Brocade Capital

Song Fengwan was sitting in the co-pilot, and turned his head to look at Fu Chen who was standing by the side of the car. He was dressed in a dark black gown, and the cold wind blew his black hair wildly. Agarwood purchased from the market.

He kept coiling the beads, wanting to hug her and kiss her, but Qiao Xiyan was still there, so he could only endure it.

The knuckles of the fingers are slightly white.

After all, it is reluctant.

The light pink hibiscus stone tassels are swaying in the wind, swaying and graceful.

She lowered the car window to greet him, "Third Master, Uncle Nian, Big Brother Shifang, Huaisheng, let's go."

Fu Chen pursed his lips and remained silent, Shi Fang didn't dare to move, Huai Sheng bit his lip and said, "Goodbye."

Uncle Nian also gave a lot of advice, "Be careful on the road, remember to call when you get home, and come and play when you have time."

Song Fengwan responded one by one.

"Fu Xinhan, I'm leaving." Fu Xinhan squatted at Fu Chen's feet, it only thought that Song Fengwan was going out, so he grinned at her.

Qiao Xiyan greeted them and started the car.

The headlights flickered a few times, and then disappeared.

"Third Uncle..." Huai Sheng turned his head to look at him.

Fu Xinhan seemed to realize that something was wrong at this time, so he ran wildly after the car.

"Fu Xinhan." Uncle Nian turned pale with shock, "Shifang, hurry up and chase after him."

Shi Fang was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran away.

Unlike Qian Jiang, he is a special soldier who has received rigorous military training. His physical fitness is average. He used to struggle to run a 1,000 meters in school, but let him chase a dog and drive a car?

I'm going to die.

"Fu Xinhan!" Shi Fang ran and shouted all the way.

Song Fengwan was still holding Qiao Xiyan's treasured jade wool in his arms, and he was fondling it with his head down, his heart felt sore and uncomfortable as if someone was pinching it.

It's impossible to live together for two months without feelings.

She didn't notice Fu Xinhan chasing after her at all.

Until the car merged into the traffic flow and disappeared without a trace, Fu Xinhan was squatting on the side of the road, at a loss.

"Scared me to death." Shifang pinched his waist, Grandma Te, almost broke his leg, there are so many cars outside, if he hits it, the old lady will cry to death.

He was raised there since he was a child, and he is a sweetheart all day long, rubbing him in his arms and crying, almost treating him like his own son.

Fu Xinhan squatted on the side of the road, and occasionally saw a Jaguar similar to Qiao Xiyan's car, and called twice...

"Everyone is gone, let's go." Shi Fang beckoned it to go back, "I really didn't expect that you have such deep feelings for her, and you said that the dog is sincere. This is true."

Shi Fang felt in his heart that although Fu Xinhan was a dog with a temper and aloofness, he was very spiritual. Thinking of some movies he had watched before, for a moment, he felt that the one in front of him was not a dog.

Fu Xinhan walked back with his head drooping:

The thigh is gone, and someone wants to kill the dog in the future, what should it do?

The main thing is...

From now on, no one will secretly give it jerky and give it extra meals.

Dog life is tough.


Song Fengwan rubbed her fingers against the stone, and the phone in her pocket vibrated. She adjusted her posture and took out the phone.

Fu Chen's information.

[After you finish the exam, I'll go to Yuncheng to find you, okay? 】

Song Fengwan's heart skipped a beat, he sneaked a look at Qiao Xiyan, and started sending him messages.

[I'm pretty busy after the exam, don't you usually go to work? 】

【not busy. 】

The Korean dramas I watched secretly in the past seem to have become dull.

[The exam is over, school recruitment will be imminent, I will be very busy. 】Song Fengwan also sent a sobbing emoji.

[After you left, I always felt that the house was empty and my heart was empty, so I might have followed you. 】

Song Fengwan's ears felt slightly hot, and after reading the message several times, his face was red and his ears were hot, and his heart was beating wildly.

It was agreed that it would not affect her, so why did he post these things?

It seemed like they were in love.

"Wanwan? Are you okay?" Qiao Xiyan bit her lip and blushed as she saw her hanging her head.

"It's okay." Song Fengwan put away the phone, his palms were steaming and slightly hot.

