Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 156 The third master was kicked? Wan Wan is too courageous (3 more)

Inside the restaurant box

Song Fengwan's hand was pulled by Fu Chen, half of his body was next to him, and his trembling fingers rubbed against his face twice.

these eyelashes?

Why are you so stubborn.

Could it be that he has become refined?

"Haven't dropped yet?" Seeing that she was a little annoyed, Fu Chen wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Song Fengwan was annoyed, she exerted a little force on her fingertips, her eyelashes fell between her fingernails, she raised her hand and blew, "Okay."

Fu Chen let go of her, and raised his hand to touch his face twice.

Song Fengwan had just returned to his seat and sat down when he heard someone say something.

"If this were placed in ancient times, you would be responsible to me."

She flicked her fingers holding the chopsticks, responsible?

Why is this man so shameless.

She is kind enough to help.

Besides, even if he was responsible, he pressed himself against the window at the snow field that day, and...

Song Fengwan bit his lip and said nothing.

In her situation, shouldn't he marry her?

"The master said that if a man and a woman don't know each other, my sister should be responsible to the third uncle." Huai Sheng always spoke with sincerity.

"Eat your sauerkraut! Children don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Song Fengwan gave him a chopstick of vegetable leaves.

After Qiao Xiyan came back, she always felt that Song Fengwan's expression was not right, so she patted her on the shoulder, "Are you all right?"

Song Fengwan shook his head, but secretly scolded Fu Chen in his heart.


After dinner, Fu Chen was in charge of driving, and Qiao Xiyan was drunk. After returning home, Song Fengwan helped him back to his room to rest, watching him helplessly arrange the carving knives neatly.

Under the light, the chills splashed everywhere, and I couldn't help being frightened.

In this sleeping room, there are sharp weapons?

What did he think.

Song Fengwan helped him take off his shoes, wiped his face for him, poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside, then quietly closed the door and went out to go back to his room to review his homework.

Fu Chen went back to his study and held a video conference with the company's top management, just to report on the implementation of Christmas Eve and tomorrow's Christmas activities.

The meeting ended and it was almost twelve o'clock at night.

Fu Chen turned off the computer, rubbed his forehead, took the phone, there were many unread text messages, nothing more than wishing a happy Christmas Eve and the like.

His sister also specially sent him a red envelope.

Just a few minutes ago, he called back and the call was connected immediately.

"Still awake so late?" Fu Chen walked out with the phone in hand, ready to go downstairs to drink some water.

"You didn't sleep too. You called your mother a few days ago and she said you made a promise to her?"


"Bring your girlfriend home next year?"


"San'er, tell sister, which girl do you like?"

Fu Chen's footsteps faltered, his expression remained normal, "Sister..."

"I raised you up since you were a child. I don't know what you're thinking? You never promise easily, let alone a lifelong event. If you don't have a goal and are not sure, how dare you speak nonsense in front of your mother?"

Fu Chen pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, but remained silent.

"Have you caught up yet?"

"Yeah." Fu Chen hid it, his sister loved him and always helped him, so he definitely wouldn't say such a thing in front of his parents.

"San'er, you can't do this, don't you know how to chase girls? How about my sister help you?"

"How can I help?" Fu Chen raised his foot and walked downstairs.

"When chasing a girl, you have to be patient, caring, and romantic. Gifts are necessary for festivals, big or small, regardless of high or low, you have to be considerate..."

Fu Chen listened without interrupting her.

"However, sometimes you have to be domineering and tough. Girls, I still think the man who is the domineering president is very attractive."

"Although you don't say it, who hasn't imagined being kissed by Bidong?"



"Brother-in-law chased you like this back then?"

The other party was taken aback, "Nonsense."

"One time when you came home, the skin on your mouth was broken. I asked you what's wrong, and you said you bit it yourself..."

"Fu Chen!" This kid was really itchy.

"Brother-in-law is a weak scholar, I didn't expect to have such a domineering side."

"Old man Fu, do you want to rebel!"

It's true that the bigger you get, the less you'll be taught. When you were young, you were so cute, like a little glutinous rice dumpling. What's going on now?

"You boy, wait for me, and I will clean you up when I go back."

After the other party finished speaking, the call was cut off.

Fu Chen is helpless, after so many years of marriage, it stands to reason that he is already a mother, and his temperament should have been restrained, but in the past few years, he has become more and more arrogant.

