Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 859 Are You... Pregnant?

Kan Hong showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

She clenched her fists tightly, "Your Highness, please don't embarrass me. I will not reveal the identity of the person above, and all compensation for breach of contract will be paid to your account."

An Xianing was not interested in these breach of contract compensation.

It's just that she has grown up so big, no one has ever dared to treat her like this, and she has never lost anyone in terms of bullying!

"Is it Qingyue?" An Xia Ning asked straight to the point.

Kan Hong raised her eyes to look at her. She didn't expect An Xia Ning to guess it so quickly, but she didn't dare to say more.

But An Xianing saw her reaction and guessed most of it, "Let me just say, Qingyue can make a big splash in the entertainment industry, she must have got some thighs, why? If I can't beat this time, I will go back Looking for a financial backer? Putting pressure on the company to terminate the contract with me?"

"It's not like that." Kan Hong frowned tightly.

Now she was a little flustered when she heard others slander Qingyue, and she was afraid that Shi Qinglan and Bo Yucheng would come back to settle accounts with her again.

Kan Hong was about to explain, "Qingyue, she..."

"You don't need to say more, I understand everything." An Xia Ning raised her face, and glanced at her proudly and contemptuously, "Don't worry, even if I leave Xingtian Entertainment, I will never let Qingyue have any good results Eat, dare to drive me away..."

She doesn't believe that a small star in Huaxia can make any waves!

She is the honorable royal princess, anyone has to give her three points, why should she give in to Qingyue here?

"I will sign this termination contract."

An Xianing gritted her teeth and said, "My manager, Ao Dai, is not a simple character. Even if I don't have a company in Huaxia, I can still become popular all over the world! Sooner or later, I will suppress Qingyue! When the time comes...don't regret it !"

After the voice fell, An Xianing shook her head and left the office proudly.

Kan Hong looked at her back, shook her head helplessly, and immediately sent a text message to Nan Xiyue to report the situation.


Qinglan Water Pavilion.

Nan Xiyue nestled on the sofa, saw Kan Hong's text message and smiled and said her stomach hurts, "Pfft—Baby Lan Lan, look how humble this woman is now! She used to be so proud that she wanted to stand on top of my head, but now I just want to kneel and lick me."

She handed the phone to Shi Qinglan with a belly laugh.

Shi Qinglan looked down at the text message, it was nothing more than Kan Hong's humble posture, telling them about An Xia Ning's situation.

One was to emphasize his own position and his determination to terminate An Xianing's contract, and the other was to remind them that An Xianing would be restless in the future, and asked them to be more careful when recording variety shows.

Although Xingtian Entertainment has terminated the contract with An Xianing...

But even if An Xia Ning is no longer an artist of the company, the project agreement signed with Guoguotai still has to be fulfilled as usual.

"Master Bo is really awesome." Nan Xiyue's red lips curled up slightly, "Hey, I want this kind of man too..."

As she spoke, she peeled off a green grape and stuffed it into her mouth.

Shi Qinglan's red lips curved slightly, "Isn't there a ready-made man? My elder brother is really pretty good."

"Don't mention her." Nan Xiyue squinted.

She curled her lips angrily, "I don't know what's wrong with Shi Qingjue recently. She seems to have suddenly enlightened. She also knows to send me roses and have some romantic candlelight dinners... Hey, I feel goosebumps just thinking about it." pimple."

One must know that Shi Qingjue was like an ice sculpture in her eyes.

He's dead dull, cold and hard, with no emotional intelligence at all, and it's scary to suddenly get enlightened.

"You think he won't be serious?" Nan Xiyue suddenly panicked, "Does he really like me?"

"Not sure." Shi Qinglan smiled gloatingly.

Nan Xiyue panicked a lot, she peeled off another blue grape and stuffed it into her mouth, but the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

She said flatteredly, "But your brother... is much more pleasing than the annoying person before."

Shi Qinglan looked at the status of the sisters nonchalantly.

It seems that the tricks she provided to seduce sisters are still somewhat effective. My brother is one step closer to catching up with his sister-in-law.

"You eat less green grapes, it's so sour." Shi Qinglan glanced at her, and peeled a sweet honey orange.

Nan Xiyue was inexplicable, "It's only delicious when it's sour."

Shi Qinglan didn't know what her taste was, "Then you continue to eat, I'm going to boil my Chinese medicine."

With that said, Shi Qinglan got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Nan Xiyue immediately jumped up excitedly, "Chinese medicine? Have you researched a prescription for regulating your body? After the body is recuperated, will you be able to have a baby with Master Bo?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure if it will work."

