Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 991 Why is my Lanlan so cute?

Lan Chu tilted his cute little head.

She looked at the man with a crooked smile, "I'm sorry, Teacher Aaron, I made you laugh when we first met."

"No problem." Aaron raised his eyebrows slightly.

He raised his hand and rubbed Lan Chu's head, "Sister Lan promised me to take good care of you. Leave this show to me."

"I believe you." Lan Chu's pink lips curved slightly.

The partner next to her was shocked when she saw this scene - what kind of role is Sister Lan! Why is the boss so approachable!

Shi Qinglan has been feeling much better recently.

Since her confinement was exposed, Nan Xiyue and Nan Xiyue went shopping and breathed fresh air hand in hand when they had nothing to do. Not only did their early pregnancy symptoms lessen, but their appetite also improved a lot.

However, Nan Xiyue is getting a little tired as the month gets older.

Shi Qinglan was sleeping more and more. Even if she slept until noon and then got up again, no one would dare to have an opinion.

Bo Yucheng takes all the business of the chaebol at home, and at most only goes to the company when there is a meeting...

"Master Bo, this is the document that you need to sign today. In addition, the wedding dress design team said that the wedding dress has been made. When will the lady be tried on?"

Hearing this, Bo Yucheng gently rubbed the signature pen with his fingertips.

He raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch. It was only nine o'clock in the morning, and his Lanlan was probably still asleep...

"Come over after lunch break." His voice was deep and clear.

Wen Le nodded slightly, "Then I'll contact you."

After he put down the documents in his hand, he turned around and left the study, took out his mobile phone and contacted the wedding dress design team.

Bo Yucheng's desk is filled with documents belonging to the Bo family.

He held a black-and-gold-rimmed signature pen between his long, white fingers, which made the shape of his hand look even more beautiful.

After turning around twice carelessly, he seemed to be unable to sit still. He suddenly put down his pen and stood up and stretched out his long legs.

As expected, Shi Qinglan still hadn't gotten up at this point.

The woman's delicate body curled up into a small ball, nestled in the warm quilt. Her face was exquisite, her facial features were soft and soft when she was asleep, her bright red lips looked more crystal clear and full, and her long eyelashes like butterfly wings were even more beautiful. Dense.

Bo Yucheng returned to the bedroom quietly.

He slowly arched his back and sat carefully on the edge of Shi Qinglan's bed. He couldn't help but reach out and pinch her cheek.

"Well..." Shi Qinglan groaned softly in his sleep.

She thought there were mosquitoes, so she raised her hand and patted the spot where her face was poked, but Bo Yucheng held her hand.

But Shi Qinglan was not disturbed and continued to sleep soundly.

Seemingly sensing the warmth of Bo Yucheng's body and smelling the familiar smell, she rubbed herself against the bed.

Seeing this, Bo Yucheng couldn't help but laugh lowly.

He looked down at the sleeping woman and gently pressed his forehead against hers, "Why is my Lanlan so cute?"

"I can't stand it anymore, what should I do?" His voice was hoarse.

Ever since he found out that Shi Qinglan was pregnant, he had never touched her again, nor had she helped him with his physical needs.

Seeing his wife sleeping so sweetly and leaning into his arms, he suddenly felt a little impulsive.

Bo Yucheng gently licked his back molars and said, "Tsk."

Realizing that something was wrong with him, he suddenly let go and Qinglan stood up, raised his chin slightly and loosened some of his tie, took off his suit jacket and walked toward the bathroom...

"Wow." The sound of rustling water soon came from the bathroom.

Shi Qinglan did not wake up due to Bo Yucheng's harassment, but after hearing the sound of bathing, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

She opened her eyes slightly, squinted her eyes and turned back to look in the direction of the bed. The dazzling sunlight was vaguely visible through the curtains.

"Ah..." Shi Qinglan's red lips opened slightly.

She raised her fair lotus-rooted arms and put them on her forehead to block some of the dazzling sunlight, "I seem to have fallen asleep again."

As the woman spoke, she frowned slightly dissatisfiedly.

Shi Qinglan curled her red lips and was about to lift the quilt and sit up when she noticed the sound of water coming from the bathroom...

"Acheng?" She called out tentatively.

Maybe her voice was too soft, and Bo Yucheng was affected by the sound of the shower water and didn't hear her calling him.

When she didn't get a response, Shi Qinglan's fair and tender cheeks puffed up slightly.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, when the sound of running water from the bathroom stopped abruptly.

Bo Yucheng wiped the cold water off his body and walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Then he saw that Shi Qinglan had woken up, and he frowned slightly without leaving any trace.

He walked towards the woman in a hurry, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." Shi Qinglan nodded slightly in confusion, and glanced in the direction of the bathroom in confusion.

She lightly curled her lower lips, "Why are you taking a shower at this hour?"

When Shi Qinglan said that, she turned her eyes away and saw a bath towel wrapped around the man's waist, revealing his exquisite waistline and well-fitted abdominal muscles. There were a few crystal drops of water on his white chest, and his hair was wet and wet. The half-dry look is even more sexy.

She couldn't help but reached out and gently poked his abdominal muscles.

Bo Yucheng's body suddenly stiffened, his lips pressed into a straight line, and he suddenly felt that the bath just now was in vain...

"Hot," he composed in a low voice.

Shi Qinglan looked back in the direction of the window in confusion. Although the sun was shining brightly outside, it was already late autumn.

She frowned slightly, "...where is the heat?"

Shi Qinglan even took off the quilt next to her and wrapped it around herself, feeling a little chilly in the morning.

When I glanced in the direction of the bathroom, the door was slightly open, and there seemed to be no white mist. It seemed like...

"Cold shower?" Shi Qinglan suddenly raised her eyes.

She seemed to understand something, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Bo Yucheng, did you do something bad while I was sleeping?"

It's not like taking a cold shower in the scorching summer heat.

Bo Yucheng's Adam's apple rolled slightly. He reached for a bathrobe and put it on himself to suppress the cold air. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and took Shi Qinglan into his arms.

"...No." His voice was a little tight.

He really didn't do anything bad, he just saw how cute his wife looked and almost couldn't hold it back for a while.

This shouldn't be a bad thing for him, after all, there could be worse.

Shi Qinglan rolled her eyes slightly, "Really?"

Bo Yucheng pursed his lips lightly. He held up the woman's face with one big palm and gently rubbed her face with his fingertips. "You don't believe me? Do you want me to do something bad to show you now?"

"Huh?" He suddenly came closer to her and gently touched her forehead, then slightly raised his chin and touched it with the tip of his nose.

Shi Qinglan could even hear his subtle breathing.

Her eyes flashed slightly and her cheeks felt a little hot, "What are you talking about? I, I, I... I don't understand! Don't even think about messing around! I can't do that kind of thing before I'm three months old!" "

Hearing this, Bo Yucheng almost laughed angrily at her.

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