Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 114 Duan Lang strikes up a conversation? Was beaten to hospital (2 more)

The ballads in the bar were melodious and melodious. His arm was rubbing against her body, and the low voice had a gorgeous and sultry ending, which made people tremble.

Her face was a little hot, like she had a fever.

"Drinking?" Fu Chen stared at the guitar with his head down, his chin almost resting on her shoulder, his breath was soft but hot.

"No." Song Fengwan lowered her head, her mind a little confused.

"Looking at your blushing, I thought you were greedy again." He smiled in a low voice, his voice so enticing.

Song Fengwan's face became even hotter. He held hers with his fingers, and his fingertips rubbed the thin cyan veins on the back of her hand. His eyes were full of depression.

"This..." Song Fengwan's fingers holding the guitar pick became more and more stiff.

However, Fu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, the pulp of his fingers slid across her side face, and gently brushed her lower jaw, as if the spring breeze was blowing, crisp and numb, and it went straight to the heart of people.

A strand of hair from the corner of her mouth was gently pulled out...

"Thank you." Song Fengwan swallowed nervously.

The throat slid, and the small mouth opened and closed, which made Fu Chen's eyes thicker and deeper.

He had tasted her taste, it was warm and hot, soft and soft, but he didn't dare to enter it, it was estimated that the taste...

Also excellent.

He let out a sigh of relief and withdrew. If this goes on, it is estimated that he is the one who suffers.


When Duan Linbai opened the door and came in, the two were sitting on both sides of the sofa, with a distance of nearly one meter in the middle. Song Fengwan took a box of yogurt, and the ears were blood red.

Holy shit!

He left for such a short time, what did this beast do to others, and missed a good show.

"Have you come back from the old house so soon? The old lady's lecture is quite short this time." Duan Linbai smiled angrily, looking at the wedding room-like box, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"She's busy, so she can't take care of me." Fu Chen rolled his eyelids and stared straight at him, "I asked you to take her home, you bring her to the bar?"

"Didn't I tell her to relax, look at how good this environment is." Duan Linbai looked at the pink balloons all over his eyes and became more and more guilty.

"It's good." Fu Chen laughed, he glanced at Song Fengwan, "Let's go, let's go home."

"Leave as soon as you come? Let's listen to two more songs."

"I'll invite you tomorrow, we'll listen slowly." Fu Chen got up and left, Song Fengwan hurriedly chased after him.


As soon as Fu Chen left, Duan Linbai sat paralyzed on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to Song Fengwan being here, otherwise the guy's temper would definitely flare up on the spot.

"Little boss, that girl just now..." The assistant ran over dog-legged, "It's the third master..."

"I've been out for a long time. You don't have a brain, but you have a lot of courage. You dare to gossip about him?" Duan Linbai raised his eyebrows.

"No, I just heard that a girl lives in his house."

"Knowing too much is not a good thing." Duan Linbai said this seriously, with some warnings.

"I understand." The assistant was not stupid, and nodded hurriedly, "Little boss, do you still want to continue?"

"Get me some wine, it's really bad, I'm going to be killed by you." Duan Linbai's tone was a little exasperated.

Fu Chen didn't care about him after he got home. In his own territory, there would be no problem.

Duan Linbai feels aggrieved. Fu Chen is a black-bellied master. You can't guess what kind of tricks he will use. The wine gets into his throat, his heart is burning, his throat is even more dry, and he drinks too much if he is not careful. .

"Little boss, let me take you back." The assistant helped him out.

"Get out of here, I don't want to see you now." Duan Linbai was beautiful, with extremely fair skin. At this moment, he was stained by the wine, and his face was covered with a tender pink.

Reaching out and tugging at his hair, he was frivolous.

"Then I'll find you a chauffeur?" The drunk man couldn't make sense, so he could only follow him.

"Well, let's go!" Duan Linbai hiccupped, "It's better to find me a girl, I have a headache when I see you rough old men now."

The assistant coughed twice, as if you were not a man.

"Then sit here for a while, and I'll come when I go." There were a lot of chauffeurs near the bar, all concentrated in one place. He helped Duan Linbai to a bench at the entrance of the bar, and turned to look for someone.

There are many chauffeurs, and too few female chauffeurs.

Mansion No. 9 is a membership system. Although it was already night, there was no one at the door. Duan Linbai was dizzy and couldn't focus his eyes. He just watched someone approaching not far away...

The man wore a short white down jacket, black trousers wrapped in knee-length boots, and had long, straight legs.

He raised his eyes to look at her, there were double images in front of him, and he couldn't see her face clearly, but his intuition told him that she was a beauty.

He hooked the corners of his mouth, a bit evil, with a wicked anger, which was extraordinarily attractive.

Drinking to strengthen his courage, he staggered to his feet, and for the first time in his life tried to strike up a conversation with a girl...


After Fu Chen came home, he had already laid down to sleep after washing up, but was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Duan Linbai's.

This kid is tired and crooked, and before he can find it, he takes the initiative to send it to the door.

He answered the phone and said "hello".

"Third Master, I'm Xiao Jiang, the assistant of the little boss."

"Well, is something wrong?" Fu Chen rubbed his forehead.

"Our little boss was beaten."

Fu Chen stopped his fingers.

"I left for a while, and he was beaten."

"Send to the hospital, find the police, what are you calling me for?"

"I was dragged into the alley and beaten. My neck was twisted and my legs were injured. I didn't even have surveillance. I don't know who did it. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tonight. ." Duan Linbai was beaten, if this matter becomes a big one, it's not a joke.

"I see, in which hospital?"

"It's here in the Second Court."


Fu Chen hung up the phone and pondered for a moment, Duan Linbai had no enemies, how could he be beaten up so well, this man really did a good thing for the sky.


Duan Linbai was lying in the hospital at the moment, humming, when Qianjiang pushed open the door about one o'clock at night.

"The third master asked me to bring you something."

"I knew that Fu San felt sorry for me..."

It was just that when he saw what Fu Chen sent, he almost vomited blood.

He just got a little bruised from the kick, what does he mean by giving him a cane and a wheelchair?

He's not lame!

Brother Duan may have some Mercury retrograde recently, and things are not going well~

Brother Duan: o(╥﹏╥)o

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