Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 162 Cousin vs Senior Brother Yan, Being Bullied (2 more)

When he arrived at the Yuncheng Tollgate, Qiao Aiyun called and said that he had prepared meals at home and asked him to come over. The address was a residential building.

Qiao Xiyan followed the navigation and took a detour. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when he arrived at the community.

Qiao Aiyun had been waiting at the door of the unit building for a long time. When the car stopped, Song Fengwan jumped out of the car.

In winter in Yuncheng, the wind is bright and humid, and although the temperature is not as low as in Beijing, she feels it is colder than there.

Song Fengwan called his mother, and saw a person standing behind her.

Wearing a black suit with a down jacket over it, he was capable and smart.

"Uncle Yan." Song Fengwan was on the phone with Qiao Aiyun on the road, but she didn't mention that Yan Wangchuan was here.

"En." Yan Wangchuan replied coldly, his expression was scarce, and his coldness was a bit unhuman.

Even with a restrained aura, when looking at you, his eyes are still cold and stern, like a falcon.

Song Fengwan used to be at Qiao's house, and met him a few times by fate. He always had a cold and cold appearance, so he didn't communicate much. He came out to help at the wedding banquet before, and Song Fengwan only had a slight impression of him. change.

Qiao Xiyan called her aunt, and when she saw Yan Wangchuan, she was stunned for a few seconds, and then called, "Master."

The Qiao family pays attention to the relationship between teachers and successors, and Qiao Xiyan is still very respectful when seeing the elders.

As soon as he opened the trunk, Yan Wangchuan came over to help carry the luggage, "Master, let me come."

Yan Wangchuan glanced at him, walked up with his luggage, and ignored him at all.

Qiao Xiyan seemed to be used to being ignored by him, but he was a little surprised when he appeared here.

The brothers of the Qiao family, including his father, are not people who like to tell tales. No one mentioned the matter between Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun, so he naturally didn't know.

Normally, whenever Qiao Aiyun came to Qiao's house, Yan Wangchuan never came, and the two had never met face to face. Qiao Xiyan naturally didn't know that there was any past between them.

Only when the relationship between the two is normal.

"Xiyan, let me come. You have been driving for hours, and it is very hard."

Qiao Aiyun just took the suitcase from him, a pair of generous and dry hands stretched out, took the suitcase, and went straight upstairs.

Song Fengwan saw that Qiao Aiyun's hands were empty in the air, and she was a little embarrassed, so he lowered his head and smiled sullenly.

Uncle Yan doesn't talk much, but he is a man of action.

"Why live here?" Song Fengwan had never heard of Qiao Aiyun mentioning that she moved out.

"I live in space alone at home." Qiao Aiyun avoided the seriousness and neglected the seriousness, and didn't mention that she and Song Jingren had a lot of trouble because of their divorce.

Although the house is under the name of Song Fengwan, Song Jingren and Jiang Fengya are still living in it. Although Qiao Aiyun said harsh words before and asked them to get out, the divorce lawsuit is cumbersome. She discusses it with the lawyer every day. No energy to manage them.

She just wanted to resolve the divorce earlier, and after the property division was completed, if he still insisted on not leaving, she would have other ways to keep him from stepping down.

After the divorce, she planned to return to Wu Su and found a house here to live temporarily.


High floor, room 1502.

Push the door open and enter, the windows are closed, the air conditioner is turned on, two rooms and one living room, all neatly tidied up.

"Xiyan, the dishes are all ready, sit down and wash your hands, I can eat after a little heat." Song Fengwan lived outside for more than two months, and Qiao Xiyan rarely came over, so she naturally You have to cook yourself.

"Mom, I'll help you." Song Fengwan took off his coat, washed his hands, and went to the kitchen.

She hadn't eaten the food made by Qiao Aiyun for a long time, and she was also hungry at the moment, feeling very greedy, touched a pair of chopsticks, put the vinegar ribs in her mouth, and sent them to her mouth.

"The guests are still outside, what do they look like?" Qiao Aiyun could still see the living room from this angle, and it happened that Yan Wangchuan was also looking at him, which made her a little embarrassed.

Song Fengwan glanced at the living room, "My cousin is from my own family, and Uncle Yan is also from my own family, so I definitely won't mind."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Qiao Aiyun pinched her arm angrily, "Go out for a while, who has made you so unruly, talking nonsense."

Song Fengwan lowered his head and gnawed on the ribs, but didn't answer.

Who is used to it?

Maybe it was Fu Chen.

Song Fengwan was chewing on the ribs, wondering what he ate tonight?


In the living room, both Qiao Xiyan and Yan Wangchuan were people who talked little, and they were speechless, and the atmosphere was once very awkward.

