Song Jingren was focused on dragging Song Fengwan away, even though he knew that Qiao Aiyun was nearby, he didn't take it to heart.

This sudden slap made him stunned.

Song Fengwan took the opportunity to shake off his hand, and ran back to Qiao Aiyun, "Mom—"

Even though she found a hidden place to answer the phone, there were still many people walking around. Originally, she and Song Jingren had attracted many people's attention, but now she actually made a move, which immediately attracted others to secretly look at her.

Some people even took out their mobile phones and tried to record the video.

A woman is weak, but a mother is strong.

Song Jingren dared to touch her daughter, Qiao Aiyun naturally would not let her go, coupled with her hatred for him, concentrated on this slap, and the corner of his mouth was directly torn.

"Bah—" he spat out fishy and sweet blood, "Qiao Aiyun!"

"I warned you before, if you dare to find Wanwan, I'm not welcome." Qiao Aiyun stretched out her hand to protect Song Fengwan behind her.

Song Jingren reached out and touched his face.

In this winter, with the cold wind cutting his face, human skin is already fragile, but she hit him so hard that the left side of his face was numb, and bloodstains were faintly visible.

Touching it a little bit, it hurts suddenly, and the pain made him almost lose control of his expression.

"This is also my daughter, why don't you let me see her." Song Jingren was annoyed, "Don't you think I really dare not touch you?"

"Isn't it true that you haven't hit me before? What's the difference this time?"

"You..." Song Jingren was almost choked by her words.

"Since the divorce has been negotiated, we will proceed step by step and follow the legal procedures. I will not take advantage of you, but I will not give you anything that belongs to our mother and daughter."

Qiao Aiyun's wrist was a little numb from the shock, and she moved a little bit, "If you are a man, we will divorce the marriage openly, don't be tricked behind your back."

"Since everyone can't understand each other, let's let each other go happily. Such low behavior will only make me look down on you even more."

There were mostly students in the school, and at his age, being slapped and beaten in front of a group of children was really embarrassing.

At this moment, Qiao Aiyun's attitude became more and more forceful, which aroused his heart to burn wildly with anger.

Thinking about dealing with her for so long and getting divorced, he was even more annoyed because he couldn't get any benefits.

"We haven't divorced yet, even if we get divorced, I'm still her father!" When Song Jingren gritted his teeth, his gums were still sore.

"What right do you have to hide her and not let us meet!"

Qiao Aiyun curled the corner of her mouth, smiling contemptuously.

"Why didn't you say something like this when you were making a big fanfare for the recognition banquet? What kind of loving father are you now? Don't you think you're hypocritical and disgusting?"

Song Jingren took a deep breath, "Don't confuse the public here, I want to see my daughter right now?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're planning?"

"Block me in every possible way, don't let us meet, don't think that I don't understand your peace of mind, don't pretend to be noble."

Divorce inevitably involves the division of interests. Every time they meet, they break up unhappily. I don't know how many times such quarrels have happened. In front of each other, they don't even bother to wear a polite mask.

"Song Jingren, a thief shouting "Stop a thief, you are really shameless!"

Qiao Aiyun was so angry that she wished she could rush up and beat him hard.

"Try again if you dare to touch me. Believe it or not, I'll go for an injury test and get you in!"

Qiao Aiyun took a deep breath, trembling with anger.

Really mean.

She was so angry, why did she care so much, just as she was about to make a move, she was stopped by Song Fengwan, "Mom—"

She just stood in front of Qiao Aiyun, "Do you really want to get involved for him? It's not worth it, I'll tell him."


Yan Wangchuan on the other side was supposed to follow Song Jingren closely.

It was his first time to come to Yuncheng University, and he was not familiar with it. There are many teaching buildings in the school, and there are many trails. He watched Song Jingren turn a corner, and when he chased after him, he disappeared.

He was anxious from the bottom of his heart, and called Qiao Aiyun, but there was no answer, which made him even more impatient.

"There seems to be an accident over there, and I heard that they even made a move."

"Who is it?"

"Anyway, it's not from our school, not a student..."

Yan Wangchuan gritted his teeth, "Hello, where is the accident?"

