Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 1006 Sister Lan: Can you please call me daddy?

Bo Yucheng lowered his head and gently touched Shi Qinglan's forehead.

His breathing was slightly heavy, and he could vaguely smell the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Fortunately, I'll accompany you if you want to adjust."

"No." Shi Qinglan frowned tightly, "Why didn't you tell me that you couldn't drink anymore? Are you a fool to get yourself drunk?"

She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and a little guilty...

I just thought that Bo Yucheng's alcohol capacity should be very good, but I didn't expect that the cocktail he made was so intoxicating.

Bo Yucheng chuckled, "See you are happy."

Seeing that she was having fun, she didn't have the heart to interrupt.

Shi Qinglan bit her lower lip lightly, "You idiot, don't do this again. If you can't drink, you have to tell me."

"It doesn't matter." Bo Yucheng's lips curled up slightly.

His lips were already crimson, but now, probably because of his drunkenness, they were a little redder and looked particularly evil.

Bo Yucheng held Shi Qinglan in his arms, "Aren't you ready?"

He knew that his wife had been extremely bored since she became pregnant. She was originally a person who had achieved success in various fields, and could accomplish great things that would astonish the world just by moving her fingers.

But after getting pregnant, except for raising the baby at home and going out for shopping occasionally, I did nothing else...

It's rare that she is interested in developing a new vest.

He really couldn't bear to dampen her enthusiasm. It wasn't a big deal anyway, so he just let it go.

But Shi Qinglan lowered her eyes in self-reproach, "I'm not ready anymore. I'll help you go back to your room to rest first, okay?"

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng responded in a calm voice.

Shi Qinglan immediately hugged his waist, put one of his arms on her shoulders, and helped him slowly go upstairs.

Bo Yucheng let her hold him, but he did not put all the weight of his body on her. Even though he was drunk, he was not drunk and kept a little awake...

Still remembering the baby in her belly.

Shi Qinglan sent Bo Yucheng back to the room, carefully led him to the bed and let him lie down.

She bent down and unbuttoned the man's suit jacket to help him take it off, then removed his tie and put it aside. She also helped him take off his slippers, and then thoughtfully covered him with the quilt.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" She reached out and stroked the man's cheek.

His cheeks were slightly hot, but luckily it wasn't too hot. Fortunately, he wasn't asked to drink another pina colada.

Bo Yucheng's lips curled up slightly.

"Still laughing." Shi Qinglan's expression was a little solemn, "Just lie here for me obediently, and I'll make you some sobering soup. Don't let me find you running down when you come back."

With that said, she got up and prepared to go downstairs.

But Bo Yucheng quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "Don't leave."

Shi Qinglan then turned to look at the man on the bed.

Bo Yucheng's usually deep eyes were a little lighter, filled with blurred drunkenness, and looked particularly affectionate when he looked at Shi Qinglan, "I'm not allowed to go, I won't let you go."

Shi Qinglan rarely saw him have the temper of a child.

His temperament softened involuntarily, adding a touch of gentleness from his eyebrows to his temperament, "Okay, okay."

"I'm not going." She coaxed the coquettish man softly.

Bo Yucheng was now quite satisfied and let out a low sigh, but the hot palm still held her tightly.

Naturally, Shi Qinglan was still worried, so she sent Ji Lin a text message with her other hand, asking him to make some sobering soup.

"Come up." Bo Yucheng squeezed her little hand.

Shi Qinglan's eyes flashed slightly, "Huh?"

Bo Yucheng held her hand and walked up slowly, then hugged her arm and rubbed it twice like a baby.

He tilted his head and kissed Shi Qinglan's hand softly, "Lanlan, sleep with me for a while, okay?"

Shi Qinglan looked at the man helplessly.

Unable to hold it back, she reached out and pinched his cheek gently, "Bo Yucheng, are you acting coquettishly with me?"

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng admitted shamelessly.

Drunk people are always more unrestrained. Normally, he would never act coquettishly with Shi Qinglan. At most, he would just seduce her and wear her down. But he had never seen him look like this before.

Shi Qinglan slightly curved her red lips, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and she leaned closer and said, "Then you call me daddy."

Hearing this, Bo Yucheng raised his eyes and looked at her.

Those black pupils were gradually dyed with some meaning, but it was very light. For a while, it was hard to tell whether he was drunk or not.

Bo Yucheng licked his back teeth and almost laughed angrily at her, "Lan Lan, I'm not that drunk yet."

"Oh." Shi Qinglan's fair and tender cheeks puffed up slightly.

But Bo Yucheng looked at her with interest, "I didn't expect you to have such a special hobby?"

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan's beautiful eyes widened slightly.

She immediately pulled her arms out of his arms and said, "Who has this kind of habit? You obviously have it! I don't know who always forced me to call me brother in bed before..."

Bo Yucheng chuckled lowly.

There was still a hint of drunkenness in his eyebrows. He had indeed drunk too much, but he was not drunk to that extent.

"Go to sleep." Shi Qinglan glanced at him sideways.

She immediately stood up and said, "I'm going to see if the hangover soup is ready. Just go to sleep, okay?"

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng lightly curled his lips and responded in a low voice.

Shi Qinglan immediately left the bedroom to see the sobering soup. Just when Ji Lin came up with the sobering soup, "Little miss, what's going on? Why did my uncle suddenly get drunk."

"My fault." Shi Qinglan pursed her lips lightly.

She took the bowl of hangover soup and said, "I'll just bring it in. Say hello to me. We won't go downstairs for dinner tonight. We'll make some porridge. If Acheng wakes up, I'll let him drink some."

"How can you not have dinner?" Ji Lin obviously disagreed, "I will help my uncle prepare some porridge. I will bring you a portion of dinner when the time comes. The baby also needs to eat."

"Okay then." Shi Qinglan nodded.

She immediately returned to the bedroom with the bowl of hangover soup.

Bo Yucheng had a headache due to the alcohol. He lay on his back with his eyes slightly closed, and raised his hand to gently rub his temples.

"Drink some sobering soup before going to sleep, okay?" Shi Qinglan stopped being harsh to him and coaxed him patiently in a gentle voice.

Bo Yucheng sat up on the bed and looked at her with interest, "You want to feed me?"

Shi Qinglan sat on the bedside with a bowl in hand, "What else?"

She lowered her eyes and gently blew on the sobering soup, tasted the temperature before passing it to the man's mouth, "Open your mouth."

Bo Yucheng chuckled helplessly when he saw this.

Shi Qinglan was pregnant and needed others to take care of her. How dare he really let her feed him soup.

"I can do it myself." He said and stretched out his hand.

But Shi Qinglan stared at him fiercely, "Open your mouth if I ask you to! Wait for me to serve you when you're drunk! Hurry up or I'll rip off your head."

This naughty bitch pretends to be angry...

Bo Yucheng is really in love.

Good night, my dears, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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