaissance captain, "Hmm... no one among these people can pose a threat to you... If you must say something, pay attention to these four people..."

"Are you quite assertive?"

"I can't even talk about it, but I still know a little about words and expressions, especially in terms of personality." Ji Xiaoxiang said quietly:

"Although Ye Qian doesn't look like a bad person and isn't very smart, he may have other treasures hidden in him.

"Cai Zhixin needs to be extra careful. He looks very casual, but in fact he is a person with no bottom line, even lower than you.

"As for the squad leader, he is not right in the head. He may be the person with the most serious mental problem here, and he will do inexplicable things for the sake of the group.

"Finally, there is Zhang Qingyi. She is not as bad as she looks, but she is impatient and outspoken. It can even be said that...she is kind and brave in this group...in fact, she is a very good teammate."

Li Qingming heard something quite similar, so he asked again: "Are you sure about these judgments?"

"Well, I'm sure things won't go wrong. It's just because I always think too much that it's hard to speak." Ji Xiaoxiang puffed up his face a little proudly, and his eyes gradually became more confident, "Also, I can see it occasionally. Who is lying!"

"Oh?" Li Qingming turned around and said, "I hate black."


"I have two moms."

"...Really." Ji Xiaoxiang opened his mouth and scratched his head, "Why...I can't figure it out. I can't figure it out at all."

Li Qingming paused, adjusted his expression and then said: "There is a deadly poisonous needle hidden in my pocket watch."

"Ah...I can't understand this sentence."

"Okay, I know how to hide it from you."

"So what's in the pocket watch?"


"Ahhh! I can't sleep, I can't sleep anymore!"

While the two were chatting and laughing, most of the people in the class had finished forming teams and moved tables and chairs to sit together.

After Zheng Ruixing sat down, he looked around and reminded loudly: "Everyone, pay attention to the time. The teacher just said it is only 10 minutes."

When everyone heard this, they immediately started talking.

"It's so troublesome, let's set a personal time!"

"The phone can't be turned on, and the electronic clock at the back has stopped."

"If you can't use electronic devices in the secret realm, who wears a mechanical watch?"

"Who would carry this thing these days... What's the use besides showing off?"


The scene suddenly became silent again, and everyone turned to look at Li Qingming again.

This person happened to be looking at his pocket watch, and even reminded me generously: "There are still 1 minute and 40 seconds, don't worry."

Everyone inevitably turned around with hatred.

"Damn, let him pretend again..."

"It's really a perfect plan."

"He was kind enough to tell the time."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"To be honest, I have changed my mind a little bit about Li Qingming."

"Don't. Win your trust first and then sell you. This is his strategy."

"It's indeed his style..."

In the last half minute, almost everyone sat down quietly, waiting for the teacher to enter.

There was only one little boy standing alone, looking left and right in the middle of the classroom.

Everyone formed a team and he was the only one left.

I usually talk and laugh with so many people...

How come in a blink of an eye... they are all together...

He looked at everyone but no one looked at him.

When disaster strikes, they all fly away, no one can blame them.

But he didn't want to sit still.

He rushed to the table next to him and grabbed someone's arm desperately.

"I'm more useful than him, Brother Chen, just kick him out!!"

"..." The man shook him off awkwardly.

He rushed to Zheng Ruixing's side again: "Squad leader...what should I do?"

“…” Zheng Ruixing closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

“Class monitor! Class monitor! Say something!”


“Don’t you always yell that all day long! Alpaca!!!”

“Okay…” Zheng Ruixing suddenly stood up in a deep voice, stepped aside to give up his seat, and pushed the little boy, “You and Zhixin sit.”

The little boy: “Ah…”

Cai Zhixin: “Ah???”

“Stop talking, time is up.” Zheng Ruixing then sat straight on the single seat next to him and spoke decisively to the audience, “If I’m gone, please remember my sacrifice and unite together.”

No one responded to him, but instead looked at him like a monster.

As for the little boy who was given a seat, he rushed to sit at the same table with Cai Zhixin without even saying thank you, and he held on to the table tightly and would never let go in his life.

“Stupid… this stupid class monitor…” He said with sweat and joy.

Cai Zhixin was even more confused, how could he be so deceiving?

Before he could say more, the teacher's voice came from outside the door.

"Ring, ring, ring!!"

After a round of shouting, he pushed the door open and walked in briskly.

Although he still had the punk look of sea urchin head and black eyes, his posture was obviously much smoother.

He happily jumped all the way to the front of the stage and gave an overly forced smile.

"The teacher has taken care of the mouth, and it will never crack this time."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone is sitting with friends who know everything.

"Only one classmate is very lonely...

"You must work hard to make friends!

"The teacher is looking forward to your performance!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

It turns out that there is no punishment for the lonely!

Alas, this person's character is ruined in vain...

But there was no time to think about it, the sea urchin head had raised his arms again.

"Just now, the teacher has been observing.

"Very satisfied, the teacher is very satisfied!

"But the teacher also found a few...

"A few bad classmates! "

He took a deep breath and his mouth bulged out visibly.

Caught off guard, he shot out a narrow black dot like a pea shooter, hitting a small boy's forehead.

This was the man who had just taken Zheng Ruixing's seat.

He couldn't say anything, just stared, staring and sobbing like Han Chun at that time.


Before he could be surprised, the sea urchin head had already sprayed the second shot.

This time it was a boy in a pullover.


The third shot, another girl lying on the ground Falling on the table, the bracelet made a crisp sound.

No one dared to speak, no one dared to scream, no one dared to look at them.

The chill pierced into the brain along the spine.

Those who were hit struggled and struggled in the strange silence.

The sound became smaller and smaller, until they fell on the table like Han Chun and fell into hibernation.

But the spray of the sea urchin head has not ended yet.





One by one, the black dots sprayed out on time and accurately.

No one knew when it would end.

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