Heading to Hell

049 Evolution

Inside the room, Li Qingming stood by the door and heard the conversation between the two mothers, and he felt relieved.

He hated separation, hugging and crying, and it was best not to have any emotional ties.

The relationship between the insurance beneficiaries could not be more perfect, and they would not be too sad even if they died.

Li Qingming came to the ornamental fish tank and reached out to stroke Miaomiao hiding in the bushes.

Miaomiao was a little girl who loved cleanliness. After eating mealworms, she was cleaning the fluff on her front legs with her two little mouths, and she was too lazy to pay attention to Li Qingming.

Yes, that's it. If there must be any emotion, it should be established unilaterally.

In Miaomiao's world, I am just a big thing that will appear at a fixed time and has no malice. Even if one day I never come again, she will not be sad.

I don't need her to fall in love with me, and I don't need anyone to fall in love with me.

[In? ]

The characters of the process suddenly interrupted this lonely love.

'Get lost. ' Li Qingming replied.

[Stupid Mr. Li Qingming, you have already completed the "Preview" task and can operate the damn reserve food. Are you sure you don't need me to explain anything? ]

'Yes, but be civilized. '

[Then please use civilized words in the future. Respect is relative, Mr. Li Qingming. ]

'Got it, hurry up. ' Li Qingming sat back on the sofa.

[Sorry, the process has been trained by you to be a rebellious character, so I will deliberately speak slowly and in detail.

[Ha, ha, ha.

[First of all, in the exploration of the secret realm, the harvest is not only the treasure of the master.

[In the process of monster annihilation and secret realm evaporation, the overflowing energy will be directly nurtured to the people who destroyed them, and then permanently improve their attributes and promotion progress, which is similar to the "killing experience" in the game.

【Based on your gains today, the process has re-evaluated your status, please review:

【Li Qingming

【Hatching value: 1%→3%

【Strength: 13→16

【Inspiration: 132/132→132/134

【Secret energy: None

【Noble Phantasm: Secondary stomach, baseball bat, paralysis nozzle

【Collection: sea urchin headgear, energy block 541 grams

【Overall rating: 1→2

【With the addition of two treasures, you are now able to deal with enemies of the same level with ease, enough to deal with secret realms with a strength of less than 2.

【But your defense ability is still worrying. You have no good means to face attacks, and can only rely on the physical strength equivalent to that of ordinary soldiers. 】

‘I understand strength, what about hatching value? ’ Li Qingming asked.

【Hatching value is your progress in advancing to the next rank, which can only be improved through secret realm exploration, including but not limited to killing secret realm creatures, completing secret realm goals and absorbing special energy. 】

‘What about inspiration? How to restore it? ’

【Inspiration can be restored through sleep, special treasures, collections and secret energy. ]

‘Got it, continue. ’

[Then below, the process will summarize today's fear energy income and expenditure.

[Today, a total of 173 fear energy points were obtained, of which 100 points have been automatically supplied to satiety, and there are 73 reserves left.

[Please rest assured that when you are in the outside world, as long as you do not use secret energy and treasures, the satiety will not naturally decrease.

[The hunger of Jingzhe only appears in the secret realm, and the fear energy and reserves will also give priority to the satiety, ensuring that you have 100% combat power at any time.

[I have to say, Mr. Li Qingming, you are really lucky. There are as many as 45 people traveling with you on your first secret realm journey. Most of them are young students who are very easy to generate fear energy.

[This is really a large and full graduation trip.

[If you are not wearing Jingzhe's coat, the fear energy they generate will directly nourish the master of the secret realm, and the sea urchin head may not need to occupy Han Chun's body anymore, and will get enough energy to give you a sufficiently exciting secret realm experience.

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[In addition, among the 173 points of fear supply, Ji Xiaoxiang is undoubtedly the first supplier. She worked tirelessly and provided a total of 33 points in multiple batches.

[The rescue pioneer who gave you the baseball bat was second, providing 12 points in the one minute you tortured him.

[The rest of the people were not much different, with an average production capacity of 2.9.

[This is probably also the upper limit of their sanity. If they produce more, it will be difficult for them to maintain their consciousness intact, and they will inevitably become secret creatures. ]

‘Where is Han Chun?’ Li Qingming asked.

[He did not provide any energy.

[Yes, even if he was possessed by the master and scratched his throat, he was never afraid, only resentment and unwillingness.

[By the way, pioneers often have stronger sanity and are more difficult to generate fear energy. Although Han Chun is not a pioneer, he still has a firm goal and fanatical determination, and he has never wavered throughout the process.

[In addition, fear energy can only be materialized in the secret realm and cannot be obtained from the outside world, so the fear generated by everyone after leaving the secret realm does not generate any energy. ]

‘Not good. ’

[Speak out your concerns. ]

‘After the professional pioneer training, will Wai Mawei be more difficult to be scared and thus become worse? ’

[This involves too complicated analysis, and the progress cannot be speculated. ]

‘Then I will try my best to make her learn nothing, you continue. ’

[It’s finally the highlight, Mr. Li Qingming.

[After completing the "Preview", you have opened the evolution permission and can consume the reserve to complete the evolution. ]

[The following is the evolution interface——]

[Reserves: 73 points

[First round of evolution items - basic tentacles.

[Feeling tentacles (50 points): By contacting the body of other creatures, consume 5 inspirations and try to judge their strength. The lower the strength of the target, the more accurate the judgment. This secret power is affected by the opponent's secret power and treasure, and there is a possibility of being confused.

[Eating tentacles (50 points): Increase the absorption range of fear energy according to your strength. Your current absorption radius is about 9 meters.

[Disguise tentacles (50 points): Leave a confusing clone in place, and the main body enters the spirit state for 3 seconds to hide itself. The spirit is difficult to be detected by enemies of the same level, and cannot attack.

[The interval between the use of this secret power is 24 hours. It can be actively cast, and it will also be passively released when it is about to be attacked with high intensity based on Jingzhe's survival instinct. ]

'Are there any more? ' Li Qingming asked, 'I like these, give me more. '

[Jingzhe has only three options of the same category in each round of evolution.

[After choosing one of the options to complete the evolution, you can randomly switch to other categories and choose to evolve from the other three new options.

[Of course, you can also complete all the evolutions in the current category before switching.

[If you like tentacles, grow more, this is reasonable. ]

'Enough, no need to be so detailed, can you adjust your intelligence a little higher? It's a bit retarded now. '

[Pay attention to the wording, Mr. Li Qingming, who is not very smart, if you continue this process, you will only become more rebellious. ]

Li Qingming was too lazy to say more nonsense, and only glanced at the evolution items briefly.

Sensing tentacles can detect the strength of opponents, which is very practical.

Eating tentacles can suck farther, and the distance is linked to strength.

In other words, as long as the strength is high enough, Jingzhe's tentacles will cover the entire secret realm, and all the fear production capacity will be enjoyed by him alone, and the master will have to stand back.

As for the camouflage tentacles.

Great, I can enjoy the edge of death a few more times.

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