The brother-in-law just pampered her and spoiled her so badly.

When they were together back then, everyone said they didn't deserve it. Her sister was strong, her family was spoiled, she had a big temper, and she was dressed fashionable, which always gave people a sense of coquettishness.

His brother-in-law is a refined Confucian student, full of bookishness.

I don't know how these two people came together.

It is said that her sister chased him, and it was his sister who was thrown down later. No one knows the specific situation, but the relationship between the two is very harmonious.

Because of pampering her sister, her brother-in-law would be lectured by his father every time he came home.

Once, he replied directly, "Father-in-law also cares for mother-in-law so much, why can't I spoil my wife?"

"Do unto others, do not impose on others."

"Besides, this is my family matter. Every couple has their own way of getting along. Father-in-law shouldn't interfere too much."

His father was so angry that he kicked him out of the door and told him to get out.

"You little southern barbarian, you married my daughter and started preaching to me?" Old Fu was so angry that he almost hit him.

He walked out the door in a slow manner, and bowed goodbye to him, saying that his anger hurt his body, and asked him to pay attention to rest.

His father had nowhere to vent his temper, for fear of being seen by acquaintances in the compound and appearing stingy.

My brother-in-law is from the south, and his father will be known as "Southern barbarian" from now on, and this breath has been suppressed... until now.

Fu Chen had experienced this brother-in-law's temperament since he was very young. If he really didn't have much ability, how could he be able to subdue his sister?


Fu Chen thought of his brother-in-law's marriage back then, but smiled to himself, and suddenly thought that if he went to visit Song Fengwan's family in the future...

His eyes fell on the coffee table in the living room, and he remembered the row of carving knives he saw a few days ago, and his back felt cold.

According to his father, the Qiao family father and son have similar temperaments, and his father is even more difficult to mess with. Qiao Aiyun is fine, the Qiao family father and son...

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw a familiar figure crouching down to drink water.

"Haven't slept so late?"

"Hmm--" Song Fengwan drank half of the water, almost choked, turned her head to look at Fu Chen, the light was dim, she had to squint her eyes, her mind was dizzy, and she seemed to be heavy.

"Why don't you sleep?" Fu Chen walked over.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan looked at him, as if he didn't understand what he said, and continued to drink water.

Fu Chen stared at her as she finished drinking the water with a smile on her face.

"Are you drunk?"

"No." Song Fengwan shook his head vigorously, "I didn't... this time, I didn't, I didn't go to your room, let alone do anything else, really!"

Fu Chen nodded, "Yes, I know."

"Third Master..."

"Call third brother, there is no one here."

"Hmm—" Song Fengwan looked around, the wall lamps were dim, and there was no sound, so he called out, "Third brother."

"What's the matter?" Fu Chen leaned over and looked at her with a smile.

"You're so listless, you're still scratching your skin!" Song Fengwan even popped out the dialect, scratching your skin?

Fu Chen frowned, imitating her emphasis and asking, "Scraping?"

"It's so stupid, buy a mobile phone, and get an old model, the rich are really stingy!" Song Fengwan snorted softly.

"Well, I'm stingy, so what else do you want to complain about, continue?" Fu Chen handed her the phone before, seeing that she didn't have any joy on her face, thinking she was thinking about the old phone, but it turned out that she was complaining about himself.

"Then..." Song Fengwan looked up at him.

Talk falteringly.

"Then what?" Fu Chen was extremely patient with her.

"Cheng Lan said you like me?" This matter has been pressed in her heart all the time, her mind is confused at the moment, there are some afterimages in front of her eyes, she is half asleep and half awake, and she asks it out with the help of alcohol.

This matter had been hidden in her heart for a long time, and she was not sure, and did not dare to ask Fu Chen, but now she spoke out all at once.

"What do you think?" He said leaning forward gently, with a smile on his lips.

He likes Song Fengwan, so he naturally wants to get closer to her.

As the two get closer.

Before Fu Chen could move, Song Fengwan actually pushed him away and even kicked him.

"Stinky rascal, in my dream, you've said it several times, thinking I've lost my temper?" Song Fengwan was furious, but he actually came over and talked as he spoke, why was he so close!

Fu Chen failed to kiss and was kicked.

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, in a dream?

Really drunk.

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