"Behind the Listening Rain Building."

"Then where is the Tingyu building?" Yan Wangchuan was anxious, and the school teaching buildings were almost the same at a glance.

"Just go straight ahead, there are many people over there now, you should see it."

Yan Wangchuan didn't care too much, he raised his feet and rushed over.

We had to wait for Song Jingren not to go too far because there were so many people.



Facing Song Jingren has become Song Fengwan.

"It's not that my mother is stopping me, it's that I don't want to see you." Song Fengwan saw him suddenly just now, and he couldn't help but feel some warmth in his heart. Seeing him confronting his mother now.

Shouting threats made her feel sick.

"Wanwan, don't listen to her gossip, you have to know, she..."

"Enough!" Song Fengwan's voice suddenly increased, even Qiao Aiyun was taken aback.

She looked at the little man standing in front of her, her shoulders trembled slightly, obviously trying to suppress her emotions.

Song Fengwan's eyes were flushed, the person opposite, they had lived together for 17 years, every bit of the past came to mind, how could she remain indifferent.

"Wanwan..." Qiao Aiyun reached out and pressed her shoulder.

She looked up at Song Jingren, "I should thank you for looking for me today, so that I can finally recognize the two of you."

"Wanwan, your mother just has no good intentions."

Hearing what she said, Song Jingren thought that what he said had worked, and was secretly glad.

Little did he know that what Song Fengwan said next gave him a slap in the face.

"The one who is not kind is you. If it weren't for your words, I wouldn't understand. You can be so shameless!"

Song Jingren was startled, and then furious, "Song Fengwan, you are presumptuous!"

"I am your father!"

"Just like what my mother said, you don't deserve to be my father at all!"


Song Fengwan took a step forward, "You said that my mother didn't want me to see you because she wanted to share more property. I'll explain it to you today."

"My mother never mentioned your divorce to me from the beginning to the end."

"And..." She smiled lightly, "Up to now, she hasn't said a word about you in front of me, not even complaining or hating you."

"On the contrary, you are the one who scolded me as soon as we met. If you hadn't talked about property, I wouldn't have known that my role was so great."

"Hehe—" Song Fengwan smiled miserably, "In your heart, I'm just worth something now."

Song Jingren never thought that Qiao Aiyun didn't say anything bad about him.

Turning black and white in front of Song Fengwan is like shooting yourself in the foot.

"You want to recognize Jiang Fengya back with great fanfare, you should understand, what will you give up in the end?"

"I didn't care about my feelings at the beginning, and now I say you did something wrong..."

"I'm not a three-year-old child anymore. I know who is really good to me and who is plotting against me. I will tell you clearly today..."

Song Fengwan took a deep breath.

"You divorced at my suggestion."

"After the divorce, I will follow my mother. All the property under my name will be at her disposal. Even if she wants to kick you out of the company, you deserve it!"

Kicked out of the company?

The four words hit Song Jingren's sore spot.

What he cares most about is the company, and when he heard this, he immediately flew into a rage.

"Song Fengwan, you are so bold and presumptuous, who used to you like this, dare to talk to me like that!"

As he spoke, he raised his arm and slapped her face hard.

The crisp applause frightened the hearts of the students around.

After Song Jingren finished beating, his fingers trembled and he was a little dazed.

"Song Jingren, you're so crazy!" Qiao Aiyun hurriedly pulled Song Fengwan to check her facial injuries.

Song Jingren didn't expect that she didn't hide, she was just so impartial, and she suffered such a life.

"She is my father, this slap is repaying his kindness for nurturing." Song Fengwan's skin was fair and tender, and when he slapped him, he immediately became red, swollen and congested...


"Song Jingren!" Qiao Aiyun stretched out her hand to push him angrily, "Get out, get out—"

"What do you mean by repaying the favor of nurturing? Song Fengwan, tell me clearly." Song Jingren stretched out his hand to push Qiao Aiyun away, grabbed Song Fengwan's arm, and asked sharply.

"I've raised you for more than ten years. I've put in so much effort and haven't seen anything in return. So you want to sever ties with me?"

