Heading to Hell

033 45 kinds of life

At 2:30 pm, accompanied by the bell of Beiyu Middle School, the agency issued a notice announcing the successful completion of the rescue mission.

Not only did everyone survive, but they even achieved a perfect level of secret realm cleaning.

Various news also began to sweep the Internet.

[Another batch of elite pioneers is coming? ! ]

[Informed sources revealed that the leader of the secret realm should be a "problem" student. ]

[All members of the school secret realm survived! Many companies have clearly expressed their interest in developing the IP! ]

[Secret Realm Security Bureau: With the assistance of the new version of AI, the secret realm white paper is expected to be prepared within 5 hours. ]

[Gambling and drug addiction, he is a fallen pioneer named freedom. ]

[The hero who led the third and fourth classes of senior high school will surely become the next pioneer idol. ]

As the saying goes, everything has two sides.

Encountering a secret realm is of course a disaster, but it is also a carnival.

In addition to the news value and treasure value of the secret realm itself, IP development is the top priority.

Perhaps soon, β1-2103257 will become a movie, novel, or game.

The students in Class 3 and 4 of Senior High School may even become NPCs in it.

Of course, the premise is that the agency allows the secret to be made public after evaluation, and the encounterers agree to develop IP.

Considering the considerable copyright share, most of them will agree.

But now is not the time to fantasize, the investigation has just begun.

After the students completed the personal belongings and blood tests, Zhou Cheng hugged them one by one and gave them encouragement.

But unfortunately, they cannot meet their families now, and they cannot even touch their mobile phones.

The things in β1-2103257 are confidential for the time being, and the Security Bureau needs to conduct a comprehensive investigation as soon as possible. Both students and parents understand this.

So, except for Han Chun and the man in the hat who were sent to the hospital, the 45 survivors were invited into 45 classrooms or offices to talk with investigators and psychologists at the same time.

For the Security Bureau, each of their transcripts is inevitably mixed with subjective elements, and the perspective is very limited, like a broken puzzle.

But fortunately, there are many such puzzles. As long as they are all put together, the entire secret realm will emerge more or less.

Next, it is to determine whether this secret realm can be made public, whether it can be copyrighted, whether there are any criminal acts in the secret realm process, and to evaluate everyone's performance.

Unsurprisingly, people from the Vanguard Selection Office also came to the scene, full of interest in the wild team that achieved a perfect cleanup this time.

After all, there is no better entrance examination than the sudden real secret realm.

So, more screens were set up in the command tent to show the investigation process of each student.

All irrelevant personnel have left, only Zhou Cheng, Bai Zhou and several teachers from the Vanguard Selection Office stayed in front of the screen.

Soon, the 45 sets of pictures, 45 perspectives, and 45 kinds of life slowly unfolded in front of them.

The third scene.

The girl with glasses: "... I was so anxious that I had no choice but to ask the teaching goal. I don't know what happened next."

Investigator: "Okay, your description is detailed and accurate, and it overlaps with other people. We believe that what you said is the whole picture of the incident."

Girl with glasses: "Thank you... Can I go now?"

Investigator: "Don't worry, the psychologist hasn't evaluated your condition yet."

Girl with glasses: "Okay, please..."

Psychologist: "In your description, Li Qingming appears countless times. It seems that you have a complicated feeling for him. Are you full of strange attention throughout the whole process?"

Girl with glasses: "I don't want to mention him either, but he is the absolute key. I still think he is the one who brought this secret realm."

Psychologist: "You have always been a good student with excellent character and academic performance. I guess you are also a materialist. Do you also believe in the superstitious saying that 'the secret realm will descend on the head of the person who desires it the most'?"

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Girl with glasses: "I didn't believe it before, but I do today. Li Qingming is a monster... this pervert... a control freak... I'll believe you if you say he created this secret realm."

Psychologist: "I've read his profile. He's clean. He has no record of violating disciplines. He's not even late or leaving early. His grades are as good as yours, but his political and ideological scores are too low..."

Girl with glasses: "We are different! Completely opposite, opposite! Don't say anymore... I don't want to think about him anymore."

Psychologist: "You have some post-traumatic stress..."

Girl with glasses: "You can define it as you like."

Psychology Doctor: "But I don't understand... Post-traumatic stress in the secret realm is usually caused by creatures in the secret realm, but yours seems to be caused by a person?"

Girl with glasses: "Yes, Li Qingming is scarier than all creatures. Compared with him, the sea urchin head is a little cute!"

Psychologist: "Well... your condition needs to be stabilized. It's not serious. It is recommended to go for further physical therapy after you go out. I have finished asking questions here. Investigator, please."

Investigator: "Okay, there are two last procedural questions here, and everyone has to ask them.

"The first question is, your performance in the secret realm can be called outstanding and stable. Would you consider becoming a pioneer?"

Girl with glasses: "Absolutely impossible! The first thing I will do when I go out is to transfer schools. I can't be a pioneer. I wish I could forget what happened today!"

Investigator: "So you refuse to authorize IP development?"

Girl with glasses: "This...my situation...how much share can I get?"

Investigator: “It’s hard for me to rule on this, but speaking from experience, it should be between 1 and 500,000.”

Girl with glasses: "That can be moderately authorized...but you are not allowed to use my image and name. It doesn't matter if you get less of the share."

Investigator: “Okay, here’s the last question——

"Please choose the 5 people who perform best in the secret realm. You can also choose yourself."

Girl with glasses: "Li Qingming...Zheng Ruixing...I can eliminate these two people."

Investigator: "Okay, the conversation is over. You can rest here first. After all on-site investigations are completed, we will leave the scene together."

The 5th scene.

Zheng Rui

Investigator: "The problem is not too big and the treatment has been completed."

Zheng Ruixing: "Then can we go to the hospital to see him?"

Investigator: "Don't worry, what I'm curious about is the last moment you called on the whole class to protect Teacher Sea Urchin Head - was that really your own judgment?"

Zheng Ruixing: "Of course! We must save everyone in our class!"

Psychologist: "Is there a possibility that you were mind-controlled by Li Qingming unknowingly? He made you feel that this is the only way to do justice."

Zheng Ruixing: "Absolutely not!"

Psychologist: "But other people described this moment by saying 'uncontrollable emotions protecting the sea urchin head', 'I don't want to live at all and want to end it quickly', 'I just want to follow the light of God', 'Long live! Long live!'... …These are all signs of mind control.”

Zheng Ruixing: "I don't have it anyway. Even if there is mind control, Li Qingming is right."

Investigator: "The last two questions, if given the chance, would you become a vanguard?"

Zheng Ruixing: "Yes!"

Investigator: "Please select the five best performers in the secret realm."

Zheng Ruixing: "Li Qingming, Li Qingming, Li Qingming, Li Qingming, Li Qingming!"

Investigator: “...I’m done asking questions here.”

Psychologist: "...This classmate's problem may be a bit serious. The last time he was in a similar situation, he was brainwashed by a cult... I suggest that he be sent for further examination."

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