Shi Qinglan grabbed a few herbs and began to fry them, "But when I have my period this month, it doesn't hurt as much as before."

"That's useful." Nan Xiyue's lips curled up slightly.

Shi Qinglan was cooking in the kitchen. Nan Xiyue had never seen anyone boil Chinese medicine, so she was watching curiously.

The extremely pungent bitter taste soon spread over...

Nan Xiyue stretched out her hand and pinched her nose, "Your traditional Chinese medicine, I think it's more like poison, it smells so bad?"

"The good medicine tastes bitter, and it will be fine after you get used to it." Shi Qinglan lightly brushed her lower lip indifferently, and she also lifted the lid of the medicine jar, and intentionally put it in front of Nan Xiyue's nose.

She smiled slyly, "Smell."

"I don't...vomit!" Nan Xiyue was about to refuse, but the unpleasant smell came directly to her face, and she suddenly felt some acid regurgitation in her stomach, so she rushed to the bathroom while covering her lips.

Seeing this, Shi Qinglan's expression suddenly changed.

She immediately put the lid back, then turned off the small stove and chased to the bathroom, "Xixi...how are you!"

"Ouch..." Nan Xiyue vomited lying on her stomach next to the sink.

Shi Qinglan lifted her long hair and held it in her hands, stroking her back with a slight frown, "Is it better?"

Nan Xiyue supported the washbasin with one hand, and lightly waved the other hand twice to show that she was fine. She didn't even spit out the blue grapes she ate just now. She bent down and wiped her mouth and washed her face.

"It's okay." She rubbed her chest lightly.

Nan Xiyue's complexion was a bit ugly, she patted the water off her face and walked out of the bathroom, "I just... vomit!"

It's just that as soon as she came out, she smelled the smell of traditional Chinese medicine again.

She immediately turned around and went back to the bathroom, lying next to the sink and vomited violently again, her stomach acid was almost vomited out.

Shi Qinglan suddenly remembered that Lan Chu was like this before...

Her expression changed suddenly, and she immediately grabbed her wrist, "Let's go to the hospital! I'll make an appointment for you to have a gastroscopy!"

They didn't pay attention to Lan Chu's nausea before. They thought it was the simplest indigestion, but they didn't expect it to develop into the most serious stomach cancer. This time, they must be killed in the cradle...

"Ah?" Nan Xiyue was dragged away by her in a daze.

She broke away from Shi Qinglan inexplicably, "What are you going to the hospital for? Why do you need a gastroscopy? My stomach is fine!"

It's delicious to eat, and I've gained a lot of weight recently.

Shi Qinglan turned her eyes to look at her, "Have you not lost weight recently, or have you often had stomach pains? Is this the first time nausea? Did you have any other symptoms before?"

Nan Xiyue understood after hearing her series of questions.

She laughed out loud, "Honey, don't you think I'm Lan Chu? I don't have a stomachache. I guess I ate too much green tea today. I haven't vomited before, and I've gained a few pounds. Look at my waist... isn't it quite round!"

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan's expression became more complicated.

She looked at Nan Xiyue, because she had been with her day and night, it was really difficult to notice the changes in her during this time.

But recall what Nan Xiyue looked like before...

Now indeed, it seems to have become a little bit rounder.

"Could you be...pregnant?" Shi Qinglan boldly guessed, she pulled Nan Xiyue aside, and asked in a low voice, "Did you remember to do that when you and my brother were doing that?" How about some safety measures?"

Hearing this, Nan Xiyue's face suddenly flushed red.

She recalled what happened that night, because the situation was too urgent, it was true that no safety measures were taken.

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, "What are you guessing? I didn't take any measures, but I took the contraceptive pill afterwards..."

Although Qing Jue didn't let him eat it no matter what.

But she still went to the pharmacy to buy it, and asked the doctor carefully to follow the doctor's advice. The doctor said that taking the contraceptive pill alone might be uncomfortable, and she also bought a bottle of vitamins to take together.

"Are you sure?" There was some doubt in Shi Qinglan's eyes.

Thinking of Nan Xiyue's craving for something sour recently, she directly held the woman's wrist and put her fingertips on her pulse.

Nan Xiyue wanted to struggle, "Hey, hey, don't treat me as a sick person, you even gave me a pulse... Let me tell you, it is absolutely impossible for me to get pregnant after taking the medicine!"

"Don't talk." Shi Qinglan glanced at her in disgust.

She carefully examined Nan Xiyue's pulse...

There is a little delay tonight, two updates will be released first, and there will be another update tomorrow night, four chapters tomorrow night~

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