Heading to Hell

035 Emotional Value

The 45th scene.

Investigator: "Mr. Li Qingming, based on various information, we have basically restored the entire secret realm, and we are here to make final confirmation with you.

“During the first wave of panic, you didn’t say anything, you just observed and analyzed in secret.

"Later, in the midst of group hostility, you took out the hidden weapons to complete the deterrent and sent one of them out, hoping to use their hands to explore the foreign objects in Han Chun's body.

"After Han Chun was occupied by the master, you took the initiative to team up with Ji Xiaoxiang and continued to observe and analyze.

"In the first class, you took the risk and shouted "stand up" to save classmate Zheng Ruixing and put the class on the right track.

“In the “tell everything you know” stage in the first recess, you basically locked in the rules, which are school rules, but you didn’t announce them. Instead, you observed other people’s words and deeds and waited for verification.

"Soon, through what happened to Zhang Qingyi in the second class, you determined that the rules were the school rules, and you suspected that the target was the school motto.

"So during the lunch break, you announced the rules and used them to intimidate the group and become a leader, ready to wait for an opportunity to complete the school training.

“In the third period, the master expressed his powerlessness, so you are sure that he cannot create difficulties, but you still hope that some sudden difficulty will appear.

"In the next recess, the fourth wave of panic is coming. You are already prepared for others to become secret creatures. Then you, Ji Xiaoxiang and Ye Qian will be the whole group. As long as the three of you unite and love to repel these secret creatures , can be regarded as overcoming the difficulties together.

"But Ji Xiaoxiang contained the panic, and you have the final lesson.

"So you plan to fight hard and try to use your own energy to feed the master and let him create difficulties, but you are interrupted by the sneaking soldiers, so you change your strategy and call on everyone to resist the invaders.

"In the end, you successfully defeated the vanguard, completed the secret realm, and obtained the master's treasure.

"After the secret realm ended, you tried to kill Cai Zhixin, but were stopped by Ji Xiaoxiang. Then you decided to... take a dump, opened the black box, and obtained a 500-gram energy block.

"Are these situations true?"

Li Qingming: "Yeah."

Investigator: "Are you sure that... people would want to poop at that time?"

Li Qingming: "It's true that I didn't pull it out."

Investigator: "Okay, I still don't understand two things, please answer me. The first point is, if other people become secret creatures, how do you defeat them?"

Li Qingming: "Toy shield, energy block."

Investigator: "You are a person who understands the secret realm. You should know that these resources are completely insufficient."

Li Qingming: "Not necessarily."

Investigator: “Then please describe your combat strategy.”

Li Qingming: "I'm too lazy to explain it to a layman."

Investigator: "First of all, I am an expert; secondly, the teacher in the selection office and the security director are also monitoring, so you need to explain."

Li Qingming: "Do you have a basic understanding of how to kill a person?"

Investigator: "I guess so..."

Li Qingming: "Then do you know how many calories are required to kill a person using physical methods?"

Investigator: “I don’t quite understand…”

Li Qingming: "You can smash a person's head with your fists like Ye Qian did, but that would consume a lot of energy. If I use the toy shield like this, I'm afraid it will break after killing one or two secret realm creatures.

"You can also use a knife to slit the throat, which is much easier, but it requires timing, the knife must be sharp enough, and you have to be quick and find the arteries accurately. The efficiency will be much lower if you are fat.

"But believe me, this is still a very rough method. Although the human neck is fragile, it is still protected by cervical fascia and muscles. It takes a lot of effort to break the aorta. Not only will the ground be soiled, but it will also have to wait for him. It took several minutes of blood loss before he could breathe again.

"Firearms are undoubtedly faster, but first of all, I don't have them. Secondly, firearms are kinetic energy weapons. The heat they explode in a short period of time will only be more than Ye Qian's random punches. From an environmental point of view, it is still not the best choice.

“In comparison, extremely sharp objects such as alloy needles and nanowires are much better, but these are undoubtedly more sought-after goods than firearms.

"Okay, that's the basic introduction. Now, if I want to kill you now, I can only use the things in this room. Mr. Investigator, what do you think I will do? What is the most energy-saving method?

"Don't look at me like that, I won't tell you, this is an expert's secret.

"I can only say that if I really decided to do this, you would be dead now. A few organs may still be usable, but I guarantee that I can't save anything above the neck, and the calories I consume will not be more than doing three push-ups. More.

"Similarly, how to deal with secret realm creatures, how to lock down their weaknesses, and how to end them with the only precious phantoms at hand, this is also a matter of different opinions and there is a lot of room for manipulation.

"How I will kill them, I don't know how. I can only know when I see the target creature, and when I'm there.

"The only hint I can give you is -

"I can use the secret creature itself to attack the secret creature. Although the efficiency is very low, it will be an effective weapon.

