Fu's old house

The old lady was teaching Fu Chen to criticize and educate her. When she was excited, she watched him staring at the phone all the time, and her brows were furrowed, "The third child, I'm talking to you."

"Well." Fu Chen put away his phone, "Lin Bai's message, invite me out for a gathering at night."

"It's all men, what's there to get together."

"He said that if you go out and walk more, it's easy to get married to the opposite sex."

"Look at Xiaobai, this ideological realization..." The old lady took a sip of hot tea, "What should be done at any age."

"Lin Bai is the only child in the Duan family. He is under a lot of pressure. He goes to work during the day and goes out to make friends at night." Fu Chen rubbed his mobile phone with his fingers, "Mom, if you have a good girl, think about it for him."

"What type does Xiaobai like? I'll find him." The old lady immediately became interested when she mentioned the person to introduce.

"His father said: There are no restrictions on men or women."

Shifang stood behind Fu Chen, almost laughing, not to be so rude.

"Their family is really in a hurry, so I have to hurry up."

"He's been very busy recently. If there is a blind date, you can start arranging it tomorrow. I believe he will be grateful to you." Fu Chen said seriously.

"It's easy to say, should I call Xiaobai and ask him what type he likes?"

"No, he doesn't know what he likes. You can just talk to his parents."

Elder Fu was sitting on the side, wearing reading glasses, looking at this ancient book, and when he heard Fu Chen's words, he glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

Misfortune to the east.

When did that boy Lin Bai offend him?


Mansion No. 9 at the moment

Everyone looked at Duan Linbai's pale complexion, and couldn't figure out what he was thinking for a while.

It was the first time that Duan Linbai brought the opposite sex here, and he made a special call ahead of time to clean up the place, which showed that this girl was not ordinary to him.

Everyone naturally looks elsewhere.

Song Feng saw Duan Linbai standing still in the evening, "Brother Duan?"

Duan Linbai held the room card in his palm, "Let's go, I'll take you to the box first."

He only feels that the wind is blowing on his back now, damn, sooner or later he will be killed by this group of second-hand men.

There is a dedicated channel for the VIP box here. Song Feng entered the box late and would not attract the attention of outsiders at all.

When Duan Linbai arrived in the box, he was even more stunned and almost blinded.

They didn't ask them to prepare drinks, which made the floor full of roses and all kinds of pink balloons. This person who didn't know thought he was going to propose to someone!

"Sister, sit here for a while, have some drinks, have something to eat, and I'll take care of something."

Duan Linbai hooked his fingers at the few people who followed closely behind him, "Why did you come out with me?"

Are these people trying to kill him?

Song Fengwan was still confused, how could this bar box look like the wedding scene? Is this bar so unique?

After Duan Linbai took the people out, she was alone in the box. In addition to the various beverages and yogurt, there were also dry fruit platters, in addition to KTV singing equipment, as well as guitars, basses and other musical instruments.

Opposite the door is a single-sided floor-to-ceiling mirror, facing the stage of the bar, and a folk singer is playing with a guitar.


Duan Linbai, who was here, called a few people to a secluded place, and became angry.

"Whose idea is this room card?"

Several people looked at each other in dismay, and their eyes fell on Assistant Duan Linbai.

"Little boss, I..."

"I really want to blow your dog's head, I don't usually see you being so clever, why are you trying to kill me!" Duan Linbai threw the key card in his face.

"You rarely bring the opposite sex, I thought it was the object of your development..."

"I developed your uncle so much! I said it was my sister!"

"It's not like brothers and sisters now, and then just go everywhere..." The assistant coughed twice, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"You know very well..." Duan Linbai laughed, "If I die tonight, you don't even want to live."

"Little boss, who is she..."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, if you guys do this to me again, I..." Duan Linbai raised his foot and kicked him, the assistant reacted naturally and ducked.

Someone quit immediately.

"How dare you hide, stand up for me!"



Song Fengwan was bored waiting in the box, picked up the guitar on the side, imitated the folk singer on the stage, put on a good posture, pinched the pick, and carefully plucked the strings, the sound was particularly unpleasant.

When Fu Chen arrived at the box, Song Fengwan was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and playing the piano, surrounded by music, she didn't even notice when he pushed the door in.

He glanced at the box full of love, and tightened his fingers slightly holding the beads.

Song Fengwan was still staring at the stage downstairs, imitating the singer's movements...

"The posture is wrong." A familiar voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

She turned her head sharply, soft lips brushed lightly from his chin...

At this moment, she couldn't even care about blushing, she turned her head in a hurry, and the chaotic and manic heart in her chest seemed to burst out of her heart in an instant.

Fu Chen's throat slid twice, raised his hand from behind to hold her hand, and gently placed it in the correct position, "If you want to learn the piano, I can teach you."

Song Fengwan's whole body was screaming with blood, and his scorching breath, with scorching heat, was clinging to her earlobe...

His voice was low, like the most ambiguous murmur.

His fingers clenched her tightly, and his hands wrapped around her body, like a seasoned hunter, burning a fire in her heart, poking inch by inch...

The heart is burning with fire, and the eagerness is hard to dispel.

"This way..." Fu Chen plucked the strings with her fingers, "Put your fingers here."

The thin lips were almost close to her ears, and her body was half soft when she heard it.

"Night, don't be nervous, we'll take your time."

Shi Fangguo felt that closing the door and molesting minors, he couldn't bear to look directly.

Brother Duan is afraid that he will be killed by the third master... It is not limited to men and women, haha...

The same box at the wedding scene was used by the third master in the end, haha

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