Heading to Hell

062 Blindfolded sea urchin head!

Behind, Irina couldn't restrain her thoughts at all and said: "That is to say, Chen Xuejian, like Han Chun, knew the time and place of the secret realm's outbreak in advance, so he hid in the hospital early in the daytime?! Oh my god... …Is this really happening? Are they really organized?”

"I have never thought of other possibilities." Bai Zhou waved the order, "First contact Fat Fly and ask him to stop the secret development of Nanyu Hospital, and we will take over."

Yin Linna immediately took the order and started to lower her head to operate, but soon she shouted softly: "Ah... the cleaning soldiers have already entered the scene, just a few minutes ago..."

"So fast???"

"Because it occupies the hospital work area, we adopted the principle of quick shooting and quick clearing." Irina said, and was stunned again, "Ah oh...how could it be..."

"Stop it! Talk about something!"

Irina swallowed and said, "Team leader, there should be a lot of people named Li Qingming, right?"

"?" Bai Zhou was stunned when he heard this, "He... doesn't even take a day off?"

"On the contrary, it's very immersive." Irina nodded while operating the tablet. "He joined the team through recruitment, and he was accompanied by five other official top soldiers, one of whom wore a character."

"It doesn't feel good. There are so many people here that we can have a party..." Bai Zhou shook his head and asked, "How much space is left in the secret realm?"

"I have to see this on site...but the total capacity of this secret realm is only 150..."

"It's so annoying! Nakata can't get in again!" Bai Zhou was so angry that he punched Hideo Nakata, "Tell me, why are you so unsatisfied and why are you so strong? Why don't you be weaker!"

Nakata hated it even more: "...I feel wronged! I miss Lele!"


α2-2103218 The secret area, the hospital lobby.


Li Qingming's cleanup figures stopped here.

After the short morning rush hour of the outpatient clinic, no more patients entered the hospital, and the entire hall became quiet.

If there was a rejuvenated Li Qingming in every hospital lobby, both medical resources and patient suffering would be greatly alleviated.

As for Li Qingming himself, after venting without reservation, he finally felt comfortable.

The anger that had been held in for a long time disappeared with the stick without realizing it, his mind became much clearer, and his face became as free of desires and desires as that of a sage.

Although he was still breathing a little, his physical exertion was not great, so it wouldn't be a problem to do another round on the spot.

What was disappointing was that he no longer had the desire to fight anymore.

This kind of mindless venting secret is really refreshing for people who have been holding back for a long time.

But the more enjoyable it was, the faster he became tired. In fact, Li Qingming had already begun to feel bored as early as when he killed the eighth patient.

As a person with a high pleasure threshold, he has never been able to tolerate low-level repetition.

So he started experimenting and began to use different strengths to carry out different attacks.

A one-time headshot is still the most efficient. With your own strength and this Noble Phantasm, using 50% of your power is enough to kill you in one hit, which is easier than doing dumbbells at home.

And if you attack other parts of the body, even if you use 100% of the force, it will be difficult to kill them with one blow, but it will be enough to destroy them and cut a gap in the body.

Black fragments will burst out from these gaps, which are roughly equivalent to the blood of creatures in the secret realm.

At the same time, these gaps are also very fragile. Attacking these places with a Noble Phantasm can completely end them with very little effort.

As for the dialogue in their mouths, they probably originated from conversations that had happened in the hospital. They were simple repetitions and meaningless.

Finally, count the loot.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Unfortunately, these 27 patients are all paupers.

Apart from a few energy blocks like gravel, there was nothing else to gain.

Fortunately, the color of the energy block is very conspicuous, as if a gap has been dug out of the three-dimensional world, no matter how small it is, it can be seen.

Li Qingming put away the stick, took two steps, leaned over and picked up the energy block.

[Collection: 11 grams of energy block]

[The process reminds you that after the energy blocks come into contact with each other, they will aggregate into new cube energy blocks.

[Considering that this is a team trophy, please remember to store it separately and do not incorporate it into your own assets. 】

Li Qingming then put the energy block into the side pocket of his backpack and sent out his thoughts at the same time.

'Check other status changes. ’

[Strength: 16→17]

[There is no change in inspiration, after all, this is a boring cleanup. 】

[Process reminds you that although the energy obtained by killing creatures in the secret realm is fixed, the effects of these energies on each person are different. This is not only related to each person's qualifications, but also to the challenge and creativity of the battle.

[Therefore, please try your best to fight enemies who are worthy of you, otherwise you will just consume the durability of your Noble Phantasm and make ends meet.

[Finally, the baseball bat has consumed 9 points of durability, and you need to spend about 6 grams of energy blocks to complete the repair. 】

Seeing the last "6 grams", Li Qingming, who was already filled with boredom, suddenly felt a burst of pain in his body, and even regretted it.

You shouldn’t be so indulgent, it seems good to play a simulated motion-sensing game at home.

It only lasted a few minutes, but after dozens of stabs, the 3,000 yuan was gone.

Compared to the experience of this secret realm, the cost here is too expensive.

There is no doubt that this is the core reason why it is difficult for the top soldiers at the bottom to be promoted.

The price of auctioning secret realms is already high, and the consumption of exploring secret realms is so huge that there are actually very few pioneers who can fight to support themselves.

Take this secret realm as an example. The expected income of each person is less than 30,000, and the durability of the treasure is also at their own expense, and the final improvement is only one or two points.

If you do this kind of secret realm 100 times, the expected income is only 3 million, which is enough to buy a quasi-three-star treasure, and the strength will probably be stuck in the early 30s, and it is difficult to go further.

And in these 100 secret realm explorations, as long as there is an accident, it is enough to go bankrupt on the spot, not to mention the situation of encountering a sudden change in the secret realm, which is either death or disability.

In this way, for people like Zhao Xin who know that their potential is limited, it is indeed a way to clear up with such a strong strength.

As for people with excellent potential, unless they are extremely rich, they still have to follow the institutions and enterprises, and relying on the resources provided by these large organizations is the only way.

And in this team, Zhao Xin, Hu Zirui and Zou Jie are obviously people who are not valued by enterprises and institutions, and can only do these scraps.

As for Shen Liqi, she was probably signed by some corporate firm as an idol pioneer trainee, but they were unwilling to invest in her enough secret resources, so she had no choice but to work hard and become a pioneer bitch here.

Finally, it’s hard to say about the eyepatch girl Yin Li who deserves a beating.

But who cares.

The blindfold is more important than her. I hope there will be a black-eating-black process later, so that there will be no limit to the action.

Imagine if this thing is matched with the sea urchin headgear...

Blindfolded sea urchin head!

Oh my God... How can there be such a cool look...

If he can see the sea urchin head teacher again, he will definitely praise it.

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