In fact, as soon as Fu Chen left, the old lady came.

She brought a crucian carp tofu soup, which was stewed for Song Fengwan on a special trip. Before she came, she didn't know that Song Fengwan left school early today. When she learned that she was at home, she hurried upstairs to greet her and come down for soup.

"Grandma Fu, it's too much trouble for you." Song Feng was drinking the soup late, feeling very embarrassed.

"It's alright, I'm idle at home, and I don't have to worry about making soup. I happen to have something to ask for the third child, and he's not here?" The old lady lowered her head and stroked Fu Xinhan, who was lying at her feet.

"Young Master Duan came over just now, and the third master took him home. I think he will be back soon." Uncle Nian brought her a cup of hot tea, "Why are you here so late today?"

"I went to the show today, I met a few acquaintances, and I want to introduce someone to the third child. I just took the photo and came over to show him. If it feels good, I will arrange to meet another day."

As the old lady said, she took out a few photos from her arms and handed them to Uncle Nian to have a look.

"They all look good." Uncle Nian squinted and smiled. These things that can be introduced to the third master are naturally good.

Song Fengwan was drinking soup quietly, but when she heard this, she instantly regained her spirits.

The third master is going on a blind date?

"But the third child has a bad temper, so he didn't go to see him, but he worried about me." The old lady glanced at the Buddha string that Fu Chen put on the table, and snorted coldly, "I'm not young enough to eat fast and recite Buddha all day long. I'm really afraid he can't figure it out."

Fu Chen has two older brothers and one older sister. He has children, and it is not his turn to inherit the lineage, so he naturally has no pressure.

"No." Song Fengwan shook his head, "The third master is very normal, he definitely likes women."

She spoke with great certainty.

"How do you know?" The old lady suddenly smiled.

"I feel it." Song Fengwan lowered her head and drank the soup.

She can't say that the third master kissed her after drinking, that's okay.

Someone who does not eat meat and vegetables, drinks and eats meat, and the six roots are impure, how can he not think about it.

"I want to see the photos too." Song Fengwan's face was gossip.

"Come." Uncle Nian smiled and handed over the photo.

Song Fengwan looked down at the photo seriously. The three girls were all twenty-five or sixteen years old. Judging from the photos, they were all first-class beauties.

Third Master Fu is really blessed.

"I like this more. I just graduated and I'm a teacher in an elementary school. I'm fair looking. One of my parents is a civil servant and the other is a teacher. It's pretty good." The old lady looks at people mainly on character.

"Well, it's good." Song Fengwan nodded, "The third master should like it."

"Do you think the third child will like this?" The old lady didn't know what type Fu Chen likes at all. After all, Fu Chen has never been in love.

"I think this is not bad." Song Fengwan just heard the sound of cars coming from outside.

After a while, Fu Chen walked in.

"It's back." The old lady smiled at him very kindly.

Fu Chen had a bad premonition in his heart at that time, his smile was too weird.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Introduce you to someone and arrange a blind date." The old lady smiled more and more kindly.

Song Fengwan also raised her head and smiled at him, innocent and innocent.

Fu Chen dared to decide in his heart that this little fox was definitely taking revenge on him.

"I picked this one, and this one was picked late. Which one do you like?" The old lady didn't give him a chance to speak, and took the photo directly on the table.

Fu Chen's eyes swept across Song Fengwan's body, and someone bowed his head to drink soup with a guilty conscience.

That was my first kiss. Even if he drank too much at that time, she had to ask for some interest back.

"It's settled, tell me tomorrow which one you like!" The old lady got up quickly and walked out, for fear that Fu Chen would regret it.

Song Fengwan hurriedly put down the spoon, "Grandma Fu, I'll take you off."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran out.

Fu Chen laughed and glanced at the photo, his eyes were cold.

After Song Feng sent the old lady off late, when he returned to the house, Fu Chen was sitting at the dining table drinking soup. There was a bowl and spoon on the table at that time, and he didn't know if it was hers or a new one.

"Third Master, I'm going back to my room first, you should rest early." She said and ran upstairs as if she were running away.

Fu Chen obviously didn't want to go on a blind date. She helped the old lady cheat on him. He wouldn't take the opportunity to take revenge on him.

Shifang stood on the side, bowed his head, tried his best to hold back his laughter, and was arranged for a blind date by his daughter-in-law, one can imagine the feeling.


Fu Chen took the spoon and lowered his head to stir the soup. It was always the cause and effect of his own planting, but he didn't expect this little girl to be very revengeful.

When he got up to go to the second floor, before he reached the door of the room, he saw Song Fengwan, she seemed to be going downstairs, and her eyes met, she turned and was about to go back to the room.

"Song Fengwan, please stop for me." Fu Chen frowned, the little girl's film, he wanted to run away.

His complexion was cold, and his eyes were covered with a layer of frost, which made people feel cold all over. She was not stupid, she turned around and ran back.

"What are you running for!" Fu Chen raised his foot to catch up, dare to run?

Song Fengwan turned around to open the door, her fingers trembling slightly, and she couldn't open it, she was so anxious.

In a blink of an eye, Fu Chen had walked to her side, "What are you running, I have something to tell you."

She was still there with her head down and wrestling with the doorknob.

Fu Chen frowned, took her hand, pressed the door handle down, the door opened, and the back of her hand was cold when her fingertips touched it.

"Song Fengwan?" Fu Chen was startled to realize that something was wrong with her.

Song Fengwan walked quickly to the bedroom, Fu Chen had reached out faster, grabbed her arm, and with a little force, she almost slammed into his arms.

Facing it at this moment, although she lowered her head, her eyes were red and her eyes were a little watery, so pitiful...

Fu Chen immediately cursed in his heart.

Are you just fierce?

Scared to cry?

On the other side, Shifang packed up the company documents and was about to send them to Fu Chen. When they reached the corner of the second floor, they saw Fu Chen and Song Fengwan standing at the door of a room, as if Fu Chen was pressing her down. On the door.

The little girl's eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

What the fuck?

Is the third master too beastly? What did he do? He pressed people on the door, bullied him and cried?

Third Master, what should I do, my daughter-in-law should be pampered even on her knees, haha

Crying late, what can you do, no matter how fierce you are, continue to be fierce...

Third Master:  …

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