Fu Chen looked at the little girl in front of him and took a deep breath, his eyes were full of water, and he looked very helpless.

She was tricked by her, but it didn't kill her, but she was wronged.

Song Fengwan raised her arm twice, as if trying to break free from his restraint, but she had no strength.

"Crying?" Fu Chen was a little upset, and he had to adjust his emotions and try to speak as softly as possible.

"No." She looked up, as if trying to restrain something.

Fu Chen bowed his head and got closer, so that the eyes of the two were level. He loosened his fingers slightly and stroked her hair, "Are you scared by me?"

"Huh?" Song Fengwan snorted softly with her nose, her eyes all watery.

When she got closer, she found that there was a little cold sweat on the tip of her forehead and nose, and the breath she exhaled was cool.

Remembering that a few little devils in the family were scared to cry before, he could only be patient and calm down, "It's okay, I don't blame you, stop crying."

"Really?" Song Fengwan looked directly at him, as if asking for a guarantee.


What else can I do, even if I get tricked, I have to endure it, and I have to coax her.

After getting a satisfactory answer, she sniffed, "Actually..." She bit her lip, "I have a stomach ache, just... just, just that..."

"Stomach hurts?" Fu Chen's brows became tighter and tighter, the little girl who dared to love was just slandering herself, and she was confused when she cared.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan was on her period and had a severe stomach pain. She was going to go downstairs to see if there was any painkiller.

I didn't expect to meet Fu Chen in the corridor, and I couldn't avoid it. When I wanted to go back to the room, my body was so painful that I couldn't help myself. In addition, I was in a panic, and the door couldn't be opened, but it made her cry.

"That?" Fu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and planted her twice a day.

It's a hole in her hands.

Song Fengwan nodded embarrassedly, "Is there any painkillers at home?" If she was in pain like this all night, she wouldn't have to go to class tomorrow.

"Go back to the room and wait." Fu Chen stuffed her back into the room before turning around and walking downstairs.

Seeing Shifang around the corner, his eyes became colder and harsher, "Are you still looking?"

Shi Fang touched his nose, you hit a wall with Miss Song, why did you come to me to make a fuss.


When it comes to menstruation, it is still at Fu Chen's house. After Song Feng returned to the house late, he thought for a while, and went downstairs again wrapped in pajamas.

The first floor is very quiet, Fu Chen is not at home, this person dares to throw himself back to the room and run away?


Song Fengwan was too embarrassed to alarm others, endured the pain in her abdomen, propped herself on the table, rummaged for a long time, and finally found the medicine box in the kitchen closet, and found the painkillers. Shen cursed to death, she thought he was going to get her medicine, and sure enough...

All men are big hooves.

She was bracing for her abdominal pain to boil some water. As soon as she turned on the faucet, she heard the sound of the door opening. Fu Chen was carrying a convenience bag in his hand.

"Come on your period, don't touch the cold water." Fu Chen walked over quickly and pulled her aside.

"I want to burn some water." Song Feng stared at him angrily.

"Go back to your room, or wait outside." Fu Chen picked up the electric teapot, filled it with water, and plugged it in.

He took out two packets of brown sugar from the convenience bag, and threw the painkiller Song Fengwan finally found out into the trash can. The whole action was completed in one go.

"You..." Song Feng was annoyed.

How dare you throw my stuff? That's what I tried my best to find.

"Go back to the house, I'll hand you the brown sugar later." Fu Chen turned his head to look at her, the little girl hugged her stomach and hunched her back, looking at her with a look of resentment.

Song Fengwan was afraid that he would run away again, so she followed him in the kitchen for a while.

"Don't go back yet?" Fu Chen stared at her with drooping eyes, but he usually wanted her to stick to him all day, but now it's not appropriate.

"Third Master, have you really never talked about a girlfriend?" He actually knew how to buy brown sugar.

Fu Chen stared at her with a serious expression.

"I'll just ask casually, huh--" Song Feng lowered his head angrily, and his ears began to heat up when he saw it.


"I am..." Song Fengwan coughed twice, her tongue knotted.

"When my sister was not married, there would be a few days a month at home that would instruct me to do things here and there. Reason, she said..."

"It just doesn't look good to me."

"She said that women are not easy to provoke these few days, and if I am not satisfied, I will hold her back."

Fu Chen's tone was calm, as if he was gossiping.

Song Fengwan lowered her head and held back her smile. Third Master Fu was kicked?

Nice job.

"Go back to the house after laughing." Fu Chen patted her head, "Don't run around if you're not feeling well."

Song Fengwan returned to her room obediently.


When Fu Chen soaked the brown sugar water to her room, in just one minute, she had changed more than 20 positions on the bed. I wish I could kill myself with a knife.

So when Fu Chen pushed the door and went in, she was paralyzed like a walking corpse, holding her mobile phone and swiping Weibo.

"Drink it." Fu Chen saw that she was not feeling well, and he didn't care about her after playing with the phone for a while.

Song Feng got up late and held the cup. Because it was too hot, she could only take a small sip. The hot water passed through her throat, and she felt more comfortable.

She usually has her period on time, but recently, there are too many things, too much anxiety, and it has been delayed for a long time. She and Fu Chen went to the snowy mountains to play for two days. It is estimated that the cold is too cold. This time, the pain was particularly severe.

When she was drinking brown sugar water with her head down, a corner of the quilt was lifted. Before she could react, a pair of warm hands suddenly touched her abdomen.

"Three..." Song Fengwan was stunned, what was he doing?

I didn't drink too much this time, right? Taking advantage of her frailty, she wanted to cheat on herself again?

Just as she was about to kick him away, something hotter landed on her stomach, a hot water bottle.

"Cover it up." Fu Chen stretched out his fingers and sat beside the bed, his expression as usual, serious and serious.

Song Fengwan nodded in a muffled voice, it seemed that she was well trained by her sister.

"Just tell me, don't do that..." Fortunately, I wore a lot of clothes in winter, otherwise my hand would directly touch my body.

"What?" Fu Chen pretended not to know.

"Men and women can't be kissed, you understand."

Fu Chen saw that her little face was very serious, but he smiled and suddenly leaned in a bit, "Do you need me to be responsible for you?"

The voice was hoarse and deep, sultry and pleasant.

Song Fengwan's pupils dilated slightly and shook her head vigorously. She didn't mean that at all.


Then you have more responsibility.

Song Feng drank water late, and held the hot water bottle again. The heat gradually returned to her body, and she was so comfortable that she slipped into the bed and folded it twice. Even Fu Chen was in her room and didn't care...


Uncle Nian woke up in the middle of the night and saw that the kitchen was in a mess, even the medicine box was turned out, and there was brown sugar in Kaifeng. It was expected that Song Fengwan was not feeling well and wanted to check the situation.

Her door was not closed, and he let out light footsteps and pushed the door in...

He originally planned to see how she was doing. If it was all right, he would close the door and go out. This time he went in...

He opened his mouth...

He walked out again with a pale face, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

These three masters and Wanwan...

How did the two of them sleep in the same bed?

It's really a hell of a night, this is not an adult, why can't his third master be able to bear this time.

The old lady gave birth to three sons and one daughter. The third master is the youngest. He does have a sister who dares to kick him, haha...

Even if I feel unwell, I still don't forget the third master of the routine, tsk, what should I do, I still have to coax.

Brother Duan: Shameless, you actually...

Third Master: Go to bed? Sorry, not the first time.

Brother Duan:  …

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