Heading to Hell

034 Plain and simple, no surprises (1/2)

The 14th scene.

Ye Qian: "Some people...if they miss it, they will miss it forever."

Investigator: "This classmate... the focus of the investigation is not your emotional journey. I just want to ask, when did you decide to cooperate with Li Qingming?"

Ye Qian: "The first day of high school."

Investigator: “Is this also the day you described falling in love with Zhang Qingyi at first sight?”

Ye Qian: "Yes, but I have always had reservations about Zhang Qingyi, and my judgment about Li Qingming is not wrong. He is the partner I have been waiting for... We are keeping this confidential, right? Don't tell Him!"

Investigator: "Please rest assured that only a very few people have permission to read this material. These are my main questions. Psychology teacher please."

Psychologist: "Why are you so eager to cooperate with Li Qingming?"

Ye Qian: "Clean and decisive, with clear goals and extraordinary abilities. Although he is a little difficult to discipline, I am still willing to give such a person a chance. There is no way. Real talents often cannot conquer him with reason and skill, but can only rely on emotion and patience. Melt him."

Psychologist: "Ah... don't go so far. I just noticed that your performance in the IQ test was not good, and your grades were average, especially in mathematics. You have failed since the second grade of junior high school... So is it possible that you subconsciously want to find someone... someone who can make up for your shortcomings? "

Ye Qian: "??? When did I take an IQ test? Don't talk nonsense! There are some that I passed! Did I really fail??"

Psychologist: "Memory is also...forget it, next question, when you attacked Cai Zhixin, did you stay sane or did you fall into madness?"

Ye Qian: "Of course it's rational, I want to stop him."

Psychologist: "Then why did he have to punch so many times after he lost resistance?"

Ye Qian: "I know the Secret Realm Law. At this time, I can attack without limit...Okay, I admit it, I wanted to kill him at that time."

Psychologist: "If that's the case, why didn't you use the saw sword? Why did you kick the saw sword to Li Qingming?"

Ye Qian: "I don't have the courage to actually saw him, but I believe Li Qingming does."

Psychologist: "As far as I know, Cai Zhixin respects you and even flatters you. Could it be that you are soft-hearted because of this?"

Ye Qian: "I don't mean to offend, but your level is a bit low and you have offended me more than once. If you have to do another psychological diagnosis, please ask my personal doctor to come over."


Investigator: "So Ye Qian, if given the chance, would you become a top soldier?"

Ye Qian: "Of course."

Investigator: "For someone with your background, becoming a vanguard is a risky choice."

Ye Qian: "Yeah."

Investigator: "Okay... Then please rank the performance of the secret realm, up to 5 people."

Ye Qian: "Li Qingming, Xiao Jixiang, me, Cai Zhixin, Zheng Ruixing."

Investigator: “Do you have a high opinion of Cai Zhixin?”

Ye Qian: "A person's ability has nothing to do with his good or evil."

Scene 26.

Cai Zhixin: "That's it!! Li Qingming and Ye Qian are going to kill us all!! In the end, when the secret realm is over, he will come to make up for it!!"

Investigator: "Please calm down. Your account is inconsistent with most people."

Cai Zhixin: "What do you know! They have all been brainwashed by Li Qingming!! Especially Zheng Ruixing! I am the only one who is right! I am the only one who maintains my independent thinking and resists until the end! Don't you understand? They are all crazy! I am the only one who is still awake. !”

Investigator: "So killing those dormant people was your independent decision? This is a clear violation of the Secret Realm Law. Even if it is attempted, it is a felony."

Cai Zhixin: "It wasn't me! I didn't! It was Li Qingming!! He wanted to kill those people!! I went to stop him, but was knocked unconscious by Ye Qian!"

Investigator: “This is inconsistent with everyone’s account, and again, please calm down.”

Cai Zhixin: "Ahhhhh!! You have been brainwashed too!! The secret realm is not over yet! Damn it! This is still a secret realm!!"

Psychiatrist: "...I suggest injecting a sedative first and then sending him to the psychiatric ward to find a solution."

Investigator: "Cai Zhixin, who was on scene at 26, asked for instructions to send him to a doctor. Please ask for instructions to send him to a doctor."

Scene 37.

Zhang Qingyi: "Either 'three differences' or kill Li Qingming immediately. That's what I thought and did. But they didn't listen to me and the weapons were not in my hands, so I just I could wait for death, so I wanted to leave no regrets, so I asked Ye Qian those questions and thanked him for his sincere answers. I have nothing to regret now."

Investigator: "This... you and Ye Qian, you can tell yourselves... What interests me is that now, after knowing that Li Qingming completed the secret realm, you still think that he should be eliminated as soon as possible." "?"

Zhang Qingyi: "Of course, it was just luck that we were not killed by Li Qingming this time. We just happened to meet a benevolent master who happened to not formulate rules for mutual competition. Li Qingming needs to keep us alive to accompany him to practice the school motto. Only That’s all.”

Investigator: "But most people have a very high opinion of Li Qingming. He is close to being a demigod, and he even became a believer at one point."

Zhang Qingyi: "I didn't last until that point, but I'm confident that I won't sink to that point."

Psychologist: "Why are you so confident in your own judgment?"

Zhang Qingyi: "'Three No Ones' is the best official strategy. Killing Li Qingming is instinctive self-preservation. If you don't believe this, what do you want me to believe? A quick rescue from the Security Bureau?"

Psychologist: "...why are you so determined to hate Li Qingming?"

Zhang Qingyi: "You may not believe it. He was the first to hate us. He was the first to show his eyes that could kill us at any time. I was just forced to fight back to protect myself."

Psychologist: "Usually...your situation would lead to mania or delusions of persecution, but based on Li Qingming's expression, you...you are...completely right. He himself admitted that if competition rules arise, he will never Will show mercy."

