The bedroom was quiet and deep, except for the slight hum of the humidifier, Fu Chen could only hear the strong heartbeat in his ears.


He sat on the side of the bed, half-slanted, stretched out his hand to test her forehead from time to time, and helped her tuck the quilt, for fear that she would have a fever due to the cold, and occasionally reached out to test the temperature of her forehead to make sure that she was fine, so that he could feel at ease...

Various images of today always appeared in Song Fengwan's mind, and his sleep was extremely restless.

Occasionally sleepy.

Fu Chen stretched out his hand to hold her hand. He had never done this kind of thing before, and he seemed a little clumsy in comforting others, especially when facing someone he liked, he had to think twice before speaking.

Even so, Song Fengwan's emotions were gradually calmed down.

The whole person fell asleep peacefully.

Only then did Fu Chen breathe a long sigh of relief, and raised his hand to adjust the power of the humidifier, for fear that a little movement would wake her up.

The atmosphere of the room is also warm and peaceful.


At this moment, a few dogs barking suddenly came from outside, Fu Chen frowned, followed by Duan Lin Bai's voice that seemed to be beaten.

"Come on, come on, follow me..."

"Fuck, when you were just born, I served you. You actually want to bite me. Come on. If you dare to bite me, I'll kill you."

"You stupid dog!"

Then there was Fu Xinhan's rough dog barking.

There is also the sound of someone shouting and beating.


Fu Chen clenched his fingers tightly, his expression worried.

And Song Fengwan was already half asleep and half awake, but at this moment, he was frightened by the sound outside and woke up directly...

She opened her eyes suddenly, and Fu Chen's face was caught off guard.

"Third Master, why are you here?" While speaking, the pungent smell of Huoxiangzhengqi water came over her face, and she subconsciously squirmed the candy in her mouth.

I just fell asleep after drinking the medicine, and now the taste in my mouth is really...

It stinks.

She was really curious, who invented Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, although the effect is amazing, but the taste really makes people collapse.

She propped herself up with one hand, trying to half sit up.

"I just left you alone because I had something urgent to deal with." Fu Chen stretched out his hand and pulled the side pillow and placed it on her lower back. He politely held her arm with his fingers and helped her adjust her sitting posture.

"It's okay." Her voice was a little hoarse, and she spoke even more softly.

She knew in her heart that Fu Chen was busy with her own business after all.

Today, Fu Chen was able to rush over in time, and Song Fengwan was already very grateful from the bottom of his heart.

"Still want to throw up?"

He asked in a low voice, softly.

She shook her head and reached out to touch the top of her hair. She always felt that the dream just now seemed too real.

"are you hungry?"

When Fu Chen said this, she glanced at the electronic clock beside the bed, only to realize that it was already 3:30 in the afternoon. After the accident, she vomited for half the night, so she couldn't care less about eating.

It is estimated that there is nothing in the stomach at this time.

"I have no appetite."

Her mouth was bitter, and she had experienced a catastrophe of life and death just now, so she didn't care about eating at all.

"You sleep for a while, I'll go downstairs and get you something to eat." Fu Chen helped her under the quilt and got up to leave.

Song Fengwan frowned. Since he decided to find food for her, why did he ask her if she was hungry?

In fact, he is still very strong in his bones.

When Fu Chen was about to leave, he took out the phone from his hand and handed it to her, "Your phone broke, I'll ask someone to buy you a new one later, you can play with it first."

In order to facilitate her study, there is no TV set in the bedroom, and it is boring for her to wait.

"No need..." How could Song Fengwan dare to play with his mobile phone.

"The password is 181011." Fu Chen handed her the phone and turned to leave.

Song Fengwan held the mobile phone, and there was still a ray of warmth on it. She sat on the bedside but was bored, hesitated for a while, reached out and touched the mobile phone, the screen lit up, and the system's built-in wallpaper.

She shrank her fingers, anyway, it was given to her by Fu Chen, so she just checked the news for a while and didn't read anything else.

After unlocking it, the wallpaper that popped up made her heart skip a beat.

Black characters on a white background, four-line poem.

sleepy day,

Your hair is messed up by the night.

I was disturbed by you

Sleepless all night.

