Heading to Hell

005 Cleaning begins


Ring ring ring——

With the preparation bell of Beiyu Middle School, the men and women seemed to be chased by zombies, grinning and screaming, pushing and pushing out of the school gate.

Those running in front were still in shock even though they had crashed into the arms of the rescuers.

"Black Domain!! Black Domain!!"

"Don't block me!!"

"Is this a secret realm? Is this outside? Are you serious?!"

Inside the campus, responsible teachers are organizing evacuation, but many teachers have already ran out of the two streets.

More people were in between, rushing to set up a cordon in a safe area.

In the chaos, a black customized SUV accelerated and flicked its tail into the warning zone.

After parking the car calmly, the man in sunglasses who was driving the car looked at the woman in the passenger seat, waiting for further instructions.

The woman wore a standard white shirt and black trousers, the size of which was surprisingly perfect. However, her left arm was in a plaster cast, and a large piece of gauze hung around her neck, covering most of her wonderful curves.

She also has long, lazy hair like a young woman, which seems to be just tied into a ponytail, but the lines are outlined just right. Through the elegantly scattered hair on the temples, you can just see her delicate face, as well as her uninteresting look. look.

At this moment, when she saw the men and women escaping from the campus as if they were surrounded by zombies, her face finally showed some excitement. She stretched out one arm and said, "High school girls are cuter than before."

"Yeah." The man in sunglasses nodded convinced.

"Let's go there when it's quieter." The woman yawned.

"Okay." The man in sunglasses took off the mirror, took out the comb, and carefully tidied his long back hair.

"Are you concerned about your image in the eyes of female high school students?" the woman asked with a disdainful smile.

"That's right." The man in sunglasses nodded proudly.

"Is that why you patrol around the middle school?"

"That's right."

"It's useless. No matter how you look at it, you will always be a cookie-cutter machine man, like a road sign background. No one will give you a second glance."

"Hmph." The man in sunglasses shook his face and took out the razor.

"But if this continues, I will become a stereotyped agency girl." The woman turned sideways, put her face on the back of the chair, patted the plaster and said, "Didn't I ask you to apply for other positions a long time ago? Give it to the company You can also submit your resume and follow me. Unless you encounter a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, you will only be able to patrol daily until you die. "

"Oh." The driver in sunglasses responded with a shaved beard.

At the same time, an unusually serious young female voice came from the back of the car: "Director, the report has been compiled."

"He is the team leader now." The woman opened the car window, put her elbows on her cheeks, and inspected the crowd. "But the rules remain the same, just focus on the important points."

The serious woman in the back row started to report:

"Three seconds after the secret realm of Beiyu Middle School erupted, the monitoring AI cataloged it as β1-2103257 and gave a preliminary analysis.

“Similar to the previous three secret realm outbreaks this month, this time it was also a very small-scale secret realm, covering only one classroom.

"There were 46 people encountered, 45 of whom were students in Class 3 and Class 4 of high school, and one was the head teacher.

"None of the 46 people have any records of being trained as a vanguard soldier, or having any records of encountering secret realms, and of course they do not have the qualifications of a vanguard soldier.

“One of the students is a relative of a director of a well-known company, but the relationship is far away, so I believe the director won’t care too much.

"Next is the estimated parameters of the secret realm——

"The secret realm type is rules, and the strength level is 1, which is the same as the previous three times, and is the lowest.

"Based on the quality of the personnel encountered, the AI ​​gives a probability of successful cleanup of 2.7% and an individual survival probability of 1.4%.

"Although the rules-based secret realm is complicated, the strength of the secret realm is extremely low. A team of roleless soldiers is enough to ignore the rules and destroy the secret realm by forcibly destroying the master. However, this will also destroy some treasures.

"Considering that the encounterers are students, the treasures in the level 1 secret realm will not be too rich, so the Xinhai Branch of the Secret Realm Security Bureau has issued an order to assemble the nearest top soldiers to complete the cleanup by destroying the master.

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"Brother Hideo is also on the assembly list, it's best to get in as soon as possible."

"Let's go!" As the man in sunglasses spoke, he quickly stuffed back the nose hair clipper that he hadn't had time to use.

"There's no rush." ​​The woman in the passenger seat was still admiring the scenery outside and said with a slight pout, "The low-intensity rule-based secret realm is the most suitable fertile ground for wild seedlings. If you don't give them time to germinate, they will burn the mountains. The Security Bureau will A beautiful decision.”

"Bureau...Team leader, let me remind you." The female voice in the back row advised, "If you are still at the original rank, you have the right to ask the rescue team to suspend operations. However, it is precisely because of similar decisions that we That’s why we have fallen to this point. Besides, for the agency, the safety of citizens must take precedence over the training of top soldiers.”

"Nothing is absolute. It's all a matter of weighing the pros and cons." The woman twirled her fingers and said, "It's worth a gamble to fight a wild monster with more than forty lives. Otherwise, in the future, they will all be standardized vanguards trained in batches, and they will never be eliminated. There will only be more and more secret places, and eventually everyone will go to hell together.”

"Correct." The man in sunglasses sprayed breath freshener and nodded vigorously.

"Hideo Gou, don't make trouble!" After the serious woman in the back row scolded him, he hurriedly reminded the woman in the passenger seat, "Team leader, please don't say this in public. The branch chief specifically asked me to keep an eye on you."

"What did he order?"

"The director...he wants me to do my duty as a subordinate and give suggestions when necessary."

"I want to hear his original words."

"'Keep an eye on that crazy woman. If something goes wrong, I'll fire you too!"


"I remembered it wrong. It was 'Keep an eye on that crazy pretty girl.'"

"Okay." The woman breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed her windbreaker and opened the car door. "I can accept the crazy woman, but I hate her emphasis on gender. I will only call him a fat fly, not a fat male fly."

After saying that, she jumped out of the car, her windbreaker fluttering in the wind.

"β1-2103257, cleanup begins."


1 minute and 7 seconds after β1-2103257 erupted.

In the secret realm, the first wave of panic has gradually subsided. Everyone began to try to turn on electronic devices such as mobile phones. After confirming that they could not be used, they began to observe the environment.

But this gradually calming mood was soon broken by a sound.


The crisp sound of glasses falling to the ground came from the front of the stage.

Following the sound, Han Chun was seen kneeling on the ground, his eyes bulging, his left hand grasping his neck, his right hand desperately digging into his mouth, as if trying to get something out of his esophagus.

Between twitching and retching, his tears, snot and the corners of his mouth burst out blood plasma mixed together, sticking together into a line and falling to the ground.

As everyone stared in shock, there was another "bang", and Han Chun fell to the ground with his whole body exhausted, his chin hitting the ground heavily, soaked in the mucus all over the ground, and struggled clumsily like a snail.

But he still stared desperately, stretching his left hand to grab someone: "Ugh... Ugh... Help... Help me..."

At this moment, everything was quiet.

This oppressive silence lasted for a full 5 seconds.




"Get out of here!!!!!!!"

The second wave of panic hit.

Everyone rushed to the door like crazy, kicked at the window, and looked back at Han Chun from time to time, afraid that he would crawl over.

But the door couldn't be opened, and the glass couldn't be broken.

Zheng Ruixing crawled and grabbed the fire extinguisher, swung it up and smashed the glass.

The stronger men had already banged the door with red eyes and runny noses.

The women wanted to do something, but the men had taken over everything they could do, so they could only wail in the back.

At this moment, no one remembered the "three nos and one wait".

At this time, there was only panic, panic, and panic.

But for Li Qingming, the situation was the opposite.

Every day he had been here before was a torture.

Only now did he finally feel the beauty of campus life.

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