"It's a little stuffy in the car in winter. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me sooner." Qiao Xiyan thought she was motion sick.

Song Fengwan nodded and remained silent.


On the other side, Fu Chen stared at the phone for a long time, but didn't get a reply, so he called Duan Lin Bai and said that he would go out to get together at night.

"Third Uncle, you want to go out?" In the evening, the counselor will come, and Huai Sheng is waiting at home.

"Well, you study at home, I'll be back later."

Huaisheng vaguely heard something on the phone, some bar, singing, etc., he bit his lip...

It seems to have been mentioned before, and it seems to be a bad place.

When Fu Chen arrived at the appointed place, there was already someone sitting in the room, making tea with his head bowed. He wore a thin white cashmere sweater, and his whole body was feminine, yet extremely handsome.

Seeing Fu Chen come in, he raised his voice, "Wife is sent away? Are you willing to come out to see us?"

He speaks with a Beijing accent, his words are correct and round, clear and elegant.

"Lin Bai hasn't come yet?" Fu Chen sat down beside him.

"He was always the last one to save games. He didn't dress up and went out reluctantly." He said and brought Fu Chen a cup of tea.

Fu Chen stretched out his hand to take it, and watched as the box door was pushed open.

Duan Linbai wore a black down jacket and took off his coat. The bright red sweater made his complexion even whiter.

The man raised his eyebrows, "Erlang, isn't the birth year over?"

"It's not that you can't wear red in your zodiac year?"

"Our friend Xiaoju, why are you dressed so coquettishly?"

Duan Linbai choked.

Damn, it's just a red sweater.

Christmas, it should be a scene, how come it's a show?

Now this guy is trendy at every turn.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, "Maybe I think the death date is not far away, so I want to wear it festively."

Duan Linbai coughed twice, "Fu San, I really don't blame me for this matter. I never knew that my father would think of my sister-in-law. I swear to God, I have absolutely no thoughts about my sister-in-law."

Fu Chen drank his tea with his head down and ignored him.

"She's my sister-in-law. I still understand the truth that a friend's wife should not be bullied."

"If I hit her, am I still human?"

Just now the man said quietly, "Didn't you keep saying that you are a wolf looking for love alone?"

"Fuck you, don't interrupt." Life and death are at stake, and you still come to tease him.

"Fu San, you have to trust me, we grew up wearing a pair of woolen trousers, you still don't know who I am?" Duan Linbai smiled obsequiously.

"Are there a lot of emoticons in your WeChat?" Fu Chen asked suddenly.

Duan Linbai was taken aback, why did he get involved in the emoji?

"Yes, there are a lot."

"Send them all to me." Fu Chen took out his phone and was ready to accept it.

"You are so fashionable now? Playing with emoticons?" Duan Linbai was suspicious.

"Well, she likes to post, we need to cultivate a common topic."

Duan Linbai's fingers froze, your sister, are you here to stuff him with dog food?

The person beside him lowered his head and smiled sullenly.

Duan Linbai slandered while posting emojis: Thanks to the fact that I was scared to death at home, this is the end of the matter?

Fu Chen is used to scaring him.

"Fu Chen, that girl is still a student. If you are separated now, wouldn't it be a long-distance relationship?" The man always spoke with a high-spirited and reckless look, but he was also in a good-looking way.

"What is a long-distance relationship? It's unrequited love..."

Duan Linbai spoke quickly, and after saying this, Fu Chen shot at him coldly, wishing he could slap himself.

I rely on, let you talk fast, let you talk more.

"I've held hands with her, hugged and kissed her before." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Duan Linbai slightly opened his mouth wide.

This old beast is so insane, how can he do it.

"I've shared the same bed before, what do you think we are related to each other?" Fu Chen just looked at Duan Lin Bai directly.

"Hey, you two are dating." Duan Linbai smiled obsequiously.

The desire to survive is super strong.

Said he was out for a small get-together, Fu Chen almost kept sending messages with Song Fengwan on his mobile phone, leaving the two of them aside until he was about to eat dinner before he got up.

"Go back after eating together?" Duan Lin Bai was stunned, this frightened him so much that he wanted to leave after patting his ass?

"She told me just now that she should go back early in the evening. Besides, there are children at home, so she will go back first. This will be charged to my account."

Duan Linbai is really crazy in his heart, she is not married yet, she has left, so obedient?