Song Fengwan savored these two poems repeatedly, his heart was slightly hot, but it seemed that an inexplicable sense of loss enveloped his heart instantly.

Just looking at these few sentences, it seems like a love poem.

The third master has someone hidden in his heart?

Remembering when the old lady wanted to give him a blind date, he resisted coldly, Song Fengwan bit his lips, did he already have someone he liked, that's why he resisted contact with other opposite sex.

Her heart was sore and bulging, and when she recovered, the screen went dark, and she never touched the phone again.

Her mind was in a mess, recalling the promise Fu Chen made to her earlier.

"How about third brother protecting you from now on?"

His thoughts were complicated, and his mind was like a bunch of entangled vines and weeds, so chaotic that people couldn't think and couldn't make sense of it.


At this moment, Fu Chen just went downstairs when he saw Duan Lin Bai teasing the dog with a ball of thick thread.

"Come on, you stupid dog."

Fu Xinhan couldn't get the toy, so he walked back and forth around him, and when he saw Fu Chen approaching, he hurriedly ran over wagging his tail, trying to please him cutely.

"Fu San, why do I think Fu Xinhan is not as cute as he was when he was a child? How did you raise a dog? It's so stupid." When this dog was a child, he was with a small dumpling. big.

Definitely cute and endearing.

"You chose the dog, what do you think?" Fu Chen raised his eyelids and went straight into the kitchen.

He made it very clear that this dog is just stupid and just following Duan Linbai, it has nothing to do with him.

Duan Linbai didn't care about his sarcasm. Obviously, he has experienced a lot of tempering and is not afraid of all kinds of soft knives.

In Fu Chen's words: thick skinned enough.

"Aqiu—" Duan Linbai sneezed violently, "I'll go, maybe I'll catch a cold again."

"If you catch a cold, go home early, don't infect me."

Duan Linbai was furious, and rushed over to argue with him, "You don't know who I am because of the cold, as a brother, you don't even care about your own health, stab your ribs for you, and throw away after use, you still have a conscience Do not."

"Need me to hug you? Feed you medicine?" Fu Chen rummaged in the kitchen for a long time, and finally knew where Mi was.

A yy picture appeared in Duan Linbai's mind.

Fu Chen fed him medicine, it would be better to let him die.

"You cook?"

"Eat?" Fu Chen tilted his head to look at him.

"Okay." Duan Linbai ran to the sofa and waited for the meal stupidly.

Seeing that Fu Chen was going to eat, Uncle Nian went over to help, but he refused. Based on his experience, he washed the rice and put it in the pot, put in the water, plugged in the electricity, and cooked the porridge.

Fu Chen has cooked before, but he has always seen other people cook. He washes rice and puts water, all of which are based on personal feelings and preferences.

Considering that Song Fengwan was ill and wanted to be light and nutritious, he thought about stir-frying seasonal vegetables.

Duan Linbai knew that he didn't know how to cook, and was afraid that he would poison him to death, so he deliberately stared at the kitchen door for a while. Although his technique was unfamiliar, the vegetables he cut out were quite standard, non-toxic and harmless, so he waited with confidence.

Soon Fu Chen put a plate of vegetables on the table.

Duan Lin Bai couldn't help but pick it up and quickly took a big bite, it was so salty that he almost killed it.

"Fu San, you don't need money for salt, do you?"

Fu Chen frowned and remained silent.

Fu Xinhan lay on the table wagging his tail, and Duan Linbai even picked a vegetable leaf and put it in front of him.

"Haha, you see, the dog doesn't care, your dog doesn't even eat it, so you let me eat one?"

"I didn't intend to eat it for you."

"What did you say?" Duan Linbai picked up the warm water on one side and rinsed his mouth.

"I made it for Wanwan, you are just a tester." His tone was serious and confident.

"Ahem——" Duan Linbai choked on the tea.

I really want to punch him to death.

Treat him like a guinea pig?

Her daughter-in-law's taste buds are precious, but he is worthless?

He didn't know how many little girls on the Internet regarded him as a baby.

Ouch, he has such a short temper...

This person's mouth is poisoned, it can really make people angry.


But the white porridge was soft and glutinous. Uncle Nian helped stir-fry a plate of seasonal vegetables, and Fu Chen went upstairs with the vegetables.

