Heading to Hell

003 Classmates who love each other

Miraculously, even though Ji Xiaoxiang was shaking so violently, it didn't attract too many people's attention.

After all, she never dared to look at others and rarely made a sound.

When people talk to her, she will always give stiff answers such as "um", "ah" and "yes" after a long delay.

Over time, she was ignored.

Even his face was a little blurry, and he only vaguely felt that there was a moving crooked ponytail in the class.

Only Li Qingming was deeply impressed by her. After all, the building near the water was washed away first.

According to Li Qingming's observation, she should be suffering from childhood tics or Parkinson's disease. She would always tremble irregularly, making people inexplicably irritable.

Although Li Qingming wanted to take revenge, attacking other people's birth defects was the most tasteless thing.

And because Ji Xiaoxiang never looked back, everything was fine.

Besides Li Qingming, the only one who occasionally noticed Ji Xiaoxiang's presence was Han Chun.

In front of the podium at this time, Han Chun actually noticed Ji Xiaoxiang's fear. He originally wanted to encourage her, but he couldn't remember her name for a long time, so he had to pretend not to see it and continued to talk to the class. :

"Then the third 'no' is don't run away.

“You cannot leave the secret realm before it is cleared, unless you have a specific escapement treasure or secret power.

"Needless to say, secret energy is the skill of professional elite soldiers.

“As for breaking away from the Noble Phantasm, because of its high cost, even if someone carries it with them, it is unlikely to be made public.

“The agency’s suggestion on this is—

“Non-professionals who have the means to escape should choose to escape as soon as they encounter a secret realm.

"Otherwise, once the Noble Phantasm is exposed, it will trigger a mass robbery by those who encounter it, leading to further disasters."

As soon as Han Chun finished speaking, Cai Zhixin, who was in the middle row of the classroom, shook his head, turned around and sneered: "Ye Qian should have the Noble Phantasm of Escape, right?"

Everyone in the class also followed him and aimed at the window seat in the back row.

Sitting there was a sunny, cheerful and beautiful young man, the kind that everyone loves to see flowers bloom.

Under the gaze of the whole class, he didn't feel any embarrassment at all. He just rubbed his fluffy hair and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? I just live in an ordinary family."

The class suddenly burst into cheers.


"You must have this expression."

"Take a brother with you when you leave!"

"Don't think about it. Even if you can escape, you will only take girls with you."

"Young Master Ye will definitely lead Zhang Qingyi. They have been holding each other back for so long. Isn't this a good opportunity to repay the favor with my own life?"

"Damn it, don't use your lust to speculate on Mr. Ye!"

"Wouldn't you take Zhang Qingyi with you instead?"

"...Even if you bring it, you can't...at least you shouldn't say it out loud."

Amidst the laughter, the long-legged girl sitting in front of Ye Qian, who had changed into a skirt too early, stroked her sideburns, bent over, lifted the edge of her white socks, and took the opportunity to peek behind her The young man smiled slyly.

"No, I really don't." Ye Qian quickly raised her hand to show her innocence.

"Who cares about you?" Zhang Qingyi turned back and lightly bumped the back of the chair, "You are so sentimental."

Ye Qian couldn't help but feel a little crazy, and her smile became a little more silly.

In front of the stage, even Han Chun was a little intoxicated by this couple. After they finished flirting, he lit the table and said:

"Everyone, please be serious. Although the probability of encountering a secret realm is very slim, safety education must be taken seriously.

"It should be noted here that the 'three noes' are just means, and the last 'wait' is the goal.

"Everyone tell me, what are you waiting for?"

Everyone in the class responded in unison: "Waiting for rescue——"

Han Chun then nodded:

"Yes, rescue is the only hope for those who encounter it.

"Most secret realms have a capacity limit. Unless the secret realm breaks out in an extremely densely populated area, this upper limit will generally not be reached. This gives professional elite soldiers room for rescue.

"Whether they are the vanguard of government agencies, enterprises, or the vanguard of freedom, they are obliged to participate in emergency rescue at the nearest location. In a central city like Xinhai, half an hour is enough for them to assemble.

“So, the purpose of all our decisions after encountering the secret realm is to delay time and wait for rescue.

“Self-righteous actions will only dig your own grave.

“Only waiting is our only way to survive.

“The above is the ‘Three Different Things’, please be sure to follow them.

"Okay, that's it for the basics."

After Han Chun finished speaking, he subconsciously glanced at the sleeping Li Qingming, then raised his arms and looked at the newly purchased mechanical watch.







[From the outbreak of β1-2103257 secret realm: 4 minutes and 0 seconds. 】


In the unusually quiet atmosphere, Li Qingming, who was sleeping on his stomach, suddenly scratched his arm, then took off his earplugs, straightened up, breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head from side to side and moved his neck.

People in the class didn't dare to look at him and only dared to observe with their peripheral vision.

Dr. Hannibal is always so punctual, like a biological alarm clock.

After all, criminal masters are all obsessive-compulsive.

When Han Chun saw that he was awake, he took a deep breath and said, "Can I go to psychological counseling now?"

Li Qingming rubbed the back of his neck in annoyance: "I told you, the evaluation results are completely healthy."

"Then please take it back." Han Chun pointed to the door.

"Isn't it over?" Li Qingming's face turned gloomy and he looked sideways at Han Chun.

