Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 163 Senior brother's infiltration, stunned one (3 more)

The lighting in the bedroom was dim and warm, and the humidifier beside the bed was filled with a layer of white mist, making her blush face even more charming.

She searched the quilt with her fingers, but she didn't know what to say, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to look at her directly.

Fu Chen kept staring at her, for fear of missing any important expression.

In the past, the relationship was not broken, and Fu Chen talked to her with the air of arrogance unique to elders, but now he teases her all the time, it's a little bit of self-indulgence.

Song Fengwan didn't know how to deal with it.

In the past, she and Fu Yuxiu were engaged. They were engaged early in the morning. They usually just ate and chatted, and there was no such thing as chasing each other.

She is inexperienced and somewhat at a loss.

"Didn't you say it won't affect me?" Song Fengwan lowered his voice, for fear that Qiao Aiyun would find out.

Her heart was beating fast, her eyes glanced at the door from time to time, she rolled over and got out of bed, and locked the door behind her tiptoe.

She sneaked onto the bed again, like a thief, but the man across from him raised his hand to caress the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and was actually smiling.

"What are you laughing at? I'm not a thief because of you."

"You just said that I influenced you, can you understand it in a disguised form..." Fu Chen stroked his glasses and looked at her seriously, "Wanwan, you really care about me in your heart."

Song Fengwan was going crazy.

She coughed twice, "Have you really never been in love?"

I have never been in love, and I have a set of love stories.

"I've talked to you in my heart, does that count?" Fu Chen smiled lowly, and that smile was even deeper through the earphones.

It's over.

The man couldn't stop at all.

Song Fengwan felt that he could no longer have a normal conversation with him.

"It's very late, I have to get up early tomorrow to read a book, and I have to go to bed." Song Fengwan's ears were so red that he seemed to be on fire, and he didn't dare to look directly at him.

She wished she could end this conversation quickly.

"Fu Xinhan chased you two roads today."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was so busy touching the stones that he didn't pay attention at all.

"Huaisheng said he missed you tonight." He manipulated the computer with his fingers, and took a lot of screenshots.

"Well, I miss him too." Song Fengwan thought about the little monk, yet he laughed and chanted scriptures while eating meat.

"I miss you too……"

Fu Chen looked at her with a serious expression.

Song Fengwan blushed, bit his lip and said nothing...

"What time do you get up tomorrow?"

"It's half past five."

"Then go to sleep, good night."

Song Fengwan said goodnight, hung up the phone, reached out and rubbed his ears, and it was still numb from the heat.

Just after setting up my brain, there was a sound of knocking on the door outside, "Wanwan, are you asleep yet?"

"Not yet." Song Fengwan hurriedly got up and opened the door for her.

Qiao Aiyun hugged another blanket and threw it on her quilt, "When did you sleep and start locking the door?"

"Ah?" Song Feng would occasionally fall asleep during school at night, and sometimes he slept so deeply that he couldn't wake up. The door was never locked, and usually no one would go in directly except Qiao Aiyun.

She felt guilty from the bottom of her heart, "Maybe it happened just now."

There is no reason to speak.

Qiao Aiyun glanced at her mobile phone which was still on, "Stop playing, go to bed quickly."

After sending Qiao Aiyun away, her heartbeat calmed down a little.

It's like cheating every time, it's really...

Song Fengwan just got into bed when Fu Chen's message came again.

【Good night, I will call you tomorrow morning. 】

Because of Mao, she had the illusion that she was already in love with him.


Yunjin capital here

Shifang sent some files to Fu Chen, but he had already closed the computer.

"Third Master? Don't work anymore?" He said that he would go to Yuncheng in a few days and asked him to bring over all the documents that needed to be resolved. He was busy at the company until midnight, so he finally sorted out the documents and brought them over.

He actually turned off the computer, looking like he was going to sleep.

You said earlier, I am not so desperate.

"Sleep late."

Shifang was stunned for a moment, Miss Song fell asleep, what does it have to do with you?

"Leave the documents, I'll deal with them tomorrow." After speaking, he turned and went back to his room.

Shifang tugged at his hair.

Work and rest synchronization?

