Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 112 Duan Lang takes a drink every night? (2 more)

The blind date left, Duan Linbai hid in the corner, shook his head secretly, pressed the person down and didn't kiss him?

so pure?

He was blind and waited.

Taking advantage of Fu Shen's discovery, he quickly withdrew from the scene and returned to his seat, pretending that he never left.

Fu Chen walked back to the restaurant, and Song Fengwan followed closely. He did not return to his seat, but sat directly opposite Duan Linbai.

"Fu San, what a coincidence." Duan Linbai took a sip of red wine and smiled at Fu Chen with an extra sweet smile.

Song Fengwan thought that she was sitting next to Fu Chen, burying her head in her children's meal.

"I went to your house and asked you to eat hot pot. When you weren't there, I took my sister out for dinner. You said it was a coincidence that you were actually on a blind date."

"There are countless restaurants in the capital. It's a coincidence that you can meet them." Fu Chen didn't pierce him.

"Yeah, I think so too." Duan Linbai's back was chilled by Fu Chen's laugh.

"Come out for a gathering later." Fu Chen played with the beads.

Duan Linbai's heart skipped a beat.

Is this bitch planning to take advantage of the high moon and wind to kill herself?

When he was about to refuse, Fu Chen's cell phone rang, and the old lady called.

"I'll go take a call." Fu Chen got up and walked out.

It's nothing more than that the woman who had a blind date and the introducer cried a lot, but they didn't say it very clearly, only that Fu Chen was bullying people, and the old lady knew her son's temper.

Black belly and mouth damaged.

I thought she said something that made people bully and cried. This was an introduction from an acquaintance. I always wanted to give someone an explanation. I called Fu Chen and asked Fu Chen to immediately return to her old house.

When Fu Chen returned to his seat, he glanced at Song Fengwan who was eating with his head down.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Duan Linbai wished that the god of plague would leave quickly.

"I want to go back to the old house. After dinner, you will take her home. You can decide the place for the evening gathering." The old lady was pressing too hard. Song Fengwan had just eaten and couldn't leave for a while. .

"It's such a cold day, go home and sleep, what are you doing out?" Duan Linbai felt guilty.

"Exchange of feelings."

Fu Chen said and specifically told Song Fengwan, "Go home after dinner and study hard, I will go back soon."

Song Feng nodded in a low voice, remembering that he had just been pressed against the railing, but he didn't dare to look at him.


This meal, Song Fengwan and Duan Linbai, were both tasteless.

"It's almost seven o'clock, let's go back." Song Fengwan glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist.

Duan Linbai looked at her and suddenly smiled, obviously malicious.

"It's still early, don't patronize your studies, you need to relax occasionally, and go out to play with your brother later."

"I'm not going." He made an appointment with Fu Chen, and she didn't dare to join in the fun.

"Fu San will go to the old house. It is estimated that he will contact me in a few hours. I will show you around the night market in the capital. After a short circle, I will send you back." Duan Linbai knew that Song Fengwan was the gold medalist.

He was too familiar with Fu Chen, he didn't have a seizure just now, he must be worried about his image in front of Song Fengwan.

"No, it's too much trouble for you, I really have to go back to do my homework."

"You asked me to be a model for you, I won't say a word, and you won't want to accompany me for a while now?" Duan Linbai sighed, "Now people can't be emotional... …”

"Poor me, just go out and blow the cold wind alone."

"Because of you and me, I was blown by the cold wind, and I shed tears when I was lonely..." Someone hummed a song when he spoke of his sadness.

Song Fengwan asked him to be a model, and he really owed him a favor, so he nodded bravely, "Okay, then I'll stay with you for a while, but before the third master comes, you have to send me back."

"This is for sure." Duan Lin Baiqiang held back his excitement, "Don't worry, my brother won't trick you."

This kid is so kind.

Song Fengwan bit her lip, always feeling a bad premonition.


Duan Linbai really wanted to take Song Fengwan to go around the downtown area, but recently after rectification, when he arrived at the place, he found that the small stalls were gone.

"Do you usually listen to folk songs?" Duan Linbai would never let Song Feng go back late.


"I know that a folk song from Qingba is a good place to stay. I will take you to play for a while." He turned the car and ran to the bar.

"Why don't you send me back, I'm not an adult, and I can't get in there."

"I know the boss, so just go and sit, in the box, you won't be allowed to drink, just listen to children's songs." How dare Duan Linbai lead her to a random place, Fu Chen knows that he won't kill him what.

Before Song Fengwan could speak, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Help me reserve a box at the No. 9 mansion. Don't bring any wine. Prepare to order milk drinks. I will bring a sister over there, don't fix other things for me."

There are always other services in the bar. Duan Linbai said it euphemistically. Song Fengwan sat in the co-pilot and understood what he meant, so he lowered his head and said nothing.


Mansion No. 9

About 20 minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the bar. The exterior decoration was retro and low-key, which was obviously different from ordinary bars.

Duan Linbai pushed the door and got out of the car, and led Song Fengwan in. The bar manager was waiting at the door early when he got the news.

"Little boss, you're here." The man who came out first, looked twenty-four or five, wearing a suit, "The box has been reserved for you and prepared according to your instructions."

"Well done." This person is Duan Linbai's assistant.

"Mr. Duan, hurry in." The bar manager hurriedly stepped forward to say hello, subconsciously glanced at Song Fengwan, but Duan Linbai blocked his sight.

"What are you looking at?"

The manager smiled bitterly, and suddenly shoved something into his hand, "My little care, I wish you a good time tonight."

Duan Linbai glanced down, and the whole person was stunned.

Intercontinental hotel room key.

What is this doing?

"I wish you a great victory tonight, everything is ready for you, absolutely confidential, you can play with confidence." The manager added in his ear.

Duan Linbai's face was bewildered, and after he recovered, he secretly cursed: "Fuck!

These two gangsters are usually stupid, but at this time, they gave him a little shrewdness.

Play with your sister, this is Fu San's daughter-in-law, my future sister-in-law, do you want me to play?


Fu Chen is currently receiving criticism and education at the old house. He doesn't like to gossip about people behind his back. He didn't mention the girl's late arrival. The old lady said that she was tired, so he naturally ignored him.

His phone vibrated.

Qianjiang's information.

He thought the content meant that Song Feng arrived home safely late, but it turned out to be...

[Duan Linbai took Miss Song around the capital. 】

[He took Miss Song to the bar. 】

[His people booked a big bed room at the Intercontinental Hotel, prepared champagne, roses, red wine, condoms, and may want to bring Miss Song there. 】

Fu Chen squinted, I asked you to send me home, you took her to open a room?

Brother Duan: There is always someone who wants to hurt Lao Tzu!

Third Master: [Indifferent face]

Brother Duan: Ow—God, if I die, I will be jealous of talents!

Third Master:  …

Duan, take care! Remember to buy insurance. haha~


Thank you for your reward for the beginning of the month, thank you~ I love you

Everyday ask for a message and ask for a ticket~

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