Zhang Qingyi: "Thank you, I have never doubted this."

Investigator: "So if you have the chance, will you become a vanguard?"

Zhang Qingyi: "Yes."

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Investigator: "Oh? Judging from your past information and preference list, your previous interest in secret realms seemed to be very limited. Was it a temporary change of mind?"

Zhang Qingyi: "Yes, after that half hour, I can't stand others anymore, and I don't want to count on others anymore. There are no more trustworthy people or organizations in the world, including your agency. Now I just want to take control of my life." In my own hands, I can kill the next Li Qingming before he kills me."

Psychologist: "Wow... I quite like your energy..."

Zhang Qingyi: "You are disgusting."


Investigator: "Then finally, please rank the five best people in the secret realm in your opinion."

Zhang Qingyi: "Li Qingming."

Investigator: “You can choose 5 people, including yourself.”

Zhang Qingyi: "Li Qingming."

Investigator: “Can you tell me the reason?”

Zhang Qingyi: "From his point of view, he did all the right things and didn't even consume any extra energy. And I believe he still had a backup plan. With such a person here, others still have meaning. What? If we replace it with any 44 people, the result will be the same."

The 37th and 38th scenes.

Brother: "I protect the sea urchin head for Zhang Qingyi, I don't think about anything else!"

Brother: "I used to like to pretend to be serious, but after experiencing this... I decided to live my life and boldly embrace XP. I... I want to be Miss Zhang Qingyi's dog!"

Investigator: "This is a secret investigation...not a psychological consultation for addiction. Please take it seriously."

Brother: "Can I personally star in a movie about this secret place?"

Brother: "We must be very good supporting actors. It would be even better if we could get a scene where our faces are trampled!"

Investigator: "Psychologist...it's up to you..."

Psychologist: "This situation...even if Jesus comes, there will be no cure..."

Scene 42.

Investigator: "Classmate Ji Xiaoxiang, you are so hesitant, it is very torture for us..."

Ji Xiaoxiang: "Uh...then I...write..."

Investigator: "Okay...here, just write it on this tablet."

Ji Xiaoxiang: Nod, nod, nod.

Investigator: "Then let me ask again, do you have no objection to Li Qingming's approach?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: Yes at first, but not because he is Li Qingming. I will be afraid of anyone approaching him.

Investigator: "Okay, I'll try to ask as few questions as possible - we noticed that you made a key statement during the fourth wave of panic and curbed the chain of mass panic. This is a quite outstanding performance."

Ji Xiaoxiang: I don’t dare to take it seriously...

Investigator: “Weren’t you afraid at that time?”

Ji Xiaoxiang: Of course I am afraid, I am afraid that everyone will become bad.

Investigator: “I mean, weren’t you afraid of the environment at that time and the situation where everyone could die at any time?”

Ji Xiaoxiang: I was scared at first, but after being with Li Qingming, I didn’t feel it at all.

Investigator: "Then what is your judgment on why Li Qingming teamed up with you?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: Ah...ha...I don't know either.

Investigator: “What you said during the fourth wave of panic, were you really thinking or just words?”

Ji Xiaoxiang: It’s true.

Psychologist: "So you also hate groups?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: I...are afraid of the collective...

Psychologist: How about compared with Li Qingming? Are you more afraid of Li Qingming or the collective?

Ji Xiaoxiang: Collective.

Psychologist: How about compared to the Dominator?

Ji Xiaoxiang: Collective, compared with death, it is also collective.

Psychologist: "Okay... have you ever had a mental examination? Social phobia is not just a joke, it is a real disease."

Ji Xiaoxiang: I can’t afford psychological counseling, which is not covered by medical insurance, so I can only go to a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist will not care about my psychology and will only give me medicine...

Psychologist: "Ah, yes...it's true...but this time it's different. It's reimbursed at public expense. Can I apply for further examination for you here?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: This...if I refuse, it will appear that I don't trust you. If I agree, I don't dare to go, and I am too lazy to go...This is not occupying medical resources in vain...Ah, I accidentally thought... It’s written!

Psychologist: "...I'll fill it in first. It's up to you whether you go or not."

Investigator: "So, classmate Ji Xiaoxiang, if given the opportunity, would you be willing to become a vanguard?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: This is a big question... I have never thought about it... Let me think about whether it is more terrible to be separated from life and death, or to be forced to eat with leaders and colleagues...

Investigator: "Forget it... You don't have to answer this question, go back and think about it slowly... Finally, please select the five people with the best performance in the secret realm."

Ji Xiaoxiang: Ye Qian, Li Qingming, Zheng Ruixing, Zhang Qingyi.

Investigator: "You are the only one who did not rank Li Qingming first, can you tell me why?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: I... I ranked randomly, according to each person's relative performance. Ye Qian did what he could not do, and Li Qingming just played his usual level, even with some reservations, which can only be said to be plain and unpretentious without any surprises.

Investigator: "If this is the standard, you should be ranked first, right?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: ... ... We should almost finish talking.

Investigator: "Then let's stop here, sorry, mainly because the conversation with Li Qingming was a bit long, so I wanted to talk for a while."

Ji Xiaoxiang: ... Are you going to convict him?

Investigator: "I'm not sure yet, but my colleagues and psychologists there said... the pressure is a bit high... the teachers in the selection department seem to be arguing about the scores..."

Ji Xiaoxiang: In short, Li Qingming did nothing wrong. Even if he committed a crime, it was all instigated by me. Well, I am the mastermind behind it. Just judge me and I will admit all the crimes.

Investigator: "... Is it worth it for someone like him?"

Ji Xiaoxiang: ... He deserves more than anyone here, including you.

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