Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 143 The Third Master Rebukes: The Means Are Vicious and Outrageous (5 more)

Cheng Lan looked at the man standing at the door and her heart beat wildly.

The first time she saw Fu Chen, she couldn't help falling in love with him.

When she first met him, she had just come up from the countryside and followed her grandfather to Fu's house. At that time, Fu Chen was playing chess with Mr. Fu. She looked like a ten-year-old, and she already had the demeanor of everyone.

It was the first time she saw such a god-like figure, and she lost her heart and soul at that time.

It's just that when I was young, I didn't dare to say it even if I liked it. It wasn't until Fu Chen came back from abroad that there were too many people who wanted to marry the Fu family as a matchmaker. Chased him hard.

He likes to wear a dark double-breasted gown, or a well-tailored suit. This is the first time she has seen him dressed like today.

Although it is a suit, it is not as neat as usual, the cuffs are rolled up a little, the neckline is slightly open, and a small section of neck can be seen, which is slightly thin, and the cold wind rushes in, making the corners of his clothes flutter.

The cold and harsh winter wind blows his hair freely and wantonly.

His expression was as indifferent as usual, but the bleak and stern look between his eyebrows and eyes was as cold as ice.

In the past, it was Zhilan Yushu, as warm and moist as jade, but now it is full of arrogance.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, her eyes were fixed on him, and she could no longer move away.

"Third Lord?" Cheng Guofu rubbed his eyes, he was slurred by the alcohol, and looked at Fu Chen, his sanity was a little blurred.

How could he come here suddenly?

"Fu San, this family is really shameless, and they are yelling "stop the thief" and throw me out! It's such a cold day, I only wear this little, this is trying to murder me." Duan Linbai yelled.

"It was you who broke into our house by yourself, you..." Cheng Tianyi covered his face and explained, bumping into Fu Chen's eyes, his body shivered twice like chaff.

He never forgot how cruel this man was when he said he wanted to cut off his hands that night.

His tone was icy cold.

"Third Master, you..." Cheng Guofu rubbed his hands, trying to flatter him, but he didn't want to say anything.

Fu Chen turned his head to look at the manager of the shopping mall who was following him, and the man immediately asked the security guards to grab a reporter and drag them up.

Cheng Lan kept her eyes on Fu Chen for a moment, until she saw the reporter, her heart stopped beating and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"...It really has nothing to do with me. I've made it clear to you. It's all the news from Cheng Lan. She said that there is big news at Wanbaohui, let us guard it..."

"What are you talking about!" Cheng Lan refused to admit it.

"It's really her! Call me after ten o'clock. I brought a few people there, and then I saw two punks trying to moleste a little girl."

The reporter is not stupid. If Cheng Lan refuses to admit it, he can only take the blame.

How dare he offend Mr. Fu, he must tell the truth about everything.

"Nonsense! Third Master, don't listen to his nonsense. I don't have the function of prophecy. How can I predict what will happen in advance?"

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows to look at him, his eyes were as deep as the sea, deep and murderous.

"You really don't have the ability to predict in advance, but you can push your brother to do this. He has no brains. He listens to your instigation and finds people to make trouble. If things succeed, you can use the hands of the media to take the opportunity to expose them."

"For a girl, being molested by someone, and some people even committed suicide due to shame and depression."

"The media will continue to criticize and publicize, Cheng Lan? Do you want her to be destroyed?"

Fu Chen swallowed every word softly, biting each word very clearly.

"Master, no, I..."

"The viciousness of the means is outrageous." Fu Chen's tone was calm, yet exuding a strong and compelling aura, rushing toward his face...

Cheng Lan's blood was so cold that he clenched his fingers tightly, "Only by his one-sided words, can we identify who is behind it?"

"I have a recording here. When she called me, I recorded it!" The reporter jumped out again.

"We people have no right or background, and I'm also afraid of being targeted, so I keep a hand, it's in my phone, I can use it to confront!"

The reporter hurriedly took out the phone, his fingers trembling slightly, and it took more than half a minute to unlock the screen lock and release the recording.

"...Wanbaohui, exclusive news, you just have to go there and wait, I guarantee that this news will attract your attention." Cheng Lan's voice came, and she smiled gloatingly.

"This person is a lady from a rich family who made a lot of noise before. Netizens must be interested."

"You are a news reporter yourself. If you don't report to yourself, you pass the news to me?" The reporter's voice.

"Because it will involve the Fu family, you also know that our two families have friendship..."

The reporter smiled lowly, "How much?"

Many news transactions are clearly priced.

"I'm not short of money. After you finish this matter, treat me to a meal later..."

The recording stopped here.

Cheng Lan's whole body was completely cold, her whole body was cold, her brain was blank, her legs seemed to be wrapped in a swamp, pulling her down, she was stiff and numb, making it difficult to move.

"Cheng Tianyi, you really think there's nothing wrong with finding someone to take revenge on the Song family's sister?" Duan Linbai smiled.

"You are a gun in your sister's hand, you can shoot wherever you point!"

"Anything goes wrong, you are a living target!"