Han Chun was also staring at him.

After staring at each other for a while, Han Chun should have been defeated.

He had no choice but to sigh, take off his glasses, stare diagonally ahead, not daring to say too forcefully: "Let me put it bluntly, there has always been a saying that the secret realm... will come to those who desire it the most. "

"False." Li Qingming responded without any delay, "If it were true, I would have become a top soldier before I was 8 years old."

"It doesn't matter what you think. Many parents believe this." Han Chun put on his glasses again, looked at Li Qingming awkwardly, and even said with a hint of pleading, "At least during this period of active secret realm, can you take a few days off temporarily? ?”

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"What's the reason for taking leave?"

"sick leave?"

"But I'm not sick."

"...Should we check at another hospital?"

"That's enough, it's you who should be investigated." Li Qingming said indifferently, "Are you sure you want to use superstition as a weapon to drive away a student who always abides by school rules and ensures perfect attendance?"

"School rules?" Han Chun laughed out loud, waving his fingers vigorously and said, "Where are the school uniforms? Where are your school uniforms?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Qingming take out his school uniform jacket from the table and put it on his body. He also picked up his pants and said, "These are school uniform pants."

Han Chun's face trembled: "There are other school rules, and you must have violated them anyway!"

"I know every one of them by heart."

"Impossible, Article 17, you memorize it backwards!"

"We have close friendships, and it is strictly forbidden to talk to men or women, Article 70."


Li Qingming explained with great interest:

“There was once a secret place where all languages ​​were inverted. For this reason, I specially practiced reverse reading, and soon fell in love with this set of mental gymnastics.

"If necessary, I can try to pronounce each syllable backward to achieve the effect of playing the tape in reverse, like this -


Li Qingming himself was quite intoxicated by this performance.

But for others…

What a demon summoning spell!

This deep hum that does not belong to the frequency of this world is like a snake-shaped needle extending from hell, twisting and piercing their brains bit by bit, polluting their minds.

Several girls covered their ears on the spot.

Finally, someone spoke up.

"Who is that...you are enough..."

"We never messed with you."

"It seems that digging holes is really the 17th school rule..."

Amidst the denunciations, class monitor Zheng Ruixing stood up bravely and did not dare to look at Li Qingming. He just lowered his head and said: "Li Qingming, you'd better leave. Because you are here, many students have to ask for leave." ...Parents and schools also put a lot of pressure on Teacher Han..."

As if she couldn't bear to see him fighting alone, another girl spoke bravely: "You can't blame Teacher Han for this. This period is really special. Just come back next month."

As the two men came forward, more people joined the ranks, and the volume and rhetoric grew more intense.

"Li Qingming, don't you have something on your mind? The teacher's lectures are all affected by you."

"With you here, our class can't get any benefits, and we even get less food from the cafeteria than others!"

"What's the fun of going to school, torturing us?"

At the end of the denunciation, Zhang Qingyi, the most influential person in the class, also turned sideways, as if he was forcing himself to look at the devil, and looked at Li Qingming with fear and hatred:

"Li Qingming, we can tolerate your sick behavior and verbal violence.

"I'll just say one thing -

"You really like the secret realm so much. There are so many things. Why don't you go by yourself? Who would be disgusted by spending time here?"

With Zhang Qingyi's final words, the scene became quiet again.

There were only angry looks, united and brave, directed towards Li Qingming.

Under the collective glare, Li Qingming's expression did not change at all, but he stood up unexpectedly.

Many people shrank and retracted their looks.

That unity collapsed in an instant, and the courage was gone.

Li Qingming didn't notice it at all and didn't care about it.

He just slung his schoolbag over his right shoulder, put it in his pocket, held his chest slightly in his arms, and walked out at a steady pace, just like he did after school every day.

Figure it out.

It's not you who tolerate me, it's me who tolerates you.

Now that I think about it, the new regulations require high school graduates to pass the qualification for elite soldiers. This is probably to prevent people like me from visiting the secret realm.

As you wish, now I will start planning to sneak into the secret realm. There will be more outlaws in the world in the future.

The good news is that my social circle will be much clearer than here in the future. I can just attack anyone I don't like, and I no longer need to restrain my instinct.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming's mood even improved.

Seeing him walking out so refreshed, many people, including Han Chun, breathed a sigh of relief.

But their eyes did not dare to relax, and they all stared at Li Qingming closely. As he walked to the door, one foot was about to step out, and many people were about to jump up and celebrate...

But it’s just half a step away.

Li Qingming suddenly retracted his legs and stopped, turning back slowly.

That face that should have been indifferent was now full of suspicion, worry, and...surprise.

"Really?" he asked.

Right now.

Buzz! ! !

Tinnitus sweeps over everything.

The air was suddenly emptied and suddenly filled.

Time seemed to have been erased, but it was frozen again.

Everything outside the window turned into a non-existent existence.

The lights inside were still bright.

5 seconds later.


A girl collapsed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"



Three, all.

"Black Territory...Black Territory..."



The screams were as sweet as waves, and the faces melted like candles.

In this tide of fear, on the icy reef, there is an inexplicably excited black seabird.

His eyes were as wide as bells, and he couldn't wait to take a deep breath until it was clear.

This is called air.

It's good to be home.

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