Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 990 I was invited by Limei’s little baby

All the people at the scene were petrified on the spot.

They looked at Lan Chu in shock, unable to believe that she was so familiar with the boss, and it looked like... it seemed that the boss came here to find her on purpose!

"What's going on?" Tabetha frowned.

She looked at Tony beside her with wide eyes, "Isn't this big guy your teacher? Why is he so familiar with Qingli!"

But Tony was obviously a little panicked when he saw this situation.

He clenched his fists tightly and flashed his eyes with a guilty conscience, "This...how do I know this!"

He also wanted to know why Aaron appeared here!

He thought that an international giant of this level would never appear on such a small occasion, so he dared to show off after just a few online classes. Unexpectedly, he met him!

Lan Chu didn't realize that he had become the center of attention at this moment.

She raised her face and looked at the man, her crescent-shaped smile filled with stars, "Teacher Aaron, please come in."

"Okay." The man couldn't stand such a cute baby face, so he reached out and pinched her little face.

It seemed like a good experience for him to put makeup on such an energetic little girl. Aaron suddenly had a desire to do his best to make her famous!

Those blocking the road scattered to the side like zombies.

Lan Chu's partner also looked at the two of them in shock, and quickly ran to her side and grabbed the corner of her clothes, "Li Mei, do you know who this man is standing next to you?"

"I know." Lan Chu nodded gently.

She originally only knew his name, but when she heard Tony show off, she also knew his identity.

Lan Chu's delicate deer eyes were very sparkling, "What's wrong? Do you think he is not suitable?"

"No, no, no..." His partner waved his hands in denial.

There was never anything inappropriate about Teacher Aaron, it was just that he doubted whether they were worthy enough.

When Tabetha saw the boss standing next to Lan Chu, her strong desire to win and jealousy were aroused again!

"Teacher Aaron." She shouted with a smile.

Hearing the sound, the man lazily raised his eyelids and looked around, only to see a woman dressed like a peacock calling her, with a girly sissy standing next to her, "What?"

Tabetha saw Aaron's eyes fall on Tony.

She immediately and enthusiastically greeted her, "Hello, Teacher Aaron, I am Tabetha, a student of Imperial Art. It doesn't matter if you don't know me, but you should be familiar with the person next to me, right?"

After all, they are students who have a deep friendship between teachers and students!

Although the reputation of a student is definitely not as good as that of a teacher, it is still better than nothing. Tabetha is always outclassed by Lan Chu, and she must find ways to regain some ground...

"Tabetha!" Tony immediately pulled her back.

When Tabetha asked these words, his heart was completely panicked. The guilty feeling spread in his heart, and gradually expanded into fear, and he wanted to escape!

How embarrassing it would be to be exposed in public for lies!

Aaron raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his chin slightly, raised his hand to straighten the collar of his burgundy suit jacket, and glanced at Tony with a stern look, "I don't know him."

Tony's face instantly turned red.

Tabetha's face also changed. She looked at him in disbelief, "That's not right, Teacher Aaron... This is your student, how could you deny it..."

"Tabetha!" Tony yelled suddenly.

He couldn't bear to be exposed like this, so he immediately looked up at Aaron apologetically, "Sorry, Teacher Aaron, it's all the students here who are ignorant and caused trouble for you. It doesn't matter who is a student or not, so we won't bother you anymore. …”

Tony said and turned around to leave.

The only consequence of continuing to stay is that his lies will be exposed, and he, a famous makeup artist, cannot afford to lose face like this!

"Wait." Aaron's voice suddenly sounded.

His narrow eyes narrowed slightly, his expression a bit unruly, and his magnetic voice seemed majestic, which made Tony's back freeze...

Aaron opened his long legs and walked towards him casually, "Did you say you are my student?"

Tony suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

He had a premonition that he was doomed, and he wished he could grease his soles and leave here, but suddenly someone grabbed him by the collar!

Aaron directly grabbed his collar and lifted him in front of him like a chicken. He looked at him with unruly eyes, his brows and eyes full of disgust and disdain...

"Tsk." He tutted softly, "You dress up in this ugly look, and your makeup skills are worse than China's Photoshop skills. How dare you pretend to be my student?"

Tony was about to retort, "I didn't..."

"Ah, yes." But Lan Chu's clear voice sounded, and she looked in their direction with a smile, "Teacher Aaron, he did pretend to be your student at our show just now."

"I can testify!" his partner immediately agreed.

Aaron's eyes were a little more displeased and dangerous, and he looked at him with a slight eyebrow raised, "Oh?"

"I'm sorry, Teacher Aaron... I'm so sorry! I said this out of confusion, but I did take your class. Although it was an online class, I really respect you!"

Tony panicked instantly after being exposed.

He knew the other party's position in the fashion world, and he didn't even have to do it himself to make him lose his foothold in the future.

"You..." Tabetha's face looked like a palette.

She thought she had invited a party, but she didn't expect that she was a liar, and instead she was embarrassed!

But Aaron has no interest in watching their drama here.

His displeased look swept across Tony's body, and he suddenly let go of him, "I never accept disciples, and I don't even care to have a student like you. As for me...I came here at the invitation of Limei's little baby, I I advise you not to play any tricks in front of me!"

Tabetha's face instantly turned pale.

Not only did he not get to the dressing room, but because of his unreasonableness and Tony's lies, he slapped himself in the face and it hurt.

"Do you still want to steal my dressing room now?" Lan Chu smiled.

Aaron immediately understood, "Oh? It turns out that the juniors in the fashion industry are so arrogant now, who dares to steal the dressing room from me?"

"Don't dare." Tony's back was covered in cold sweat.

It happened that the security guard of the show was also sent over at this time, "I just received a report, who is causing trouble here!"

Tabetha looked in the direction of the security guard with a pale face.

Those burly men were standing behind her, seemingly planning to drag her away at any moment. She couldn't afford to lose this man.

"No need to trouble you, I have legs, I can walk by myself!" She gritted her teeth and turned around to leave.

Aaron then suppressed the displeasure in his eyes.

Lan Chu looked at her back with crooked eyes, smiling so hard that he showed two small tiger teeth, "The annoying woman is finally gone."

"Tsk..." Aaron licked his back teeth.

The little white rabbit he thought was so docile didn't seem to be that docile either.

Good night, my dears, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~

The plot will turn back to Sister Lan tomorrow.

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