Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 1005 Acheng, are you drunk?

Bo Yucheng observed his micro-expression.

He almost realized that this little fool Lan Lan probably had no idea about alcohol. He must have put too much gin in it and it caused the overflow...

But even though he knew it, he still drank all the wine.

Bo Yucheng pursed his lips lightly. It was originally a cocktail with a relatively low alcohol content, but the feeling in his throat was worse than that of liquor, and his stomach was burning.

"Is it any different from what you do in the bar?"

Shi Qinglan blinked her beautiful eyes, as if sincerely asking for advice, "Don't bully me and fool me without trying it. If there is something wrong with the ratio, I will change it in time."

Learning to make cocktails was completely different from what she was used to.

When she was practicing medicine, there was a scientific basis for whether a patient would be cured. When she was studying fashion design, she also had a certain sense of aesthetics. When composing music, she could hear the melody, but when mixing cocktails...

Not only had she never tasted what it was supposed to taste like before, but she also couldn't taste it herself to judge.

"Very good, professional level is comparable to Chen Gong."

Shi Qingjue adopts a pampering method of complimenting her. No matter how bad the taste is, she will praise her well and will never undermine her self-confidence.

Bo Yucheng pursed his lips lightly and said after careful consideration, "You can add less gin."

"Gin?" A trace of doubt flashed in Shi Qinglan's eyes.

She picked up the Xueke jug and lowered her eyes to smell the remaining wine, but the jug was suddenly snatched away by Bo Yucheng.

Shi Qinglan's fair and tender cheeks bulged slightly, "Acheng, what are you doing? I didn't want to drink, I just smelled it..."

You should be able to smell it somewhat if you smell it.

After all, she is also a chef at the Chinese state banquet. Wine tasting is similar to food tasting, and her sense of smell and taste are synesthesia to a certain extent.

"You can't even smell it." Bo Yucheng's voice was deep.

He glanced down at Shi Qinglan's belly and said, "Good boy, what if the smell of alcohol affects the two babies?"

"How is that possible..." Shi Qinglan muttered quietly.

She reached out and gently touched her belly, but pregnant women should really stay away from alcohol, and besides, she was so sensitive to alcohol, so she didn't insist on the details just to be on the safe side.

But Bo Yucheng was afraid that she would take the wine back again...

He simply drank the remaining dry martini in the shaker and handed back an empty wine bottle.

"Have you finished drinking?" Shi Qingjue looked at him in disbelief.

Although both men have a good drinking capacity, this dry martini is different from the ones in the bar. Gin is the largest category of spirits in the world. Adding too much is no joke...

Bo Yucheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "I can drink well."

Shi Qingjue couldn't help but tsked, "Don't embarrass yourself in front of me when you get drunk. I'm not responsible for taking care of you."

"That's not the case with Tianma Ganni." Bo Yucheng tapped the bar slowly, "I've finished bartending. Isn't it time to go back to the room with me and rest, eh?"

But Shi Qinglan still missed the wine on the bar.

She obviously didn't have enough fun. She held a bottle of gin and turned it around carelessly twice. She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at them, "I remember that you two have a good drinking capacity, right?"

Hearing this, Shi Qingjue had an ominous premonition.

Bo Yucheng's forehead twitched hard. He raised his eyes and looked at the woman, "...still want to adjust?"

"You won't get drunk after just a few cocktails, right? I remember you used to have more than two drinks at the bar, why don't you just be my guinea pig?" Shi Qinglan smiled sweetly.

Shi Qingjue: "..."

Is the alcohol in the bar the same alcohol content as hers?

He raised his hand to rub his temples with a headache, and tried to persuade, "Lan'er, just keep bartending as a hobby... I'll play with you another day, okay?"

If he drinks two more drinks, he might not be able to hold it anymore.

Shi Qinglan curled her red lips lightly, "How can it be just a hobby? When the baby is born, I will taste it myself, and you two can be my tools for the last few months."

As the sound fell, she suddenly thought of something.

Suddenly he raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, "Don't you think you can't drink anymore? If you really can't, then..."

"Drink." Bo Yucheng suddenly opened his lips and said one word.

Shi Qinglan didn't want to force them to come. She thought they had a good drinking capacity so she let them help unscrupulously. If they really couldn't drink, she would definitely not let them drink.

Bo Yucheng pursed his lips lightly, "It's just a few cocktails. You can mix them if you want. I'll play with you... huh?"

"Okay." Shi Qinglan immediately broke out into a smile.

She raised her face and looked at the man, "Did you put too much gin in that dry martini just now? What's the appropriate amount?"

Bo Yucheng then walked up behind Shi Qinglan, picked up the wine measuring cup with one hand, and held her hand with the other hand, and she held the glass of gin in her hand...

His deep and magnetic voice rang in his ears, "Pour into the measuring glass and stop when I tell you to."

"Okay." Shi Qinglan poured the wine obediently.

Shi Qingjue couldn't help but tsk. When he saw Bo Yucheng standing up to take the blame, he found an opportunity and immediately turned around and went upstairs, quickly escaping from this terrible drinking scene...

Unexpectedly, brother-in-law is sometimes useful.

Bo Yucheng guided Shi Qinglan to control the mixing ratio, and helped her taste the taste after each adjustment, and then repeatedly tried more suitable mixing ratios, and also tried many other wines.

But no matter how low the alcohol content of the cocktail is, it will still be intoxicating...

Bo Yucheng gradually became a little tipsy, resting his chin lightly on Shi Qinglan's shoulder, rubbing it in an extremely irritating way.

"Acheng, try this Piao Lin again..."

Shi Qinglan mixed a glass of Pina Colada and was about to hand it to him to drink, but suddenly she felt a slight weight on her shoulders.

She immediately looked back and blinked, "Acheng?"

"Huh?" Bo Yucheng's hoarse voice sounded slowly.

He stretched out his arms and gently hugged Shi Qinglan's waist, lowered his head slightly and buried his head in her neck, taking a deep breath.

The woman's fragrance and a little milky fragrance instantly soothed his drunkenness, "It smells so good."

Shi Qinglan frowned slightly without any trace.

She noticed something was wrong, so she immediately put down the wine glass in her hand, "Acheng, are you drunk?"

"Huh?" Bo Yucheng's voice slowly rose again.

He tightened his hold on her waist a little, and lightly pecked her neck with his lips, "Do you still want to adjust?"

"It's out of tune." Shi Qinglan was slightly startled.

She turned to face Bo Yucheng. The man's body briefly lost its center of gravity and stumbled forward.

"Be careful." A deep voice sounded immediately.

Even though Bo Yucheng was drunk and confused, he still remembered to protect him. Shi Qinglan stepped back and pressed against the bar. She thought she would hit her waist... but Bo Yucheng was faster than her and stretched out his hand to touch her waist. Padded behind.

Shi Qinglan's lower back was lightly pressed against the man's big palm, and Bo Yucheng pressed her against the bar, breathing hotly.

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