It's absolutely amazing.

The relationship between the two has not been established, and this person can spread dog food wildly. People who don't know think that the two are in a passionate relationship.


next day

Just as Song Fengwan was woken up by the alarm clock, Fu Chen's call came.


"It's time to get up." Fu Chenxu had just woken up, his voice was thicker and more provocative than usual, and the phone was stuck to his ear, as if he was right next to him.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan replied confusedly, "Actually, you don't need to call me? Even if you go to bed late, my mother will call me."

"I just want to hear your voice."

Song Fengwan huddled his head under the quilt, and the breath he exhaled was full of warmth.

This old man is simply killing people.

Grandma Fu also said that he had an elm head, and she had never seen anyone more seductive than him.

It's almost like the hero of the Korean drama is still Su.

"Okay, hang up the phone." Fu Chen didn't waste her time, he also knew that a certain little rabbit probably hid shyly.

Song Fengwan hung up the phone and bowed his head under the quilt, what will happen if this goes on.

Been teasing like this since morning.

How should she study with peace of mind?

Mom, what should I do if someone always affects her study?


When Song Fengwan washed up and went out, Qiao Aiyun had already made breakfast, millet porridge and egg pancakes.

"I'll read a book after dinner. I'll take you to the exam room later. It's a bit far away from here. I've booked a hotel nearby for you in advance. I'll stay there with you during the two days of the exam."

Live closer, and don't have to get up early, so she can rest well.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan lowered his head and drank millet porridge, "Are you going out later?"

"Go to the lawyer's office and take you out later." She didn't intend to let Song Fengwan get involved in the divorce between her and Song Jingren, and she hardly revealed anything to her.

"It's hard to deal with?" Song Fengwan didn't see Qiao Aiyun in the capital before, so he had to think carefully about what he said. Now that they were face to face, he asked one more question, "He...won't you cooperate?"

"Involving some property distribution, it will definitely take time, so don't think too much about it."

Qiao Aiyun finally softened her heart, she didn't want to tell Song Fengwan his faults, divorce and lawsuits, involving money, would really expose her character, and used all kinds of stealth, rape, slippery, and shameless tricks.

Song Fengwan knew that she didn't want to reveal, so he didn't ask further.

Ever since Song Jingren pushed her at the marriage banquet that day, it took more than a week before she called herself, but she didn't answer, and she ignored the calls a few times after that.

After a long time, no more calls came in.


After breakfast, Qiao Aiyun went out with a stack of documents, and Song Fengwan went back to the room to read. It was around ten o'clock when the phone vibrated.

An unfamiliar number, belonging to Yuncheng.

She froze for two seconds, but still picked up the phone, "Hello—"

"Wan Wan, I'm Dad, you're back." Song Jingren said with a smile in his voice.

Just the same as before.

When Song Fengwan heard his voice, he couldn't help the tip of his nose sore, he clenched the phone tightly and didn't make a sound.

"You're about to take the exam. Dad is too busy to care about you recently. I'll take you out to eat at your favorite restaurant." Song Jingren's tone was kind, giving her the illusion that it happened before. Everything is her illusion.

Song Fengwan gritted his teeth, but still refused, "No, I want to read, I don't have time."

"It's just time for a meal, one hour, without delaying your study, and I bought you a lot of gifts. Isn't it Christmas a few days ago? Didn't you like chasing me for gifts before..."

Song Jingren was patient and soft-spoken.

Song Fengwan's mind was full of Qiao Aiyun's thin face just now, his eyes no longer had the radiance of before, instead they were dull and dull, even with makeup on, the fatigue was still hard to conceal.

"No, you can eat by yourself."

Song Jingren rubbed against her for more than ten minutes, but Song Fengwan's attitude was still firm.

"Is it because your mother won't let you see me?" His tone changed suddenly.

"It has nothing to do with my mother."

"We haven't divorced yet, and I'm still your father. What right does she have to prevent us from meeting..."

Song Fengwan clenched her fingers tightly, "I said, this is my decision, it has nothing to do with my mother, it's because I don't want to see you!"

She yelled at the phone twice and hung up immediately.