Cheng Tian turned his head stiffly to look at Cheng Lan, unbelievable, short of breath, a little out of breath.

"Tianyi, don't listen to his nonsense." Cheng Lan's face was terrified, all blood was gone.

"I heard that you used your younger brother to trouble Sister Song before, if it wasn't for your instigation, when would he have broken his arm, Cheng Tianyi, think about it for yourself, without her instigation, you would have foolishly shot at Fu San? "

Duan Linbai raised his eyebrows, "Do you think you can get away with it if you hire a few gangsters to help you and don't do it yourself?"

"Those people are menacing with knives and sticks. They just want to kill people. As the mastermind, if you try to kill people, you will be sentenced to several years in prison!"


After all, Cheng Tianyi was young, arrogant and bullying, and he didn't dare to get involved in such things as murder and robbery.

Threatened by Duan Linbai, his legs became weak and he almost peed in fright.

"...What the hell is this..." Cheng Guofu was confused and couldn't react at all.

"It's your daughter who pushed your son to do bad things, and she was behind the oriole to reap the benefits. If something happened to your son, she would be wise to protect herself." Duan Linbai was not afraid of big troubles, and added another sentence.

"Your daughter may want your son's life."

"Dad, no..." Cheng Lan shook her head in panic.

"It's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing before." Duan Linbai coughed twice, "Before Cheng Tian dared to trouble Sister Song, it was she..."

Cheng Guofu is not a fool either, he immediately connected everything, rushed in front of Cheng Lan, raised his hand like a slap in the face.

"Pa——" there was a sound, which was crisp and loud.

"You bastard, that's your own brother, this is going to send him to a dead end!" Cheng Guofu had only one son, and he spoiled him to death.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Cheng Lan is powerless to argue and can only grit his teeth and suffer.

"I'll provide you with food and drink. What are you doing? You have to take our family into it!" Cheng Guofu slapped his hands, and with the strength of alcohol, he hit hard.

With this slap, Cheng Lan staggered, fell to the ground, and passed out directly.

"Fu San, is she pretending to be unconscious, thinking that if she passes out, she will be able to escape the catastrophe?"

Cheng Lan was indeed dizzy, hearing what Duan Linbai said, she was so angry that she almost jumped up.

Can't he just say a few words less?

"It has nothing to do with me." Fu Chen turned and walked out.

"Fu San, are you leaving now?" Duan Linbai blinked.

"Well, the police are here."

His voice is clear, but it is like a sharp weapon, showing his sharpness as if he could kill someone from a distance.

As soon as they left, the sirens blared...

The entire Cheng family was immediately surrounded by reporters who swarmed in.

Only half a day's work...

[Famous magazine chief programmer Lan, evil deeds exposed]

[The Cheng family siblings are notorious, suspected of murder, have been detained]

[Hiring a murderer to hurt people, Cheng Tianyi has committed many crimes and has been taken into custody]


News about the Cheng family was flying all over the place, especially the nasty things Cheng Tianyi did before. Many girls who were raped by him reported to the police.

The wall fell and everyone pushed...

The Cheng family was in a state of collapse, and it was in danger and could not be rescued.


Before the two elders of the Fu family saw the news, they heard that Cheng Guofu was kneeling at the gate of the compound, wanting to see them.

Although Mr. Fu is nostalgic, he is a very principled person. Since he said to cut off contact, he will not be sticky and entangled. I heard that he knelt for a long time, but he didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Old Fu, I've been kneeling for more than two hours." The old lady was in a good mood recently, so she took a playbook and read it with gusto.

Fu Chen promised her that he would bring his girlfriend back next year, otherwise she would deal with it.

Take your girlfriend home, talk about getting engaged for two years, get married and have a baby, and even if she leaves, her eyes will be closed tightly.

"Yeah." Mr. Fu took a small watering can and sprayed and trimmed the flowers and plants by the window.

"I'm afraid something big will happen, I can't handle it anymore."

"Could it be that our Fu's family has to wipe his ass, I will do my best to his family, even if I die and see his father in the future, I will still be able to stand tall."

After hearing what he said, the old lady nodded with a smile.

In just over half an hour, the news of the Cheng family's accident came.

Fu Lao bent down and looked at the pine and cypress potted plants in front of him, "It's such a big mess, I'm afraid someone is going to mess with the Cheng family."

"If you usually walk upright and sit upright, how can people take advantage of the loopholes and just do it for themselves."

The two of them chattered casually, since they cut off contact, they never thought of intervening again, nor did they delve into it.

I don't understand at all. Behind the whole incident, it was entirely Fu Chen's handwriting.


This matter can be quickly fermented on the Internet, thanks to Duan Linbai.

As soon as a media outlet issued a press release, he immediately reposted it and liked it.

And commented: [If you do all the bad things, you will have your own harvest]

There were not many people who paid attention to this news, and the media is used to catching rumors, whether the news is true or not, everyone is in the dark, and there is no way to know about Duan Linbai's behavior.

Almost admitted it in disguise.

He has tens of millions of fans, all of whom are active fans, and they are very active. Seeing Duan Lin Bai's involvement in this matter, he forwarded the comments.

