Heading to Hell

075 Sunny and cheerful big boy

Ding ding ding-ding ding-ding-ding-ding-

Ward 501 of Nanyu Hospital ushered in the morning of a new day with soothing morning music.

The six patients in the room were as happy as ever.

Old Zhao, who was in bed No. 1 near the door, was the first to get up and walked towards the young man lying on the bed opposite him with a smile.

"Zi Rui, you are feeling better soon, right?"

"It's too early, I have to wait 4 days before I can be discharged." Hu Zi Rui was lying on the bed, shaking his right foot in a cast, "How are you, Master Zhao?"

"It still hurts, it hurts every once in a while." Zhao Xin pressed his chest and smiled bitterly, "Oh, I smoked too much, my cardiovascular system has problems so early, I really should listen to advice."

After that, he turned to look at the bed next to Hu Zi Rui: "How is Li Qi, is there any news about the kidney source?"

"Are you annoying?" Shen Li Qi snorted and turned her head, "Can kidneys be available just like that? Give them to me?"

"Why are you talking to Uncle Xin like that?" Zou Jie, who was lying on the bed opposite, rubbed his buttocks and cursed from a distance.

"You are not suffering from uremia!" Shen Liqi crossed her arms and cursed back, "I am hospitalized for a broken hemorrhoid. I am unlucky to be in the same ward with you."

"Hey, you will grow up soon!" Zou Jie twisted his head and cursed, "My disease is more painful than yours! Ouch... my hips are pulled..."

"Okay, okay, blame me for being nosy." Zhao Xin pressed his hands and sat down beside Hu Zirui's bed with a smile, "It is fate to be in the same ward. Let's take care of each other and try to be discharged as soon as possible."

"Hehe, what fate is there? We just happen to live together." Hu Zirui snorted and laughed when he heard it, and pointed to the window, "It's those two psychopaths. I dare not get involved with them."

Following his gaze, the two patients in the window beds were indeed extraordinary.

The young man in the left bed was wearing a black shirt and black pants. He was leaning against the head of the bed with his hands in his pockets, showing off his slender legs and exquisite feet mercilessly.

He stared out the dark window from beginning to end, not knowing what he was thinking.

The girl on the right bed was even thinner. She was originally a quiet girl, but her eye sockets were sunken like a skeleton. She just wrapped herself in a quilt and huddled at the head of the bed, shivering from time to time.

As if she felt she was being watched, the girl suddenly pulled the quilt vigilantly, shrank back, and cast a wary look at everyone.

Several people did not dare to look at her any more, and hurriedly returned to their own topics.

Zhao Xin was the first to withdraw his gaze, and whispered to everyone: "Let's not look at her. With her illness, if you have any interaction with her, she will think you want to hurt her."

"Psychosis is troublesome." Hu Zirui smacked his lips and said, "She seems to think that the attending doctor is in love with her."

Shen Liqi in the next bed also sneered: "Don't you see her character? Which man can be blind enough to like her?"

Hu Zirui smiled when he heard it, and glanced at Shen Liqi's thighs wrapped in stockings: "If she is as beautiful as Liqi, Dr. Xiong might really fall in love with her."

"Hehe~" Shen Liqi smiled with her face covered, and rubbed her legs tenderly, "I don't like him."

Hu Zirui swallowed his saliva immediately: "Then who do you like?"

"Brother Zirui is about the same~"

Hu Zirui was overjoyed when he heard it At the tip, she raised her big flowered arm, pointed outside and said, "When you recover, I'll take you to my territory to play and let you see what it means to be glorious."

"Hey, you can recover, but I may not." Shen Liqi sighed, stroked her hair and said, "I really want to be glorious with Brother Zirui, but it's a pity that I only have 4 days to live. If I can't wait for a kidney, I'll die."

Hu Zirui pondered for a moment and asked, "What type of kidney do you want?"

"You have to ask the doctor." Shen Liqi turned her head quickly, "Why, you give it to me?"

"I..." Hu Zirui laughed and nodded, "No problem, I'll give it to you if I can match it."


"Of course not."

"Brother Zirui, you are so nice!!" Shen Liqi jumped off the bed and sat on Hu Zirui's bed. I don't know if it was intentional, but she also sat on his hand.

"Hey, it's a small matter." Hu Zirui secretly moved his fingers, swallowed his saliva and smiled, "I just think I'm too energetic. I couldn't sleep all night. One of my kidneys is not well."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Shen Liqi smiled and hit Hu Zirui, took off her shoes and lay down next to Hu Zirui, and they got on the same bed.

Zhao Xin looked at the two of them and shook his head. He had moved to Zou Jie's bed a long time ago.

Zou Jie lay on the bed and couldn't turn his head, but he was very interested in what was going on over there, so he asked: "Uncle Xin, what are they doing? Tell me."

"What's there to tell..."

"Hey, it's exciting to listen along."

"You want excitement, right?" Zhao Xin laughed, and then raised his hand to give him a good beating, "Come on, I'll take your hemorrhoids back."

"No, no, no, Uncle Xin!! I was wrong!!"

In this harmonious atmosphere of loving fathers and filial sons, thieves and prostitutes, the boy sitting alone by the window fell into an existential crisis, his eyes constantly cycling between dullness and focus.

He is an autistic patient, and he has envied those who are good at socializing since he was a child.

He longs to be cured, longs for smiles, longs for hugs, and longs to be...

A sunny and cheerful boy.

He is very sure that this is what he wants, but he doesn't know why he feels like vomiting.

Maybe he hated himself for being so closed off.

He really wanted to be a sunny and cheerful boy.


The boy covered his mouth, and then subconsciously took out the pocket watch from his left pocket.

He didn't understand why he did this.

He didn't understand why he had to carry such an abrupt pocket watch, and didn't understand why he had to look at the meaningless time.

But he just looked at it.

And he had to look at it.

The moment he saw the dial.

His scattered pupils unconsciously condensed.

Pocket watch.

Pocket watch.

I always wear this pocket watch.

I have to check the time every 15 minutes. This is a very disciplined habit that I force myself to develop.

This habit has covered my subconscious and autonomic nerves. Just like breathing, it will be carried out without thinking, and the error will not exceed 10 seconds.

Even if I am dreaming, I must be looking at the watch.

This is too important and meaningful.

Its meaning is...

I don't remember.

I don't remember anything.

All I know is that I have to check the time, every 15 minutes.

This matter is very, very important.

So the last time I looked at the watch was...


Okay, I remember, the last time I looked at the watch was 21:39:01.

And the time now is-


25 minutes.

I actually didn't look at the watch for 25 minutes.

Intolerable, such a huge error is intolerable.

What happened, what happened in these 25 minutes, can lead me to make such a huge mistake?

Recalling, starting from the last time I looked at the watch.

Where was it...

I can't remember, my head hurts a little.

No, I can't let myself go.

I decided to write down something, and I can't forget it.


The door sign of [Mortuary] flashed through his mind.

Yes, it was in front of the mortuary door, where I reset the time anchor point.

But what is the time anchor point?

Why did I go to the mortuary?

No no no no no no...

That's not a simple morgue...

And I...

Maybe I'm a criminal who sneaked into a secret place, a thug who destroyed an institution, a thief who destroyed a company, whatever...

Anyway, I'm definitely not someone who deserves to die...

A sunny and cheerful big boy!

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