Yuncheng Tiansheng Community

Song Fengwan held the big bear in his arms, poked and poked it non-stop, looked at Yan Wangchuan with his head tilted all the time, and talked to her no more than three sentences since he entered the room.

Really: taciturn, with scarce expression.

Sitting there, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

She is not stupid, Yan Wangchuan must have a plan for running here so diligently, since she is interested in her mother, but she also acts cold, and no strangers should enter.

She really didn't understand what path this uncle was taking.

Qiao Aiyun changed clothes and came out of the bedroom. She wore a black sweater with an off-white fur-collared down jacket. Her hair, which was usually coiled up, was loose and tucked behind her ears. She was slightly curled. It was different from the outfits of ordinary strong women, and looked more graceful and elegant.

"Wanwan, take your exam admission ticket and we'll go out right away." Qiao Aiyun checked the electrical appliances and gas at home before going to the entrance to change her shoes.

Yan Wangchuan was already waiting at the door.

He didn't say a word, but his eyes were fixed on her for a moment.

Qiao Aiyun was inexplicably embarrassed by her. She usually went out to work and socialize, so she dressed more smartly.

This is to accompany my daughter to the examination room, so it's natural to be as comfortable as possible. He kept staring at her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She changed her shoes, turned her head to look at him, and her eyes met. His face was stiff and turned away.

His face was indifferent, with a forced expression.

If he didn't want to send them off, he would just say, who is he making such a bad face for?

"Senior Brother, you can just send us there, it won't take up too much of your time."

Yan Wangchuan frowned, took a heavy breath, and forced out a word from the gap between his teeth, "En."

"Why did you keep staring at me just now, why am I not dressed properly?" She remembered that from the first time she met him, he liked to look at her like this, with cold eyes.

Qiao Aiyun kept looking at him, the hallway was narrow, the two stood together, less than half a person's distance between them, she always tried to see a clue from his face.

Yan Wangchuan stuck his fingers in his pockets and clenched them slightly.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qiao Aiyun sighed slightly, "I see you are uncomfortable, why don't you go first, we can drive or take a taxi by ourselves."

She thought about Song Fengwan's slow movements, and really wanted to go to the room to call her, but Yan Wangchuan suddenly stretched out his long legs, walked in front of her, and blocked her way, his expression was still a little indifferent.

"I'll see you off." The tone was blunt.

Qiao Aiyun laughed, no one wants to always look at people's faces, she really wanted to say no, Yan Wangchuan said again...

"Dress nicely."

"Huh?" Qiao Aiyun was taken aback.

"Your clothes look good today."

After Yan Wangchuan finished speaking, his eyes drifted away and looked elsewhere. His short black hair could not cover his red ears at all.

Qiao Aiyun didn't expect that he would say such a sentence suddenly, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. After a few seconds, she reluctantly said, "Thank you."


So keep staring?

"I'll see you off." Yan Wangchuan's voice was always stiff, and he couldn't hear any emotion.

But Qiao Aiyun clearly saw that his ears were blushing, which was something she had never seen before, so she hummed, which was considered her agreement.

Brother Yan...

Are you shy?

Qiao Aiyun coughed twice. In his impression, Yan Wangchuan was rigid and conservative, with a cold face and a reticent face. She had never seen him like this before, but she thought this man was so cute.

When Song Fengwan came out of the house, he felt something was wrong, "Mom, Uncle Yan, I'm fine."

"Well, let's go." Qiao Aiyun smiled.

Yan Wangchuan walked behind the mother and daughter, listening to Qiao Aiyun's laughter, the heat in his ears hadn't dissipated.

She had never smiled like this in front of her before.


The examination room was set up at Yuncheng University, located in the university town, with smooth roads, and it took more than 40 minutes to drive. It took almost an hour for the three of them to get there.

The school covers an area of ​​several thousand square meters. Recently, many students have come to take the joint art examination. The surrounding counties and cities are all in this area. The school traffic control, except for the vehicles of teachers and staff, is not allowed to enter.