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw Song Fengwan hanging his head in a daze.

"Let's eat."

Song Fengwan hurt one hand, Fu Chen didn't wait for her to speak, he just took a spoon, scooped some white porridge and brought it to his mouth.

"What are you doing in a daze? Eat."

"Yeah." She responded lightly, looking uninspired.

Fu Chen thought she was not feeling well, so he didn't go into it. He gave a sip of white porridge, and she took a sip, which was very cute.

After eating, Song Fengwan got into bed, half of his face was covered by the quilt, as if he was going to sleep.

Fu Chen frowned slightly, thinking that she was still thinking about what happened in the underground garage, watching her for a long time, sending the dishes downstairs without disturbing her.

He thought that what happened today had a great impact on her, so he gave her time to calm down and calm down.

Shifang sorted out the company's morning meeting minutes and handed them to him. Fu Chen made a cup of tea and walked to her room with the documents.

Song Fengwan was already wrapped in a quilt and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Even when he entered the room and called her, he didn't wake up for a moment.


The nights are long in winter, after five o'clock, the cool wind is blowing, and the outside is already drowsy.

Fu Chen sat in her room for two or three hours, and when it was meal time, he called her to get up to eat and take medicine. She grumbled, wrapped the quilt tightly, and ignored him in a daze.

He didn't know how to coax her, and swallowed two pills.

She simply turned over, her back to him.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock at night that Fu Chen finished the work at hand. Seeing her sleepy and staring, he yelled a few times and ignored him.

His heart moved slightly, and he simply folded his clothes and lay down next to her, gently covering her hands through the quilt.

Be careful not to wake her up.

Always taking advantage of others' dangers and taking advantage of others is really no different from being a thief.


The two people here have already fallen asleep, but Duan Linbai is a night owl. He ate dinner, checked Weibo for an hour or two, opened the game, and played two rounds of eating chicken. It was cold and dry, so he licked his lips , going downstairs to get something to drink.

It's half past one in the morning.

There were only a few dim wall lamps in the living room. He lowered his voice and went to the refrigerator to search for a long time. "Biluochun, Longjing, white tea..."


No drink?

Finally, he found a box of yogurt inside. He inserted a straw and took a big sip, when he suddenly noticed something strange at the door.

It appears that someone is opening the door.

Duan Linbai licked the corner of his mouth, but didn't dare to make a sound.

Fu Chen's house was locked with a fingerprint code, and he heard the ticking sound of the buttons outside, and then the prompt sound of the wrong code.

I rely on!

Which little thief, in the middle of the night, actually came here to steal? Fu Chen's security guards are all asleep?

He swallowed, looked around, picked up the thin vase that was set aside, and tiptoed to the door.

The man tried the password a few times, Duan Linbai was concerned, damn it, if you really dare to come in, I'll blow your ass off.

It stands to reason that the combination lock is not easy to unlock, but after the man tried a few times, he suddenly heard the sound of the door lock being twisted, and it opened with a "bang--".

A chill swept over, Duan Linbai shivered, lifted the vase, and threw it at the person at the door.

"Hey—you little thief, I will kill you!"

It was too dark outside, the man was against the light, wearing a long black down jacket, seeing Duan Lin Bai rushing towards his face, he was stunned for a second, then took two steps back.

"How dare you hide, come here to steal things, eat the guts of a bear..." Duan Linbai slammed the vase towards him.

The man dodges away.

But the next second...

A dazzling cold light seemed to break a hole in the thick night, passing through the wind...

Arrived at his neck.

"do not move."

The man's voice was low, and when he was talking, he could clearly smell the smell of smoke, the light in the porch was dim, and Duan Lin Bai felt the coldness on his neck...

This is clearly...

As soon as he raised his head, he looked at the tall and stern man in front of him.

His eyes are as deep as the sea.

What kind of thief is this now, so arrogant and bold, robbing houses without even wearing a mask?

He looks good, but he actually ran to be a thief?

He almost forgot that this kind of desperado must have a weapon to defend himself.

Grandma, you better not fall into my hands!

Haha, everyone can guess who this person is...

Langlang, don't move around, he is very fierce.

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