Song Jingren on the other side was about to speak when he heard a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

"President Song, what do you say?" Secretary Zhang asked in a low voice, "Miss promised to see you?"

Song Jingren's face was livid with anger, and he didn't make a sound.

"The lawyer over there is coming again soon. Miss still has shares under her name. If she stands there, the company will be split up in the future, which may be extremely detrimental to you."

"I know!" Song Jingren was so angry that he threw his phone to the ground.

"This damn girl won't even see me now, what can I do!"

"Is it not good for me that I don't know?"

This company was founded when he and Qiao Aiyun started from scratch, and Qiao Aiyun's shares were slightly smaller than his.

When Song Fengwan was born, in order to please the Qiao family and to show that he pursued Qiao Aiyun, he was not greedy for money, so he specially transferred a part of it to Song Fengwan.

Usually a husband and wife are one, naturally they don't distinguish between each other, and the shareholding is different, but in fact it is Song Jingren who controls it. Now it is different, the divorce splits, whichever side Song Fengwan stands on is almost equal to whoever can get the right to speak in the company.

How could he not be in a hurry.

"President Song, what should we do now?"

"Check for me where her exam room is? I don't believe that she won't take the exam, so I will block the door, and I won't be able to see her."

Secretary Zhang glanced at him, you don't even know where your own daughter is taking the exam?


No wonder she won't turn to you at a time like this.


On the other side, Yan Wangchuan also just met with his partner.

"Boss Yan, I'll treat you tonight, please do me a favor." In fact, they don't have a big cooperation case, so Yan Wangchuan can send a supervisor to come over. They are also flattered that he can come in person, so naturally they have to please.

"You're welcome, there's something else to do, let's go first."

He has always spoken directly, and they got used to it after a few days of contact.

The assistant drove the car and glanced at him, "Boss Yan, where are we going?"

"Go to Tiansheng Community, accompany Wan Wan to the examination room in the afternoon, and take a walk around the shopping mall to buy something for her."

The assistant couldn't help but be speechless and remained silent.

When Yan Wangchuan came out of the shopping mall, he hugged a big bear that was as tall as a person, causing passers-by to stop frequently.

The assistants were dumbfounded.

He stuffed the bear into the back seat and squeezed himself into the passenger seat.

"President Yan, this..."

"They recommended it, saying that it sells the best and girls like it the most."

The assistant coughed twice, and he was 100% sure that Mr. Yan of his family was cheated, because the biggest one was probably the most expensive one, and a young man like him entered it, and it looked like fat at first glance. I have to kill it.

Besides, Ms. Song is going to take an exam, so it's okay for you to send some stationery, a bear?


After Qiao Aiyun's lunch break, she planned to take Song Fengwan to the examination room, but before she went out, she received a call from Yan Wangchuan, saying that she was at the door.

When you open the door, you will see a big bear.

"Brother, you..."

"It's not for you, it's for Wanwan."

Someone gave a gift, Song Fengwan was naturally happy, and took it with both hands, "Thank you, Uncle Yan."

"Why did you buy her a gift?"

"I wish her the best of luck in her exams."

"This is too embarrassing, you come in and sit down." Qiao Aiyun knew what he was trying to do, and at this age, she didn't know how to deal with someone suddenly chasing her.

"When are you going to see the examination room, I'll see you off, just when you're done with your work."

Seeing her mother's embarrassed appearance, Song Fengwan couldn't help holding back a smile.

Uncle Yan is preparing to infiltrate their lives in all aspects?

"Too much trouble……"

Qiao Aiyun just refused, and he said directly, "I'll wait for you."

It directly blocked her words.

With a low tone and a cold face, Qiao Aiyun was afraid of him before, so she didn't dare to disobey this senior brother, and now she didn't even dare to resist, so she could only nod resentfully.

There will be a scumbag part later, it is estimated that there will be less dog food...

I decided to leave Sanye alone.

It's too much, the little girl is going to take an exam, why are you making a fuss about her from morning till night!

And Senior Brother Yan, if you want to chase someone, you can't keep a straight face, you sent Wan Wan to the examination room out of kindness, making it look like you're threatening him [cover your face] I'm convinced of you too...


Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~

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