Heading to Hell

004 A sweet surprise

But just when Li Qingming closed his eyes and took a deep breath, wanting to enjoy the atmosphere of his hometown first, his head suddenly started to itch.

[The radiation in the secret realm reaches the threshold...

[The process has been triggered...

[The process is checking your status, please stay calm, Mr. Li Qingming. 】

This series of aesthetically pleasing characters appeared in front of Li Qingming, making him feel a little nauseous.

Who made this shit?

Could it be an element of this secret realm?

Li Qingming couldn't help but scan the others with his peripheral vision.

If these characters appeared in front of them, at least half of them would become sluggish and their eyeballs would inevitably rise.

But without exception, these people were still in the first wave of panic, and many of them were already crying.

Very good, this thing is just a little bit expensive, but it is better than being exclusive.

While Li Qingming was thinking, more characters appeared.

[Mr. Li Qingming, according to your innate qualities, the talents that can be defined are as follows——

[Selective hyperamnesia: You will not forget what you decide to remember, even if it is just a subconscious decision.

[Weird Venus: Super paranoid about beauty.

[Horror Inventor: Passionate about creating some practical gadgets.

[Value independence: You never rejoice in the appreciation of others, so you will not be hurt by abuse. 】

Li Qingming couldn't suppress his boredom after reading only a few lines, and tried to ask with his mind:

‘Does this make sense? ’

[The process is summarizing your relatively excellent qualities and helping you build confidence to face the next terrifying challenges. 】

Seeing Ziyuan's immediate response, Li Qingming simply ordered: "No need, skip to the next paragraph." ’

[The process cannot be terminated, cannot be rewritten, and can only interact with a very low level.

[Right now, the process needs to summarize at least three of your relatively outstanding qualities, and try not to exceed five.

[But even if the process has raised the standard, you still have 37 talents that cannot be ignored.

[Please read patiently and improve your confidence——

[Anti-chivalry: You believe in your personal preferences, swear to be loyal to yourself first, and never call for a fight if you can sneak attack. There is no difference between the dragon and the princess in your eyes. You only appreciate the more interesting and practical one... Well, Practical in every sense of the word.

[Lawful One: You respect rules and laws extremely, at least... until you decided to destroy them.

[Criminal artist: Good at planning, analyzing and appreciating various types of crimes, but excluding sexual crimes and drug dealing. Those beastly behaviors are not worthy of being called art. And because you are also a lawful person, you will not do it yourself within the scope of the law. Your imagination and files are enough to make you happy.

[Icarus: You are fascinated by adventure and the unknown, and the pleasure this gives you even completely covers your fear, or in other words, your fear will be fully transformed into excitement. This helps you fly higher, but as you get closer to the sun, you get closer to death.

[Obsessive-compulsive disorder: There is no need to elaborate on this, but not mentioning it is an insult to the process algorithm. 】

‘Is that enough? Hurry up. ’

[There are 28 items left, please read them patiently and improve your confidence. 】


[Performer: Apart from yourself, you are also loyal to your promises and friends. Generally speaking, this cannot be called a talent, but it is your only positive quality regarding morality.

[Messenger of the Evil God: You will naturally attract potential fanatical believers in the crowd, and you have a lot to do in the cult career. Unfortunately, you are not determined to do this, and you have wasted your great talent.

[Anti-chivalrous spirit:...


[The process speculates that you still have more to say, but unfortunately the following is the last one.

[Moral dictator: You ignore all secular ethics and only follow your own subjective moral ruler. If you encounter a moral dilemma and are in a dilemma, you will quickly adjust the ruler to achieve unification, so your spirit will always be self-consistent.

[The above are your talents and traits. I believe your self-confidence has been significantly improved.

[But in order to prevent you from being arrogant, Chengcheng also summarized 1832 of your shortcomings, 1829 of which are related to personality. Are you willing to read them for improvement? 】

'no. ’

[Process strongly recommends that you listen to the ten most important personality issues, which will greatly improve your social situation. 】

‘You’re a bit in the way, can you delete it? ’

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

[After the process was re-evaluated, it was deemed that these flaws were insignificant. No matter how good a person is, it is inevitable that he will have three or five shortcomings.

[Start loading process interface...

[Loading paused...

[The child process is triggered...

[Due to your unique talent combination, the sub-process will give you a role beyond what you already know. 】

[It is normal to have an itchy head while wearing the character...]

Li Qingming didn't want to resign himself to his fate, but his head started to itch again, so he had to close his eyes and endure it.

Just like positions and levels in a company, vanguards also have roles and ranks.

It's just that these are not things that vanguard soldiers are born with, but resources that need to be acquired.

Especially for the free vanguards, most of them are low-level temporary workers, and there are many who never wear the role until they die.

It's not that they don't want to, but character jackets are expensive and only agencies and companies can afford them.

In short, it's not a bad thing to put on a character's coat for no reason, as long as it's not a guide.

Don’t be a guide, don’t be a guide.

By the way, the process said that it was an unknown, undeveloped, and unknown character.

Too good to be a guide.

With his thoughts at this point, Li Qingming's mind finally became clear.

He opened his eyes again and looked at the screaming and crying people, feeling that there was something more.

There is something more ferocious and vigorous.

Something vibrant yet depressing.



It's fear.

I can feel their fear.

This fear feeds me.

Satisfying me.

Just as Li Qingming was feeling freely, a new reminder appeared in front of him.

[You are already wearing the character: Jingzhe.

[The current class is, Ⅰ Panic Egg: Can eat the fear of others to complete hatching.

[The child process ends...

[The main process has taken over.

[Mr. Li Qingming, long time no see. The following process will explain the role of Jingzhe to you.

[Jingzhe, one of the traditional twenty-four solar terms...]

'roll. ’

[The process cannot be terminated, only...]

'delete. ’

[The process has been suspended. I wish you a happy adventure. 】

Finally, Li Qingming's vision became clear again.

The reason why he didn't even bother to listen to the explanation was because he noticed an extremely powerful existence.

It turned out that right in the front row of his seat, there was such a delicious... oh no, such an outstanding girl.

She alone unleashed a fear that exceeded that of half the class. It can be said that she single-handedly brought the fear sensitivity of Class 3 and 4 back to the kindergarten level.

She is so petite that even the smallest girl's sports uniform is a little loose on her body. Sitting on a standard-height chair, her feet can't touch the ground.

The little hands grabbing the table and the pouty face all indicate that she is tender and juicy.

Li Qingming couldn't resist such temptation at all, so he put his chest in his pocket and walked towards her step by step.

As for Ji Xiaoxiang herself, she had no idea what kind of existence was approaching.

She just lowered her head and stared blankly at the desk, enduring the stormy waves alone.

‘As expected of me... whatever you fear will come...

‘Come here, everyone will come to encourage me...

‘Why don’t you pretend to be dizzy…

'But that would attract attention...

‘They will come to wake me up…and then form a team and watch my partners being harvested by monsters one by one…

‘Ahhhh… I must have been very lucky before I died…

'What should I do if I can't cry when we are separated from each other...'

In her anxiety, more fear flowed out of her body.

When Li Qingming saw this honey fountain-like existence, he even dared not step forward and only dared to taste it from a distance.

Just like the fat orange cat on the roadside, a sudden passing will scare her away.

Be restrained.

The more beautiful something is, the more restraint it needs.

Come on, manage your expressions, get closer bit by bit, get closer...

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