Heading to Hell

048 Institutions and enterprises.

At the same time, the alliance is no longer a traditional tree-like power structure, but is broken down into point-like agencies, which are connected by AI.

Take Xinhai City as an example. The mayor still has great decision-making power, but the municipal agency he is in can only decide "what to do" and "how to do it", but cannot decide "who will do it" or "how to divide the benefits". These are all allocated by AI, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

For Zhou Cheng, the director of the Xinhai Branch of the Secret Realm Security Bureau, the security agency he is in charge of is aimed at protecting the safety of the city. He only needs to do his best to complete his work. He doesn't need to follow anyone's lead or drink with anyone at night. His personal relationship with his superiors has almost no impact on his future career.

On the contrary, if the relationship is too close, it is easier for the audit AI to smell the taste of interest transfer and conduct key monitoring and investigation.

So under this structure, few people in the Dongzhou Alliance say words such as "government" and "country". Matters related to public rights and interests are all the responsibility of the agency anyway.

There is no doubt that not all regions in the world have chosen this route. Alliances based on race or faith still exist, and organizations that abandon AI and firmly adhere to pure blood rule are also tenaciously alive, but they are relatively less mainstream.

As for alliances between companies, they are far more dangerous than national alliances.

Before the AI ​​era, antitrust legislation has emerged in an endless stream.

Naturally, when companies gradually open interfaces, integrate resources, and link into corporate alliances, more, more stringent, and more detailed regulations come into being.

Take the Dongzhou Alliance as an example. Now the economic activities within the alliance are dominated by the five major "corporate alliances".

Does it feel like an era of capital monopoly in the dark?

No, no, it is these five companies that are really dark.

It's just because the alliance has established an unprecedented and completely unreasonable regulation-

Any corporate alliance in Dongzhou will be liquidated and reorganized immediately once its market share exceeds a certain dynamic threshold.

Under the deterrence of this terrifying regulation, the five major corporate alliances have to do their best to control their share within a safe range.

If it is lower, it will be eliminated; if it is higher, it will be dismembered.

Both sides are dead, and the elusive middle ground is safe.

They are like dancers jumping on the tip of a hot knife, adjusting their business every moment, divesting some old ones and investing in some new ones.

As for the markets they let go, they naturally become the growth space for new entrepreneurs.

So since the legislation, the five major corporate alliances have been replaced many times, and a new one will be replaced about every two years. The longest one has only been here for ten years.

Once someone makes a mistake, or is too fast or too slow, his position will be immediately replaced, and the next dancer will take over and continue this hellish dance.

And the ones who manipulate this dance are those legendary corporate directors.

It's a bit unbelievable.

In this era, almost no one wants to be a corporate director, let alone the head of an organization.

Given the AI's detailed supervision of authority, even if people climb to such a position, it is difficult for them to be partial, and they have no time for feasting and drinking. They will be bombarded with information every moment, and constantly make decisions that are related to life and death, until they make a big mistake and are demoted back to the mortal world.

Such a life is nothing but pressure.

They are like the "sword holders" in science fiction novels. While they have supreme power, they also bear unlimited responsibilities and are monitored by countless eyes all the time.

I really don't understand what kind of masochist wants to be that thing.

Like Qin Li, being able to comfortably display their talents and live a decent life is the goal of most people.

And now, Li Qingming is also approaching his crossroads, and will soon make a choice between government agencies and enterprises.

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Compared with the two, government affairs are more about social responsibility, while enterprises only invest in profits and the future.

They each have an independent sequence, and they are only shared internally.

For example, the 8th-level special agent Nakata Hideo, no matter which agency he is transferred to, he is still a 8th-level important person.

But if he gives up his agency status and transfers to an enterprise, he will be re-evaluated and start from a completely new enterprise sequence.

However, there are not many people like Nakata who are qualified to jump between the two sequences.

After all, high-end pioneers like him are in high demand everywhere.

For agencies, pioneers are soldiers, firefighters and image ambassadors of the alliance. They need to bear more social responsibilities, have stronger collectivism, and lower personal benefits, but are more respected and have better protection.

For enterprises, pioneers are a symbol of top value. Whether it is secret realm exploration or idol economy, they are undoubtedly the hottest chickens, and their status is equivalent to the superposition of actors, singers, anchors and scholars.

But relatively speaking, once a pioneer loses his value, he is not even a dog, and enterprises never talk about feelings.

That's why Qin Li hoped that Li Qingming would understand the ins and outs of the world, how it all works, and how institutions and enterprises will affect his life before he makes a decision when he becomes an adult.

It was just such a long explanation that Li Qingming almost fell asleep several times.

After he was sure that Qin Li had finished speaking, he finally yawned loudly.

"I thought there would be some new insights - ha -"

"I've already yawned dozens of times. Is it so boring?" Qin Li said with patience, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to say anything else. You know that institutions can give you honor, a sense of belonging and security; companies can give you honor, a sense of belonging and security; It will help you achieve greater value, but it will also bring greater risks. ”

"I've known this since I was three years old." Li Qingming stretched and stood up, "And I don't care about every word you just said. Honor, sense of belonging, security, value, risk, it's hard to imagine that you can put it all in one breath. So many boring things.”

"You!" Qin Li cursed, pressing her glasses, "Sooner or later you will care about one of these things!"

Yang Zi hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded: "Okay, okay, we won't make any noise today."

As she spoke, she looked at Li Qingming who was returning to the house: "So, do you prefer companies or institutions?"

"Let's see who can give me what I need."

"Then what do you want?" Yang Zi asked.

"What else could it be?" Li Qingming stopped in front of the door, turned around and smiled sweetly, "A secret realm that is enough to kill me."

"Hey...what am I expecting..." Yang Zi covered her head helplessly.

"By the way." Li Qingming nodded again and said, "I'm not very happy in the secret realm today, so I'm going to find a team on the vanguard platform later, and have fun in a debauched killing secret realm on the weekend. Do you have any objections? ?”

"Whatever you want!" Qin Li scolded, "Hurry up and don't come back!"

"I will work hard." Li Qingming smiled and waved good night, then went back to the house and slammed the door.

After a "bang" sound, the two mothers could only look at each other.

"I'll just say it's useless." Yang Zi sighed bitterly, "It's not like you don't know that he doesn't care about personal development and social value. He does everything based on his preferences."

"No, I have to teach him another lesson!" Qin Li went to pull Li Qingming away again.

"Okay." Yang Zi quickly hugged her arm and shook it, "Qingming finally lived the life he wanted. We should be happy for him. He deserved what happened, didn't he?"

"He deserves it!" Qin Li took off her glasses and cursed, "Anyway, the college will insure him, and if something happens, we will still have money!"

"Haha, then I have made an appointment at the pet adoption center. Can I choose a dog tomorrow?"

"Choose, I should have chosen a dog eleven years ago!"

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