Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 155 The third master likes to tease Wanwan, a bad taste (2 more)

Song Feng went back to the house to take a nap at night, and then he was reading all the time. He was going to take an exam soon, so he was unavoidably nervous.

In the evening, Qiao Xiyan came over to tell her that she was going out for dinner tonight.

It's snowing heavily in the north, and many highways are still blocked for snow removal. Depending on the road conditions, she will be returning to Yuncheng in the next two days, so she can pack her luggage when she has time.

"So fast?"

"You have an exam in a few days, so don't be in a hurry. My aunt has already called twice to remind you. There is an exam center in Yuncheng. Many students have already gone to prepare in advance, and the surrounding hotels are full."

"En." Song Fengwan responded in a low voice.

"Clean up and go out to eat later."

Qiao Xiyan took a deep look at her. Before sending her here, she showed reluctance, but now she is reluctant? Out of emotion?

If you look at the exam time, there are always two days delay, Qiao Xiyan is really annoyed by the wooden fish that is pregnant.

If he was twenty years younger, he would definitely beat up this kid. At this age, it's too shameful to argue with a child.

Knocking wooden fish, reciting Buddhist scriptures, babbling, very annoying.

This little monk is afraid that he is here to restrain him.

Mainly because he ruined a piece of jade, he felt aggrieved.


It snowed heavily last night, the snow on the road was cleared, the heavy snow melted, and the cold wind blew, making people shiver.

Song Fengwan looked at the phone, only to realize that tonight is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is Christmas. It's a big holiday, and her cousin actually asked her to rush home.

It's really not interesting at all.

If he goes on like this, when will he find her a cousin?

Thinking about the holiday, she specially wore a red sweater wrapped in a white down jacket, and went downstairs.

Fu Chen and Qiao Xiyan were sitting on the same sofa, watching the CCTV news channel, occasionally chatting, but also discussing current affairs and politics, which was boring and boring.

Huai Sheng squatted on the ground, pulling Fu Xinhan's face.

This dog not only has a lot of flesh on his body, but also has a round face. After eating so many good things, he dared to snatch his steamed buns.

Just as he was about to slap it again, he quickly withdrew his hand.

I meditated in my heart: Buddha, my disciple has sinned. As a monk, you should be merciful, and you should not hold grudges like this. Even if it is a dog, you should be merciful, you should not discriminate, you should care for all living beings...

After he finished reading, he gently stroked the dog's head.

Fu Xinhan bared his teeth, which made it a little scared.


The four of them set off by car. The location was chosen by Qiao Xiyan on the Internet. It was a restaurant with special dishes in the capital.

Entering the private room, he ordered four dishes, and also ordered a sauerkraut and mutton hot pot. Qiao Xiyan ordered freshly squeezed hot red bean juice for Song Fengwan and Huaisheng.

Huai Sheng held the cup and sipped it.

"Drink?" Qiao Xiyan looked at Fu Chen.

"I believe in Buddhism and quit drinking."

Qiao Xiyan only ordered a pot of hot wine for himself. He was the one who wanted to thank Fu Chen tonight. He couldn't replace the wine with tea, which seemed insincere.

Song Fengwan drank the red bean juice, still complaining in his heart.

What quit drinking.

You big liar, you clearly drink and eat meat, and you're also a womanizer.

If it weren't for what happened that time, I would have been deceived by you.

Cousin wants to have a glass of wine with you, why are you pretending to be so lofty!

"Wanwan, what do you see me doing?" Fu Chen suddenly shifted his gaze to her, as if he could see right through her.

This girl might be scolding herself in her heart.

"Sister, do you really want to leave?" Huai Sheng bit his lip, "Don't you say you will accompany me? Why did you leave when I just came?"

"My sister is going home to take the exam, which is very important."

"Did you come back after the exam?"

Josie raised her eyebrows.

What happened to this little monk?

"This..." Song Fengwan smiled sarcastically, "After the exam, I still have other exams to prepare for, so I'm probably going to be very busy."

"I heard from those senior brothers that the women at the foot of the mountain are good-looking, but you can't believe what they say. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people. I thought my sister was an exception, but I didn't expect you to be like this."

Huai Sheng pouted, his face full of anger.

Huaisheng is very smart and speaks with a high EQ. Although he was blaming Song Fengwan, he praised her beauty in disguise. That girl loves to hear this, which makes Song Fengwan not feel uncomfortable, but very comfortable.

She moved her position and sat down next to him, "My sister is really busy, I'm not lying to you."

The college entrance examination is over, and the school recruitment will start soon. They are all going to various colleges and universities for the exam. The exam time varies from place to place. She may have to travel outside for the next month or two.

"No wonder senior brother said that women are the cause of disaster and the root of evil. You must not touch them."

