Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 858: The Queen of Music, Qingyue, Is Miss Shi?

Shi Qinglan slowly raised her hand and took off the mask!

The exquisite face is revealed in front of everyone in an instant!

The girl's charming eyes are outlined with eyeliner, and the delicate but not exaggerated eyeshadow describes the shape of the eyes. Those sparkling eyes are dotted with a coquettish tear mole at the corner of the eye...

The alluring appearance is the face of the daughter of the Shi family's chaebol!

"You..." Kan Hong looked at her incredulously, with shock and panic flashing in her eyes.

Shi Qinglan raised her pretty face slightly, and smiled sweetly, "I hope Director Kan can still recognize me after taking off the mask."

Seeing this, Kan Hong leaned on the wall in a panic.

How could she fail to recognize this face, which went viral on Weibo some time ago! The precious jewel in the palm of Shi's chaebol, Bo Yucheng's new wife...

"Shi, Shi Qinglan?" Her voice trembled a little.

Shi Qinglan's smile became more and more charming, her charming eyes smiled into the moon, and she replied calmly, "Hmm."

Hearing this, Kan Hong's legs almost went limp on the spot.

The investors next to them also looked dull, and they couldn't believe their eyes... Qingyue, the queen of the international music scene, turned out to be the noble daughter of Shi's chaebol?

What did they say in front of Master Bo just now!

"How could it be..." Kan Hong's scalp was a little numb, but she still didn't dare to accept the facts in front of her eyes.

Shi's chaebol, that is the top wealthy family in China!

How could the young lady who was supposed to have a golden spoon in her mouth go to the entertainment circle and hide her identity...

What is there to hide about such a noble status!

"That's the truth." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled up slightly, "But Director Kan...wouldn't tell others about this, would he?"

She doesn't want to drop this vest in front of fans all over the world.

After all, there are so many fans, and taking off the mask will affect her daily life, so she still wants to be quiet.

"No..." Kan Hong shook her head like a dull puppet.

Shi Qinglan turned her eyes to other investors, and those people waved their hands again and again, "Miss Shi, don't worry, we will act as if we didn't see anything tonight and don't know anything!"

"That's good." The girl looked back with a bright smile.

Bo Yucheng put his arms around her waist, squinted at Kan Hong, "Now, shouldn't it be time to apologize to her?"

"Apologize?" Kan Hong was shocked instantly.

She was domineering and domineering at Xingtian Entertainment, and she wanted to hold Shi Qinglan in her palm to play with, but now she knelt down almost without hesitation, "Miss Shi, I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't...I shouldn't have treated you so harshly before, I shouldn't have dreamed of letting An Xia Ning take your place, and I shouldn't have let you accompany these investors, I...I don't know Taishan!"

Kan Hong was so panicked that she wanted to kowtow to Shi Qinglan directly.

If she was just a celebrity, even if she was popular and status in the entertainment industry, she could still play with her at will, but now she is the most honorable woman in China...

Even if An Xia Ning is Her Royal Highness Princess of Country G, so what!

In Huaxia, Shi Qinglan is better than a princess even if she is not a princess, even if she goes to other countries, she can walk sideways! Kan Hong finally understood why she was invited by Princess F!

"Yeah." Shi Qinglan nodded slightly in satisfaction.

Bo Yucheng narrowed his eyes and looked at her, "In the future, I don't want things like the red carpet of the press conference to happen again, if I find out that you have thoughts that you shouldn't have..."

"I understand, I understand!" Kan Hong trembled.

She immediately put her three fingers together and swore in a panic, "From now on, Star Entertainment's resources will all be tilted towards Miss Shi, and I guarantee that no one will be able to shake her position."

Bo Yucheng looked sideways at the girl, "Are you satisfied?"

"It's okay." Shi Qinglan's red lips curved slightly, and she raised her face to look at him, "I want to eat Hong Kong-style hot pot."

"Go with you." The man gently squeezed her waist.

After saying that, Bo Yucheng left the box with Shi Qinglan in his arms, and the original calm atmosphere gradually recovered a lot.

Kan Hong was so frightened that she sat down on the carpet with her butt crooked.

"I didn't expect Qingyue to be Miss Shi. Fortunately, I just had an idea, and I didn't think I would really take advantage of her."

"Didn't you say that Qingyue is very old...Miss Shi is only 19 this year. Three years ago, she won the Golden Melody Award and was named the queen of the international music scene. Isn't she only 16?"

These investors discussed in low voices, thankful that they had never provoked Qingyue, it seems that in order to please the two big chaebols, Qingyue's projects will have to invest more money in the future!


Shi Qinglan was very happy after leaving Chen Palace.

Her red lips curled slightly, "Let that Kan Hong always bully me and Xixi, the villain will have his own retribution!"

"The little devil's horns on the top of your head can hardly be hidden." Bo Yucheng smiled dotingly, and pinched her face lightly.

Shi Qinglan patted his hand off angrily, "You still said, why did you ask me to come to Chen Palace to accompany you for a drink!"

When she received the call from Nan Xiyue, she almost died of anger.

Bo Yucheng stretched out his hand to hug the girl into his arms, lowered his head and lightly pressed her forehead, "If I don't call you, how can I make you proud in front of Kan Hong, aren't you happy now?"

"Hmm..." Shi Qinglan thought about it carefully.

It seems that this is indeed the truth. Kan Hong was indeed embarrassed tonight, and she was not in a very happy mood.

Shi Qinglan tilted her head and lightly pecked the man's face, "Then I will forcefully forgive you, and I will give you a reward by the way."

"Little fairy." Bo Yucheng immediately bowed his head and kissed her.


Kan Hong terminated the contract with An Xia Ning when she went to the company the next day.

She handed the contract in front of the woman, "Look at the terms of termination, and sign it if there is no problem."

Seeing this, An Xia Ning couldn't help frowning her eyebrows tightly.

She took the contract and looked through it, because Country G and Huaxia are neighboring countries. For the sake of diplomatic relations between the two countries and social etiquette, she has no obstacles in speaking, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language.

"Why terminate the contract?" She looked at Kan Hong dissatisfied.

An Xia Ning threw the contract to Ao Dai, the agent beside her, and asked with her hands wrapped around her body, "Kan Hong, you took the initiative to recruit me to Xingtian Entertainment back then. I, An Xia Ning, dare to break the contract, have you forgotten who I am?"

Kan Hong clenched her fists tightly.

She could only bite the bullet and said, "Your Highness, I can't help but terminate the contract with you... It's just that someone from above threatened that the company will lose its security if it doesn't terminate the contract with you."

"Above?" An Xia Ning couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She stood up dissatisfied, "Aren't you afraid that the royal family of country G will trouble you with Xingtian Entertainment? Who is more powerful than our royal family?"

Kan Hong: "..." He is really more powerful than you guys.

Shi's chaebol and Bo's chaebol, return two.

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