Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 104 Late night: I'm not interested (2 more)

Song Fengwan's sketching class is coming to an end, but she has missed a few days of class in the middle and needs to make up for it. She still has some homework to hand in. She has already asked Uncle New Year to be a model.

Qianjiang was too serious, she dared not speak.

Shifang followed Fu Chen all day long, thinking about it, she sent a message to ask Duan Lin Bai.

Purely holding the attitude of giving it a try, he did not expect that he immediately agreed.

He replied directly: [Okay, okay! 】

After all, Duan Linbai didn't live in Fu Chen's house, so she was embarrassed to have people come over in the middle of the night and went back after five o'clock.

Fu Chen was there at dinner, the two greeted each other and chatted briefly, and Song Fengwan got into the studio on the grounds of studying.


At about six o'clock, Lin Bai appeared in front of Fu's house in a coquettish yellow sports car.

Fu Chen was training a dog with a Frisbee in the yard at the time, and when he saw him pass by, he threw the Frisbee in his hand at him, Fu Xinhan threw his hooves away and ran towards Duan Linbai!

"Fuck!" Duan Linbai was shocked, "Fu San, what are you doing?"

Let the dog bite him?

so brutal?

Dodging Fu Xinhan, Duan Linbai walked over to Fu Chen with lingering fears, "Ah, look, how about the new car, limited edition."

At this moment, Fu Xinhan had run back with the Frisbee in his mouth, and squatted in front of Fu Chen to ask for compliments. He bent down and handed him a piece of beef jerky, and turned his head to look at Duan Lin Bai, "It suits you very well."

"Is it the thief Lala is handsome and attractive?"

"As irritating as you are." After Fu Chen finished speaking, he started training the dog again, ignoring him at all.

Duan Linbai snorted coldly and walked directly into the room, "You're just jealous that I want to be a model for Sister Song."

Fu Chen didn't speak, his eyes were cold.


When Duan Linbai arrived at the studio on the second floor, Song Fengwan was already waiting.

Although he is usually a bit sloppy, it is the first time for him to be a model, especially when he sees that the studio is full of black and white sketches, and he coughs twice, he is really a little nervous.

"Brother Duan, thank you so much for coming here, I'll delay you for an hour or two, trouble." Song Fengwan also felt very embarrassed.

"It's okay, what should I do now? What should I do?" Duan Linbai was inexperienced and didn't know what to do.

"You take off your clothes first." Song Fengwan lowered her head and began to prepare.

Duan Linbai was stunned.


He suddenly remembered the sketches he had seen when he was studying and taking art classes before, all of them were naked...

Damn, to take off so clean?

Fu Chen couldn't chop him.

After hesitating for a moment, he still took off his coat first, and touched his fingers on the belt, still hesitant, and the battle between heaven and man in his mind.

Forget it, let me dedicate myself to art once.

That expression was like a woman from a good family being forced into the sea, embarrassed as if she was going to be constipated.

He untied the belt after thinking about it, "Crack—" Song Fengwan looked up at him, almost stunned.

Duan Linbai was wearing a shirt and suit pants at the moment, looking like he wanted to clean himself up.

"I didn't ask you to take off your pants, I just asked you to take off your coat. The room is very warm, and I'm afraid you'll be hot." Song Fengwan lowered her head and blushed to the point of bleeding.

"Ah?" Duan Linbai coughed twice and hurriedly fastened the belt, "I thought you were going to paint nude."

"No, just sketch normally." Song Fengwan hurriedly explained.

"Actually, I'm in good shape." Duan Linbai rubbed his nose, so embarrassed.

Song Fengwan lowered her head and fiddled with the charcoal pen. She was not interested in his body and body.

What is this guy thinking about?

She suddenly thought that Fu Chen was sitting here in a bathrobe and the tips of his ears were hot. That was really good-looking. His thin skin and tender flesh were so white that they glowed, and he really wasn't manly.

Song Feng saw that he was neatly dressed in the evening, so he walked over to adjust his posture, and deliberately illuminated him, and continued to gesture on his face with a pen.

Duan Linbai regretted it completely, because he couldn't move, his body was stiff, the veins on his forehead were throbbing wildly, and what kind of posture...

What a shame!


At this moment, Fu Chen was sitting in the living room watching the news broadcast, and Qian Jiang stood beside him and started to report his work.

"As soon as Young Master Duan entered the studio just now, Miss Song asked him to undress."

"Miss Song helps Duan Xiaoye pose in person."

"An hour has passed, and Mr. Duan seems to be crying."


Fu Chenwu smiled to himself, and the words changed as they passed on.

directly becomes:

[Song Fengwan forced Duan Linbai to undress and almost bullied him to cry. 】

I'm obedient, today's girls really can't afford to offend.

Kind of tough.

Fu Shen smiled, Duan Linbai was active since he was a child, and some people even said that he had ADHD. If you let such a person sit still for a few hours, it would be like lingering him and not crying.


When Duan Linbai came downstairs, his legs were stiff and numb, and he was limping when he walked.

Everyone is stupid, how can I still have a broken leg when I become a model?

"I'll take you off." Fu Chen got up.

"No, I'll go by myself." As soon as he entered the door, this fellow was going to let the dog bite him and let him see him off? Isn't that the same as death? Duan Linbai is not stupid either.

"You have inconvenient legs, so you shouldn't drive, Shifang, Qianjiang, support him."

"I said no, what are you doing, don't touch me, I'll call someone if you do this again..." Duan Linbai was a little anxious, but his legs were still numb.

This is to support him, this is to support him completely, he is shameless!

"Do you need me to call someone for you? Let everyone come and see." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Duan Lin was absolutely out of breath, he was bullying people too much.


Fu Chen directly sent Duan Linbai home, and someone suffered a lot along the way.

Duan Linbai went home and lay on the bed, only to feel that his body and mind were severely damaged: "Life is really hard, it's too tiring to live."

When Fu Chen was returning, Shi Fang said something, "Third Master, the old lady has passed by, and she is talking with Miss Song in the living room after making soup."

"Yeah." Fu Chen replied, her mother went every three or five meetings, mostly during the day or at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and rarely met Song Fengwan. He didn't take it to heart at that time.

It was only after going back that I found that the two were leaning against each other's heads, and the little girl's film was very enthusiastic.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Introduce you to a partner and arrange a blind date." The old lady smiled with kind eyes.

Song Fengwan also raised her head and smiled at him, innocent and innocent.

Fu Chen dared to decide in his heart that this little fox was definitely taking revenge on him.

Visit the third master, I want to introduce you to someone lately, how do you feel...

Wanwan was originally a little fox, you bullied others, you have to pay back, haha, Wanwan is going to irritate him again, someone will be calm.


Daily request, request for message, request for ticket~

Brother Duan: My body and mind are devastated, please care.


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