"Brother, why don't you go back first, it may be very slow to find the examination room." The school is so big, Qiao Aiyun is not sure when she will be able to come out.

"How do you go back?" Yan Wangchuan stopped the car and turned off the engine.

"Let's take a taxi, or take the bus." There are many students in the university town, so there is no shortage of cars.

Yan Wangchuan pursed his lips, stared at Qiao Aiyun with thin and cold eyes, and after a few seconds, he said, "It's not safe, I'll wait for you."

"It's estimated to be more than half an hour. It's too embarrassing to keep you waiting."

After what happened just now, Qiao Aiyun didn't think he was so scary.

What can a man who gets red in the face when he compliments her on how well she dresses, treat her.

Song Fengwan had already opened the door and got out of the car. He was standing on a map at the school gate, looking for the location of the corresponding examination room. He didn't understand the two people in the car, and they were secretly competing.

Yan Wangchuan had a stubborn temper, looked at her, and said forcefully, "I'll wait."

Qiao Aiyun nodded, and then she planned to get out of the car.

"Scarf." Yan Wangchuan picked up the scarf she left aside and handed it to her.

"Almost forgot." Qiao Aiyun smiled at him.

Yan Wangchuan turned his head awkwardly, without saying a word.


After Qiao Aiyun got off the car, she and Song Fengwan walked inside according to the route.

Fu Yuxiu is from Yuncheng University. Song Fengwan has followed him twice before, and he is quite familiar with the route here. The place is not difficult to find, but the school is too big, and it takes a lot of time to walk there.

There were a lot of people going in and out of the school, and it happened that the exam was about to take place, and the number of people outside the school increased dramatically. Yan Wangchuan breathed a sigh of relief when he watched the mother and daughter disappear.

Start to reflect on your actions just now.

It's so rude, to keep looking at her, probably made her uncomfortable again?

Yan Wangchuan grabbed the steering wheel with his fingers, he really didn't know what to do to get closer to her.

He was a little annoyed, and just about to lower the car window, blow the cold wind, and calm himself down, when he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, leading Xiao Pao into Yuncheng University.

Yan Wangchuan pulled out the car key, got out of the car and chased him out.


Song Fengwan was holding his mother's hand, strolling comfortably around the campus, completely unaware of the approaching danger behind him.

"Fortunately, I booked a hotel nearby. If you go back and forth on the day of the exam, I think you'll have to get up before dawn." Qiao Aiyun laughed.

Song Fengwan smiled and nodded, "Mom, what did you and Uncle Yan say in the car just now?"


"Have you ever been in love with him before?" Even Qiao Xiyan didn't know what happened between the two, and Song Fengwan naturally didn't know, and was curious from the bottom of his heart.

"What nonsense? He just came to our house to learn his craft and lived for a while."

"Oh." Song Fengwan bit his lip and said nothing.

"Prepare for the exam well, don't think about it." Qiao Aiyun reminded.

Song Fengwan pursed his lips and smiled, and suddenly felt that the phone in his pocket vibrated. It was Fu Chen's call.

"Mom, wait for me, I'll go and answer the phone." She said as soon as she spoke, she went to another place.

Qiao Aiyun frowned, just answering the phone call, as for being so sneaky? Are you afraid that she will eavesdrop?

Adolescent children always want their own space and secrets, and do not want their parents to interfere. Qiao Aiyun has always given her space, knowing that she is well-behaved and sensible, and will not overstep her limits, so she didn't think much about it.

Song Fengwan looked at Qiao Aiyun furtively, making sure she wasn't following, and then answered the phone, "Hello—why are you calling me at this time?"

"Do I need a specific time to call you?" Fu Chen smiled lowly.

"My mother and I are looking at the examination room."

"Then when do you say you're free?"

"It's probably after ninety o'clock in the evening." Wait for her to go back to her room to rest.

Fu Chen tapped the table with his fingers, "I can understand that this is my exclusive time?"

Song Fengwan choked, this man could tease himself no matter what he talked about.

"I know you're very busy recently, so I shouldn't call you, but I can't help it."