Besides, it's not dark at all.

"Fu Chen, you're done." Duan Lin Bai couldn't help shaking his head.

Fu Chen picked up the coat on one side, smiled at him, and slowly uttered four words.

"It's as sweet as sugar."


Duan Linbai wished he could kick over this bowl of dog food.


Song Fengwan was chatting with Fu Chen along the way, and she didn't seem to be talking about anything after looking through the records, and the time passed quickly. When she recovered, Qiao Xiyan had already parked the car in a service area.

The sky was getting darker, and many cars were parked in the service area of ​​the expressway. Song Feng went to the bathroom at night, and poured some hot water by the way.

Qiao Xiyan leaned against the side of the car, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lowered his title to one, and tilted his head to light the fire.

Merry and freehand, when she squinted her eyes and looked up, she was cold and gloomy.

"Cousin, would you like some water?" Song Fengwan walked over with a water glass in his arms. The heater was turned on in the car, and the windows were not opened. He got out of the car to take a breath, but felt comfortable all over.

"Who have you been texting with all the way?" Qiao Xiyan turned his head to look at her. He didn't speak, but it doesn't mean he didn't know.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan suddenly felt guilty, "I'm not dating anyone."

"We chatted all the way, and sometimes giggled and giggled?" Qiao Xiyan took a drag on his cigarette and squinted at him. Those sharp eyes seemed to be able to reach people's hearts.

"Do I have it?" She didn't pay attention at all.

"What do you say?"

"I joined a support club group, just chatting casually." Song Fengwan's ears were hot, and his fingers holding the water glass slowly tightened.

"Fan club?"

"It's Brother Duan's support club." Song Fengwan lowered his head and stroked the water glass, not daring to look him in the eye.

"That Internet celebrity?"

Song Fengwan thought about it for a while, and he can indeed be defined in this way. Brother Duan, I'm sorry, I used you as a shield.

"Looking as if she lacks love and hasn't been weaned, she can only deceive you little girls."

Song Fengwan lowered his head and suppressed a smile, Brother Duan, this is really none of my business, this is what my cousin said.

"You are now in the third year of high school, and you will have an exam in a few days. Don't think about chasing stars."

Song Fengwan nodded muffled.

"Even if you want to chase stars, you have to find someone worthy of your pursuit, who can let you learn something and bring you positive energy. He is not worthy of your obsession with someone who sleeps until the sun rises every day."

Although Qiao Xiyan was much older than her, he was also of the same generation. When he was in school, girls liked to buy stickers, and they made a book full of them.

Maybe little girls have the stage of chasing stars, he has no objection, but they must have positive energy, Duan Linbai, he doesn't like it.

"I know." Song Fengwan nodded.

After getting an affirmative answer, Josie greeted her to get in the car.

How did he know that Song Fengwan was not a star chaser at all.

But puppy love.


It was past eight o'clock in the evening when the car arrived in Yuncheng.

When he was about to get off the car, Song Fengwan sent Fu Chen a message.

[I'll be home soon, I'll have dinner later. 】

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, 【What's for dinner? 】

Song Fengwan chatted with him very casually, so he threw an emoticon pack in the past, and a villain had a mean and sloppy expression, still saying, "Eat me, eat me..."

Fu Chen's eyes sank, and he sent her a voice message.

Song Fengwan saw that Qiao Xiyan was staring at the navigation to find the way. After all, he is not from Yuncheng, and he is not familiar with the road conditions. She took out the earphone, put it on, connected it to the mobile phone, and then clicked on the voice.

"Wanwan, don't cry then."

The voice is dry and hoarse, very seductive.

The ending sound was very long, and the tone was serious, as if it had a hook, twitching at the tip of her heart.

Song Fengwan's face turned red in an instant.

It's so shameless.

After a while, there was another voice prompt.

She reached out and clicked.

"I miss you so much..."

Song Fengwan put away his mobile phone, his heartbeat was disordered.

On the 26th, the double monthly ticket activity starts~

If you have a monthly pass, remember to support the beginning of the month, I love you, okay, let’s see how many places we can’t get up this month, (^.^)


Third Master, this person is gone, I admire you for being able to spread dog food when you go out alone, really

In other words, if the relationship is broken, the third master will become more and more unscrupulous, haha

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