Huai Sheng said it with confidence, but he didn't know that his face would be slapped afterwards.

"Isn't it okay for my sister to come to you after finishing her work?" Song Fengwan must come here if he wants to apply for the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts.

"I don't believe you."

"Then what do you want?"

"You swear to the Buddha."

Song Fengwan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only obey him, Huaisheng then took her hand, and called her sister affectionately.

"Sister, your hands are so slippery, they are different from my master and brother's."

"Really?" Song Fengwan touched his hand with mixed emotions in his heart.

Not long into winter, he already had chilblains, and even though Uncle Nian had applied oil to his hands just before going out, they were still cracked and rough.

Fu Chen lowered his head and sipped his hot tea before picking up the pregnant woman, making a very wise decision.

The little monk knows how to judge the situation, very good.

Josiyan's mouth twitched.

This little monk is not very old, and he still touches girls' little hands.

He keeps saying that he is clear about the rules and disciplines, and he is clearly a little pervert.


Soon the dishes were ready, Qiao Xiyan wanted to talk and drink with Fu Chen, Song Fengwan helped Huaisheng pick up some sauerkraut and mutton, they were all from his own family, and he didn't shy away from who would move the chopsticks first.

"eat quickly."

Song Fengwan cherished him more and more.

After hesitating for a moment, Huaisheng folded his palms together and pleaded guilty to the Buddha first, asking him to forgive him for committing another sinful act.

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

Song Fengwan looked at him and laughed, while Qiao Xiyan stared at him, wishing he could shave a few knives on his shiny little head.

Eat as much as you want, but you have to make this one.

Deceive your ears and steal your bell for whom to see.

Huai Sheng and Song Fengwan were eating almost all the time...

Until Qiao Xiyan pushed a wine cup in front of her and poured her a glass of wine, "Come with me, toast the third master."

"Let her drink." Fu Chen narrowed his eyes. This is homemade baijiu, which is sweet and extremely concentrated. Song Fengwan's drinking capacity may not last a glass.

Song Fengwan glanced at Qiao Xiyan, but he was still cold-faced and silent.

"It's okay." Song Fengwan stood up holding the wine glass, "Thank you for taking care of the third master these days, thank you very much..."

She said a lot of official clichés, Fu Chen stood up, held the teacup, the cups clinked when they touched each other, Song Fengwan just swallowed the wine.

The small wine cup held very little alcohol, and her throat was pungent. She hurriedly picked up the drink and drank a large glass.

this wine...

So strong.

Qiao Xiyan kept toasting to Fu Chen, and the wine he ordered soon ran out. He didn't look good when he drank, but his eyes were a little wandering, showing that he was drunk.

"Cousin, it's almost time." Song Fengwan reached out and tugged at his arm.

She just drank a little bit, and now she still feels like her chest is burning, and she is sweating and hot.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Qiao Xiyan also felt a little drunk, and wanted to go to the bathroom to wash his face to sober up.


Not long after Qiao Xiyan left, Song Fengwan watched the teapot turn in front of her. Her mouth was parched, and she poured herself a glass of water, "Master, do you want more water?"

"En." Fu Chen replied, there was a Qiao Xiyan between them, and they didn't say a few words after the meal.

Song Fengwan got up and went around to his side, poured water for him, glanced at him from the corner of his eye, put down the teapot and moved towards him.

Fu Chen frowned, she suddenly came so close...

what to do

Song Fengwan stretched out his hand, brushed it lightly under his eyes, and blew hot air...

The breath is tainted with alcohol, hot and scalding.

Fu Chen likes to tease him. Although her face is calm, her heart is not unmoved. She leans over like this...

To him, it was like a disguised form of seduction.

When did the little girl become so courageous?

Song Fengwan frowned, and rubbed his fingertips under his eyes, but Fu Chen suddenly grabbed his hand. With his wrist, the distance between the two of them was instantly drawn closer.

"Third Lord!" Song Fengwan turned pale with shock.

"what are you doing?"

"No, your face..."

"It's dangerous to touch a man's face, you know?"

Especially since he still has unreasonable thoughts about you.

"There is an eyelash." Song Fengwan's wrist was held by him, and he couldn't break free.


"No...no." That eyelash seemed to stick to his face.

"Really?" Fu Chen smiled at her.

"Then keep wiping."

Song Fengwan's heart trembled, didn't he just say that touching his face was dangerous?

Still continue to wipe?

Huai Sheng bit a piece of sauerkraut, glanced over there, and hurriedly lowered his head...

Amitabha, do not look at evil.

This eyelash may be a mascara essence, haha, I can't wipe it off...

The third master really teases her all the time, and there are children around, can you be more reserved.

Huai Sheng: Do not see evil.

Third Master: Did you hear that? He won't look.



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