Qiao Xiyan coughed twice, "Master, I went to the north to buy some stones and some bloodstones, would you like to see them?"

"En." Yan Wangchuan nodded.

The two discussed the stone, and there were naturally many topics.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Qiao Xiyan finally asked the question in his heart.

Yan Wangchuan just looked at him without saying a word.

Taciturn, with cold eyes.

Rao even Qiao Xiyan was chilled by him, so why can't this topic be asked?

"Your father didn't teach you, don't ask if you shouldn't ask?"

Yan Wangchuan's voice was dull, like a resonating sound from his chest, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Even his father was afraid of this senior brother, let alone him, so naturally he couldn't be provoked?

Josie nodded and said nothing.

This tone is already a threat and warning, and he will not be ignorant and ask for trouble.

"Especially about the matters of the elders, don't get involved, and don't talk too much when you go back."

Qiao Xiyan is not a fool, he has made it very clear.

Don't tell his father.

Then he knew very well that Yan Wangchuan was interested in his aunt, and he didn't want his father to know for the time being...

"Why don't you speak, I'm waiting for your answer?" Yan Wangchuan narrowed his eyes and touched a bloodstone in his hand.

"Yes, I know."

Qiao Xiyan is seldom threatened by others, but he still has nothing to do with this person.

"The matter here hasn't been settled yet, your father is out of temper, you go back and do something about it."

"I know." Qiao Xiyan naturally wouldn't say this, "Master, can I ask another question?"

Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, "What do you think?"

Qiao Xiyan smiled resentfully, lowered his head and rubbed the stone, "You see that the color of the bloodstone is not bad."

Qiao Aiyun is his aunt, his own nephew, even if he asks more questions, it won't work?

I have never seen such a domineering and powerful person.

If you want to chase his aunt, it stands to reason that you should treat him better?

It's still the same as before, if there is a disagreement, the rules will be followed and threats will be made.


The four sat around the table for dinner, and there were two taciturn people. The atmosphere was a bit dull, almost all of which were Song Fengwan talking, and Qiao Aiyun talking.

"Xiyan, when are you leaving?" Qiao Aiyun looked at the person opposite.


"Then stay here tonight, and I'll clean up the room later."

"He's staying in a hotel with me tonight." Yan Wangchuan spoke directly, cutting off Qiao Xiyan's back.

What can Qiao Xiyan do? His uncle had already spoken, so he could only respond, "Well, I just agreed with my uncle, and I want to ask him about carving tonight."

"That's fine." Qiao Aiyun didn't keep him any longer.


After dinner, the mother and daughter sent them to the elevator.

As soon as the two arrived downstairs, Yan Wangchuan took out the car keys and prepared to drive.

Qiao Xiyan asked tentatively, "Master, why don't you take my car back to the hotel together?"

Yan Wangchuan glanced at him, "I only have an economy double room, do you want to sleep with me?"

Josie was taken aback.

"Find a hotel by yourself." After speaking, he drove away directly, leaving him with only the exhaust of the car all the way.

Qiao Xiyan looked stiff in the night, the cold wind was blowing, and he was lonely and desolate...

Is this my uncle?


Song Fengwan took a simple shower. The air conditioner was turned on at home, so it was not as comfortable as the heating in the north. The quilt had been aired a long time ago, and it still smelled like sunshine.

She got under the covers and took out her phone.

Fu Chen sent her a message half an hour ago.

[Reply to me after eating. 】

She bit her lip and replied, [I'm done eating and I'm ready to sleep. 】

[Are you alone now? 】

Song Fengwan frowned, she was not alone, who else could she sleep with?

【correct. 】

【convenient? 】

Before Song Fengwan recovered, a video chat was sent, and she jumped up from the bed in fright. Qiao Aiyun was still packing things outside, and the sound insulation in the room was not good.

She hung up the video with a guilty conscience.

[My mother is outside, which is inconvenient. 】

[I just want to take a look at you, it's okay if I don't speak. 】

While Song Fengwan was still hesitating, someone sent a video again. She put on her earphones and got connected.

Fu Chen seemed to be in the study room, with the computer turned on, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, a white shirt, refined and abstinent, and extraordinarily Confucian...

"Why are you turning on the computer?" Song Fengwan lowered his voice, adjusted the angle of the phone, and tried to make his face as small as possible.

"The computer screen is bigger and can see you more clearly."

Song Fengwan's head exploded, his little face turned red.

How could this old man be so flirtatious?

Wanwan, do you dare to directly say that the third master is an old man?

The third master can make you cry [cover your face]

Cousin still can't gain the upper hand in Senior Brother Yan, this senior is really fierce...

Cousin: Driving in the middle of the night to find a hotel.

Brother Yan: Or come over and sleep with me?


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