In his eyes, Song Fengwan has always been well-behaved, sensible, and obedient. When she said such words, his heart trembled.

Song Fengwan shook off his restraint.

"I just love you so much. I saw that you paid for the company every day and night. At that time, the Fu family came to propose marriage. You have never been so happy. I know that I have a good life and enjoy things that others don't have. I must give something. Maybe I I can't help my marriage, you said you were engaged, and I agreed."

"You spent so much money training me, in the final analysis, you want me to marry a good man to help you. I really tried hard."

"In the end, you kicked me away." Song Fengwan yelled at him hysterically.

"I almost cost myself my whole life for you, what else do you want from me?"

Song Jingren was stunned, facing her questioning, he didn't know what to say?

"Tell me, what else do you want me to do? Be your profit-making tool? Kick me away until it's worthless?" Song Fengwan's tears kept falling, but he kept his head up stubbornly.

Some emotions are suppressed for too long and will eventually explode in an instant.

"I'm going to call Dad for the last time. When it comes to this, don't let me continue to hate you."

Song Jingren clenched his fingers tightly, even if he was a heartless person, he would not be indifferent after hearing this.

There was a boy who had been very close to Song Fengwan, holding up his mobile phone, who was about to take a video and post it on the Internet to gain attention, but at this moment they all put away their mobile phones.

Song Fengwan smiled at him, "Thank you."

The boy panicked instead.

"Let's go." Qiao Aiyun was almost pushed down by Song Jingren just now, and it was the first time she heard Song Fengwan say such words.

When I was young, I thought she was sensible, but who knew how many things were hidden in her heart.

She pulled Song Fengwan and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Song Jingren's heart trembled, and he subconsciously reached out to grab her.


At this moment, one person had rushed into the crowd, stretched out his hand to grab Qiao Aiyun's arm, and protected their mother and daughter behind him.

Yan Wangchuan usually exercises and has excellent physical fitness. Even after running so far, he still wears a little rough clothes.

Qiao Aiyun's eyes were red, and Song Fengwan's eyes were even red from crying.

"He hit you?" Yan Wangchuan looked at Song Fengwan's face, which was obviously red and swollen, his sword eyebrows were condensed, and there was a bit of chill in his words.

Song Fengwan shook his head slightly, "Uncle Yan, let's go."

"Get in the car first, and I'll take care of it here." He handed the car keys to Qiao Aiyun, motioning for their mother and daughter to leave first.

At this moment, the security guards patrolling the school have come to inquire about the situation.

"Brother..." Qiao Aiyun hesitated.

"I will handle it properly." Yan Wangchuan spoke seriously, giving people a great sense of security.

Qiao Aiyun nodded, and led Song Fengwan to the school gate.

"Wanwan——" Song Jingren knew that if he let them go this time, there would be no chance for things to turn around.

Yan Wangchuan blocked his way, "Mr. Song, why make things difficult for women, I'll talk to you."

Song Jingren wanted to answer him: what the hell are you, why should you speak for them.

Considering Yan Wangchuan's identity, the words that came to his lips were swallowed back.

"Over there, there are fewer people." Yan Wangchuan pointed to a secluded place.

Song Jingren gritted his teeth and could only follow him.


Qiao Aiyun sent Song Fengwan to the car and settled her down, "Wanwan, I'll go see your Uncle Yan."

She was really worried about the two of them getting along alone, but it was too chaotic at that time, and she really didn't want Song Fengwan to stay any longer, so she wanted to send her out first.

"En." Song Fengwan nodded.

Before Qiao Aiyun ran to the school gate, a police car roared up and drove directly into the campus.

Later, Qiao Aiyun saw Yan Wangchuan again in the police station.

According to the students who witnessed at the time, Yan Wangchuan pulled Song Jingren's clothes, lifted his collar, pressed him against the wall, and unilaterally abused him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Qiao Aiyun is angry, is this his so-called proper handling?

He dared to ask Wan Wan who got used to her temper, heh...

That's definitely not you. When you know, I'm afraid you will regret it to death.

Brother, your way of handling this is really...

Simple and rude [cover your face], is this what you call proper handling?

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