"Okay, you can retract your ignorant eyes, and please don't use your understanding of Ye Qian's fists to speculate on my methods of doing things, and don't pretend to be an expert in the future.

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"Has your question been answered so far?"

Investigator: "Wait a moment, let me digest it..."

Li Qingming: "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Investigator: "Not only me, the teachers in the selection department also need to digest it... um... Then the second doubt is that you finally tried to use your body to feed the master. Do you think this is possible?"

Li Qingming: "I don't know, but I'm willing to try."

Investigator: "What if the master sucks you dry and causes your death?"

Li Qingming: "He won't do that. He is a sea urchin head, a tasteful teacher, better than all the teachers I have seen in my life. To put it another way, he really did the candle burn out and his tears dried up. He gave much more than he asked for."

Investigator: "Okay... Here are your 7 criminal suspicions... First, you hid dangerous goods indoors. Do you have a reasonable explanation?"

Li Qingming: "I I have to stay in this classroom for three years. If I encounter a secret realm during this period, it is likely to be here. For this reason, it is necessary to make some arrangements. I am very pleased that they can play a role. "

Investigator (touching the earphones): "Hmm? Is this how it is handled? Okay... Mr. Li Qingming, considering that you did not use these dangerous goods to harm others, we will not charge you for this. Then the second item, you plundered other people's treasures, yes, it is this baseball bat in your schoolbag. "

Li Qingming: "He gave it to me, he said it himself."

Investigator (touching the earphones again): "Are you sure? Okay... Mr. Li Qingming, we will register the legal transfer of the treasure for you and exempt it from tax, but if there is a civil dispute, you will handle it yourself... Then the third item, oh, I understand... No charges at all... Then I have nothing to say , are there any questions from the psychology teacher? "

Psychologist: "Li Qingming, I have read all your psychological reports, including the one I gave this afternoon. I think it is difficult for me to judge your situation with my level."

Li Qingming: "This judgment has proved your level."

Psychologist: "So I will not question your mental health. On the contrary, I think your heart is more self-consistent than most people in this world. But I still have a question - you should be relaxed and happy after the secret realm ends, why did you become manic and want to attack Cai Zhixin?"

Li Qingming: "Stupid people are not scary, what is scary is self-righteous stupid people, such people are often very inciting and contagious, so I want to take advantage of the legal self-defense and purify the human gene pool. "

Psychology Doctor: "Purify the human race? Do you think this is just? Will you make it your career?"

Li Qingming: "There is a mosquito lying on your leg, and you slap it to death. Do you think this is just? Will you make it your career?"

Psychologist: "... I am helping you, Li Qingming."

Li Qingming: "You are defining me, doctor. 'Purify the human race' irritates your nerves, so you are trying to define me as a racist. I don't care about your low-level offense, but I really just slapped the mosquito. You must have slapped it, even if you know it will dirty your hands, even if you slap yourself, you still have to slap it, right?"

Psychologist: "Okay... I am not very knowledgeable, I can't produce a report on this person."

Investigator: "Then... the last two questions - are you willing to be a pioneer?"

Li Qingming: "Of course, I believe I am already."

Investigator: "Please rank the best five people in this secret realm."

Li Qingming: "Zhang Qingyi, crooked ponytail."

Investigator: "I don't understand... first of all, why is there no you? ”

Li Qingming: “I don’t need the affirmation of this kind of list, and I don’t want to see my name in any public place.”

Investigator: “What about Zhang Qingyi? Why is she in the first place?”

Li Qingming: “She is the only one who poses a threat to me.”

Investigator: “Oh? ! Can you explain it?”

Li Qingming: “I am too lazy to explain to an outsider.”

Investigator: “Once again, I am an insider… In addition, the teachers in the selection department of the vanguard also want to hear your explanation.”

Li Qingming: “Isn’t it obvious? If everyone listens to Zhang Qingyi and fights to the death with me right from the start, they really have a chance to get rid of me before the master appears.

“After all, the guys I hide in the classroom are only enough to deal with 20 people, and more is purely physical work.

“Don’t look at me like that. After all, I am just an ordinary middle school student, and my physical strength is at most the level of a college sports full score.

"So when Zhang Qingyi said that she would lead others to fight with me, it was the most dangerous moment of my entire secret journey. I was really a little panicked at that time.

"Fortunately, conservatives always make up the majority of the crowd, and they did not disappoint and strangled the opportunity for change.

"It's a pity that Zhang Qingyi gave up too early, because of a stupid thing that I can't understand and ended the journey."

Investigator: "Okay... Then the second one you ranked is Wai Mawei... It's Ji Xiaoxiang, right? Indeed, everyone has a high evaluation of her. You ranked her here because she curbed the fourth wave of panic, right?"

Li Qingming: "No, it's because she followed me and provided emotional value."

Investigator: "Ha... Ha..."

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