Heading to Hell

061 Special Service, start!

At the second-floor staircase, after confirming that the master did not need support, Hu Zirui also made a gesture to move forward.

Shen Liqi followed closely behind him, not daring to leave.

Zou Jie followed closely behind Shen Liqi with his back to prevent sneak attacks from behind.

The three of them walked closely together.

Compared with the lively first floor, the corridors here were empty and the atmosphere was much quieter.

But it was not absolutely quiet. It seemed that some repetitive mumblings came from each clinic, overlapping like a group of monks chanting their own scriptures, which was disturbing.

Obviously, this place was not empty, and it might even be crowded.

Soon, Hu Zirui flashed to the open door of the first clinic with caution.

Just as he was ready to blow up the nest and waved the crowbar to fight head-on, he only saw a faceless doctor and patient sitting at the table for consultation.

"Avoid smoking, drinking, and spicy food."

"Avoid your mother."

"Avoid smoking, drinking, and spicy food."

"Avoid your mother."

The doctor-patient couple didn't even notice the arrival of the scout, but just repeated their own dialogue.

Hu Zirui laughed on the spot, breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to say: "Liqi, this is easy, you try it."

"Yeah!" Seeing that the doctor-patient couple was so weak, Shen Liqi confidently raised the small toy bow in her hand, squinted one eye, trembled to pull the string and aim, and then "click" let go, and the plastic arrow came out.


The toy arrow was shot off the table and slid far away.

The doctor-patient immediately turned his head to look at the door, and stood up and rushed over with open arms.

"Wait in line and wait for your number to be called!!!"

"Tobacco, alcohol, and spicy food!!"

"Ah~~~" Shen Liqi screamed softly, holding the toy bow and shrinking behind Hu Zirui.

"Haha." Hu Zirui laughed loudly, leaned forward slightly, picked up the crowbar, and slashed with his left and right hands as the doctor and patient flew forward. With two clicks, the doctor and patient were cut in half.

With two thuds, half of their bodies fell to the ground, and black fragments flew everywhere.

But they were not dead yet, and they were still struggling and muttering the dialogue.

"Queue... wait for your number to be called..."

"Cigarettes... alcohol... spicy..."

Hu Zirui kicked them twice casually, then turned sideways and hugged Shen Liqi: "You can always shoot this, right?"

Shen Liqi looked at the dying doctor and patient, nodded in panic, then walked forward a little, raised the toy bow and aimed directly at the top of the patient's head, and then let go and shot.

This time, the patient's head was hit, and although it bounced off after just hitting, the weak patient still couldn't hold on, stopped struggling on the spot, and his body dissipated.

"Ah, it's not easy." Shen Liqi wiped the sweat off her face and said happily, "Without you... I would have been eaten by the monster a long time ago..."

"Okay, let's go out and talk nonsense, and quickly deal with the next one." Hu Zirui urged, "The three of us will clear a room each and take turns."

"Yeah, yeah!" Shen Liqi quickly glanced at the doctor again.

Zou Jie behind her asked, "Zirui, aren't you and Uncle Xin stuck in strength? Are you sure you want to kill it yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm tired of stuck." Hu Zirui said, coughing up a mouthful of phlegm and spitting it on the doctor's head, "It's almost time to go to the advanced secret realm. My strength is here, and I should have cleared my coat a long time ago."

"... Don't you have to discuss this with Uncle Xin?"

"How many times have we argued, it's useless." Hu Zirui snorted and laughed, turned and walked towards the second clinic, "He said that my ability is only this much, and if I go any higher, I will either lose all my money and go bankrupt, or die,"

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"Bullshit!" Shen Liqi cleared the doctor and chased after him, "Uncle Xin has no vision! Brother Zirui will sooner or later wear a character and become an elite pioneer!"

"Ah, Master is indeed too obsessed with safety. He has delayed me all these years." Hu Zirui shook his head and said, "I was in the North Border College at that time, and I almost got the coat. Because my family was poor and couldn't afford it, I came to Xinhai to hang out."

"This is not bad. If you don't come to Xinhai, you won't meet me and Brother Jie." Shen Liqi smiled and took Hu Zirui's arm, "Uncle Xin is a more conservative person. Anyway, I support you to go to the advanced secret realm. If you put on the coat and come back, Uncle Xin will naturally give in!"

"Haha, wouldn't he be very embarrassed like this?" Hu Zirui couldn't help but feel good. He turned around and blew his bangs and said, "Don't worry, I will still take care of you after I put on the character, and I will always take care of you."

"I don't have to let you take care of me, I just think you can do it!" Shen Liqi said as she got closer.

Zou Jie, who was silently protecting them, didn't know what to say, so he just sighed quietly,


Nakata Hideo followed Bai Zhou's intuition and drove to the Xinhai Ring Expressway.

It's strange that he was very motivated just a few minutes ago, but just after checking the time, he suddenly fell into depression.

Bai Zhou naturally noticed this and quickly scratched Nakata's chin: "Xiao Xiufu, what's wrong with you?"

"Get out of the way." Nakata shook Bai Zhou away irritably and muttered in a deep voice, "Suddenly... I thought of... Lele, live broadcast, now."

"Well, let's watch the replay tomorrow." Bai Zhou waved his hand.

"It's the birthday replay." Nakata couldn't help but hold the steering wheel tightly, "Tonight."

"Is it important?"

"Very! Important! Me! Big brother on the list! Protect!"

"Oh, where is the live broadcast room, I'll play it for you."

"You can't watch the video while driving." Nakata shook his head heavily.

"Let me drive?"

"People with disabilities can't drive."


"You can't mess up your work." Nakata gritted his teeth, his eyes under the sunglasses were probably red, "Lele, I'm sorry..."

Just when he was about to cry, good news from Irina came from behind.

"I found out! The last time the Xinhai City surveillance system captured Chen Xuejian was at 10:22 am on March 16, when she entered the comprehensive building of Nanyu Hospital."

"Then?" Nakata instantly forgot about Lele and asked, holding the steering wheel tightly, "Did she come out again?"

"Well, there is no record later." Irina scratched her head in confusion, "Did she die of the disease? Wait a minute, I will apply for the transfer of medical records..."

Bai Zhou, who was in the passenger seat, also smelled something and muttered unconsciously.

"The day before yesterday... Nanyu Hospital... Comprehensive building... The day before yesterday..."

Suddenly, she turned around.

"We came to Xinhai yesterday morning to take up our post. When we reported in, Feiying seemed to have mentioned...some secret hospital realm..."

Irina nodded in surprise. After two simple operations, she opened her mouth in disbelief.

"!! Yes!! Secret hospital realm! It's Nanyu Hospital! The secret realm that broke out the night before yesterday is in the Nanyu Hospital complex!"

"!" Bai Zhou was immediately ecstatic and punched Nakata on the spot, "Turn around! Nanyu!"

"Special Service! Start!" Nakata immediately raised his hand and slapped a sign, pressing the siren button.

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