Heading to Hell

076 I have autism


Li Qingming's head was filled with turmoil.


I'm not autistic.

I am Li Qingming.

He is a top soldier.

And here.

It is my favorite secret place.


Yes, I remembered it!

At the last moment, Hu Zirui touched the entrance to the second secret realm, causing a sudden change.

We have reached a deeper level of the secret realm!

This is... wonderful!

I am still in the secret realm, the cleaning is not over, the happiness is still going on!

God I could forget who I was and slip into a stupid identity.


Acting category.

It’s a role-playing secret realm!

Look at my good luck!

In the midst of secret joy...


A pair of huge, deep-set eyes were placed in front of his eyebrows.

A skull-like face covered in a woman's skin came close to the tip of his nose.

"What are you thinking about?" She looked directly at Li Qingming without blinking and asked in a voice so hoarse that it broke.

At this moment, even Li Qingming was a little suffocated.

Those purple-black, deep-set eye sockets were about to swallow him up.

What should I say? Should I answer her?

Should you be afraid? Should I scream?


I have autism.

I couldn't speak.

Li Qingming slowly turned his head to the side, avoiding the woman's gaze with a hint of horror.

The woman leaned forward again.

"answer me."

Li Qingming stayed for a moment, then curled up tremblingly, buried his head in his legs, and retreated into his own world like a snail.

The woman came closer, sniffed his hair, and then his ears, then retracted her body slightly, turned back shivering, and walked back to her hospital bed.

On the label at the end of the bed, her name is written——

See you Chen Xue.


As soon as Bai Tian got the diary and walked into the camp, the roar of Little Glasses came from the headset.

"Oh shit! He's still a human being!"

This startled her and she almost fell down. Fortunately, Xiong Xuan, the attending doctor who had been waiting for a long time, quickly stabilized her with quick eyes and hands.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Cheng's shout came from the channel.

"Look! Someone woke up in less than 5 minutes!! What do you say during the day?!"

When Bai Zhou heard this, he opened his eyes unconsciously, but he quickly calmed down. He tightened the microphone and said, "This kid must have practiced. He must have an extremely deep memory anchor when he wakes up so quickly." What's the situation now? Is it stable?"

The little glasses man replied hurriedly: "No problem, the radiation is stable, and his life signal is also stable."

"Then he should hide it from the master for the time being." Bai Zhou rubbed his heart and said, "Don't shout, I'm not in good health."

"Then what do you say now?" Zhou Cheng asked, "Is there a good chance?"

"Where did this come from?" Bai Zhou sighed, "The next victory condition is that Yin Li can wake up within half an hour, and there is no drama. Before then, don't bother me, I want to investigate the diary."

"Okay, okay, just wait. We will wake up our teammates soon during the Qingming Festival." Zhou Cheng smiled and turned off the mic.

Bai Zhou then politely asked Xiong Xuan to let go of his hand, walked to the table with him, and took pictures of the three diaries.

"Sorry, I was just kidding." She also came to the water dispenser again, picked up the paper cup and brewed black tea, "There was a little accident outside, I'm afraid I have to work overtime tonight."

"It's okay, please don't explain." Xiong Xuan sat down with a wry smile and said, "I don't want to know anything. Everything outside is confidential. If I accidentally know something, I have to sign a confidentiality agreement."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"Don't worry, you've signed the confidentiality agreement." Bai Zhou chuckled, then walked to the table, shaking the paper cup, and pursed his lips at the three diaries, "Have you read these?"

"I've never seen it before." Xiong Xuan shook his head and looked at the three pink notebooks with some resistance. "Allowing patients to record their feelings and moods at any time is indeed a part of diagnosis and treatment, but I always tried to keep a distance from her in the later period. Try to just prescribe medication.”

"Then don't read it, so as not to cause secondary harm to you." Bai Zhou said and picked up the first book according to the date on the cover.

"It's okay, let's take a look." Xiong Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief and picked up the third diary. "After all, she is my first patient. She became like this because of my negligence. I also I want to know her final mental journey,"

"Again, you did nothing wrong." Bai Zhou opened the diary and said, "Then let's read it separately. If you find any doubts, tell me in time. If I have any questions, I can ask you at any time."


γ4-2103218 Inside the secret.

Secret time, early morning on the first day.

Ward 501 is still happy and happy.

Zhao Xin was sitting on Zou Jie's bedside chatting while looking at Hu Zirui.

Hu Zirui hugged Shen Liqi and flirted with her, but couldn't help but peek at Chen Xuejian.

Chen Xue saw that he was huddled in the quilt and motionless, but his eyes never left the black boy on the opposite bed.

And that young man, while clearly looking out the dark window, glanced back at Chen Xuejian from time to time, full of the desire to resist and welcome the first love.

In order to play an autistic boy who longs for sunshine and cheerfulness, Li Qingming has sacrificed too much.

Fortunately, the situation in the secret realm was stable, and the master did not notice his awakening.

In one minute, he had sorted out the situation in the secret realm.

Obviously, this is a role-playing secret realm. The four teammates have completely immersed themselves in their roles and have no intention of waking up.

Their treasures are placed at the head of the bed, and they are still wearing clothes for secret realm exploration.

It is dark outside the window, but the room is bright.

The six people have completely different symptoms, but they live in the same ward.

All this is so unreasonable.

But in their eyes, it is all natural.

But just a minute ago, Li Qingming himself also felt that it was natural. This is probably the feeling of dreaming.

It seems that as the information says, after entering the role-playing secret realm, you will be deeply hypnotized by the master, unconditionally accept the script it gives, and play your role without distraction.

Although all this is strange, it is also expected.

The only thing that Li Qingming did not expect is-

Where is my blindfold?

Where is the blindfold decoration stand called Yin Li?

What kind of ghost is Chen Xuejian.

Yes, there is no doubt that she must be a ghost.

She is the faceless patient in the first floor clinic.

She is the cold female corpse in a flowery dress in the morgue.

She is also the psychopath who wrote countless groans and groans in the medical record.

She is too abrupt and too important.

She can only be a mysterious creature, or even the master.

She is so strong that I didn't even notice her even when she was on my face.

And the strong pressure, the suffocating feeling of lethal measurement.

There is no doubt that if she wanted, I would have died just now, even if I used camouflage tentacles.

That's it, every second now, I may die suddenly.

This is...


Li Qingming's breathing became heavier, which caused Chen Xuejian to stare at him again.

Calm down, calm down.

Li Qingming exhaled a long breath and temporarily suppressed his excitement.

I will die.

But not today.

Not here.

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