Song Fengwan glanced at Qiao Aiyun from the corner of her eye, looked down at her toes, her heart was hot and warm, and the tip of her heart was trembling, an indescribable feeling.

"I'll wait for your call later, this time..." Fu Chen paused for two seconds, "I'll wait for you, no matter how late."

Song Fengwan bit his lip, "I see."

"Then you are busy first."

Song Fengwan had just hung up the phone when she saw a pair of black leather shoes appearing in her sight. She looked up with a dazed expression, it was Song Jingren.

After all, this man is her father. It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings at all. Her fingers tightened, her nose felt sour, and her eye sockets instantly filled with redness...

"Wan Wan." Song Jingren smiled at her, just like before, gentle and kind.

Fu Chen hung up the phone, his fingers kept rubbing the Buddhist beads placed on the side, his eyelids twitched, and he felt uneasy in his heart.

He was not at ease letting Song Fengwan return to Yuncheng at this moment. Her parents' divorce matter has not been resolved yet. Song Jingren dare not go to the capital to find someone he wants. He is probably waiting for Song Fengwan to go back.

After she goes back, there is bound to be a big move.

He notified Yan Wangchuan in advance, but he didn't know if Senior Brother Yan would cherish this opportunity.


Facing Song Jingren at this moment, Song Fengwan felt sour in his heart, complained, and also had a trace of warmth towards him. All kinds of emotions suddenly rushed into his heart, as if his head was empty.

"Wanwan, I finally found you. I knew you would definitely come to take the exam. I have been waiting for you at the door for several days." Song Jingren took two steps forward.

"I know that some things are my fault. I hurt you and your mother. To this point, I really want to see it. I did a lot of wrong things before. Dad is here to apologize to you."

Song Fengwan was holding the phone, her knuckles were slightly white, the old wound in her right hand palm had not healed, and at this moment she suddenly exerted force and it still hurt a little.

It seemed to remind her that when he pushed her back before, his expression was so resolutely indifferent.

"I haven't seen you for so long, you don't miss Dad at all?"

When Song Jingren touched her with his fingers, Song Fengwan avoided her almost reflexively.

There are complex emotions in the eyes, and there is hatred that cannot be hidden.

His flick made Song Jingren a little embarrassed, he looked around, and was afraid of attracting others' attention, so he lowered his voice, "Wanwan, your mother and I divorced for many reasons, you can't listen to what she says."

"One-sided words?" Song Fengwan looked at him, seemingly puzzled.

"I know your mother must have said a lot of bad things about me to you, and stopped you from meeting us. She just wants to get your custody, manage your property, and fight against me."

Song Fengwan's beautiful phoenix eyes flickered twice, "Property..."

"Do you think she is sincerely treating you well?"

"She also has a plan. She just wants to get revenge on me? She made the matter so big that I can't end it, and now she wants to tear the company apart."

"She is trying to make things worse, don't be fooled by her."

Song Fengwan smiled lowly, "So that's how it is."

"She deliberately stopped you from letting us meet. She has no good intentions at all. Let's go, go home with Dad." Song Jingren stretched out his hand to pull her, but Song Fengwan waved violently...

There was a crisp sound of "Pa--", hitting the back of his hand directly.

With too much force, the nails drew two red and swollen blood marks on the back of his hand.

Song Jingren was annoyed now.

"I'll talk to you patiently. You must be ignorant of good and bad." He rubbed the back of his hand, "No matter what, you have to go back with me."

He stretched out his hand and pulled Song Fengwan with great force, regardless of whether she was hurt or not.

"Song Jingren!"

He patronized La Song Fengwan, and never noticed that someone was approaching from behind. When he heard someone calling him, he turned his head subconsciously, but...

A slap in the face.

There was a sound of "pa--".

The slap landed firmly on his face, making him dizzy.

The strike was heavy, the force was ruthless, and the sound of slapping was crisp and loud.

"Song Jingren, how can you show some face!"

Brother, you have to cherish the opportunity and perform well...

Staring at people, you can't keep a cold face, can you smile a little, people like you who don't know, think that others owe you money.


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