The news was instantly on the top of the list.

No matter how carefully the netizens read the news content, they were all filled with righteous indignation. Everyone hates this kind of people who do evil with a little bit of money.

Everyone criticized, and some people even posted Cheng Lan's company newspaper and the address of the photo, which set off a new round of massacres on the Internet.

Cheng Lan is good at taking advantage of public opinion trends, but he doesn't know that one day he will also become the target of the keyboard man's attacks.

Feng Shui takes turns, and the debts owed must be repaid.


At this moment, all the policemen in the police station are busy and crazy.

The Wanbaohui shopping mall incident is still under investigation, the Cheng family has accidents one after another, the two siblings have been taken back, all the media reporters have heard the news, and blocked the police station.

And when they asked the victim to understand the situation, they also encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Qian Jiang sat on the chair, the tea in front of him had already cooled down.

A policeman sitting across from him was questioning, and another was in charge of recording, "According to the surveillance video, this group of people came out of nowhere, and you didn't know each other before?"

Qian Jiang nodded.

"Then have you offended anyone recently?"

Qian Jiang shook his head.

"Just now the hospital called and said that one of them had a fractured skull and was seriously injured. Even if you defend yourself justifiably, you should act with discretion." If a person is killed, he is responsible for self-defense.

"In a hurry, I can't control it."

"You have nothing to take the initiative to explain to us?"

His face was indifferent, and he said two words softly, "No."

"Would you like to think about it again, are there any details that have been missed?"

"Scared, I don't remember."

The police vomited blood. He was a victim after all, and the police couldn't question him like a prisoner, so they almost fainted from anger.

They have seen many hysterical, uncontrollable, and even insane victims after accidents. This is the first time they have encountered someone like him who can't get a fart with a stick.

It's not that he doesn't cooperate with the investigation, it's just...

Too few words!


Brocade Capital

After Fu Chen went back, he saw the doctor coming down the stairs, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's going on?" He had already treated Song Fengwan's wound, why did the doctor come?

"After Wanwan came back, he vomited twice, as if he had caught a cold." Uncle Nian explained.

"Cold?" Duan Linbai took the lead, "She was waiting for me in the yard last night, she was wearing so little clothes, she must have caught a cold."

Fu Chen gouged him out.

wait for him?

The skin is quite thick.

"Third Master, she drank Huoxiang Zhengqi Water and fell asleep just now. I was afraid that she might have other problems, so I asked the doctor to come and have a look." Uncle Nian said.

"Are you all right?" Fu Chen looked at the doctor.

The doctor said, "It's all right, but she has caught a cold. Give her some light food for the next two days, and keep warm. Please let me know if there is any situation."

"I'm sorry, I'll have someone send you off." Fu Chen was always polite to others.

"No, you stay here." The doctor hurried out with the medicine box.

Fu Chen shook off everyone and went upstairs.

Duan Linbai knew that he was anxious. Anyway, this place is just like his own home, and he can greet himself well, and he doesn't need greetings from his master at all.


The door of Song Fengwan's bedroom was ajar, and when he pushed the door open, she was sleeping soundly wrapped in a quilt.

The indoor heating is smoky, the humidifier is buzzing, and the room is filled with the pungent smell of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

He sat on the edge of the bed, tucked her feet, caught a glimpse of one side of her mouth slightly puffed up, and smiled when he saw a box of candies by the bedside.

Sleeping with sugar in your mouth is not afraid of choking.

Xu Shi was too busy today, her complexion was not good, she was a little pale, but the corners of her mouth were chapped and peeled, so he dipped a cotton swab in some warm water, and moistened her lower lip until the lip color looked better, and then put it on. Throw the swab in the trash.

Staring at her is like wanting to engrave her whole person into the bottom of my heart.

No one knew how nervous Song Fengwan was when he heard that something had happened.

For the first time in my life.

This feeling……

He never wanted to experience it a second time.

"Wanwan—" She spoke softly, extremely gentle.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan stayed up all night yesterday, panicked in the parking lot, came back and vomited twice, his mind was confused and fainted...

When Fu Chen heard that she had vomited today, he felt anxious in his heart. He reached out and touched her forehead to test her temperature. Although the temperature was a bit high, it should still be within the normal range.

It's just that his fingertips were slightly cold, and when they touched her forehead, it was uncomfortably cold, and she moved her body uneasily.

"Don't move around, so as not to touch the wound."

Fu Chen pressed her shoulder slightly, for fear that she would rub against the affected area.

Song Fengwan stared in bewilderment, and felt that this person was very caring.

"So cute—"

He leaned down and kissed her gently on the top of her hair.

Gentle and reverent.

If something really happened to Song Fengwan today, he might go crazy.

But she is still staying by her side in peace at this moment, which is enough.

She thought she was dreaming, and clamored in her heart: She seemed to have that dream again...

Poor Wanwan, open your eyes and see if you are dreaming~

The third master is really bad, taking advantage of others' danger.

Qian Jiang really has the ability to drive people crazy, Brother Duan was very angry at him, haha~


I updated 20,000 words today, and it’s all over. Did you enjoy watching it~

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