Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 169 Third Master: Looking for death? Then give him a ride (3 more)

The next day, Yuncheng Leah Hotel

Yan Wangchuan just came back from the hotel gym, wearing a thin black sweatshirt, with a light-colored towel hanging around his neck, holding a sports cup, drinking water while walking back.

When he arrived at the door of the room, he saw Qiao Xiyan with a grim expression.

"Uncle." Qiao Xiyan looked at his outfit and looked sideways twice.

It is really self-disciplined to insist on going out to exercise in such a cold day.

"Is there something wrong?"

No one mentioned what happened yesterday to Qiao Xiyan, so he naturally didn't understand.

"I'm going back to Wusu, and I'm saying goodbye to you."

"Just make a phone call or send a message." Yan Wangchuan walked to the door, entered the password, and glanced at him, "Aren't you going to leave?"

Qiao Xiyan was stunned, and he wasn't even allowed to enter the room?

Yan Wangchuan probably thought of something, at least it was Qiao Aiyun's nephew, "Come in."

"Thank you uncle." Qiao Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief, among so many uncles, he was the one with the weirdest temper.

"Have you had breakfast?" Yan Wangchuan casually pulled the towel around his neck, moving swiftly.

"Not yet, I plan to go find my aunt and have dinner with Wanwan."

"Then I'll take you there."

"I called a car, and I'm still waiting outside the hotel. I don't want to trouble you." Qiao Xiyan had been afraid of him since he was a child, but it wasn't that he was too scared.

"I'll see you off." Yan Wangchuan had a firm attitude.

"Then I'll make a call and talk to the driver." Qiao Xiyan smiled sarcastically.

When he was a teenager, he went to Nanjiang and stayed at his home for a few days. On the way back, he only said a few words.

"When I was a teenager, I went to your grandpa to learn art alone with my luggage on my back."

"Boys, don't get used to it. Don't be so coquettish. Be self-reliant."

"I'll give you the money, go to the station by yourself."

Qiao Xiyan held the money in a daze, and took a taxi to the station.

After returning home, his father called to scold him and exchange words with each other. He didn't refute, but just said something before hanging up the phone.

"You spoil the child too much."

His dad was pissed off.

Later, when he went to Nanjiang to find the Yan family to customize jewelry, he accidentally learned from one of his former assistants:

That day, Yan Wangchuan drove after him after he left the house, until he arrived at the station, and specially called his acquaintances to ask the people at the station to pay more attention to him.

Watch him get in the car before going back.

Qiao Xiyan seemed to be afraid of him, but he respected him more.

He is not an unreasonable person, if not for this, the two families would not have had business dealings for so many years.

When he was wandering, Yan Wangchuan had already taken a shower and changed his clothes. The well-tailored suit matched his broad shoulders and narrow waist. It was iron gray in color, mature and restrained.


Yan Wangchuan drove him to the gate of the apartment building in the community.

Along the way, no one spoke. He listened to the radio in the car in the morning, saying nothing more than that the cold air has been moving south recently, and he should pay attention to keeping warm.

"Uncle, my dad often visits you every year. You can go to Wusu to play when you have time." Qiao Xiyan unbuckled his seat belt.

He was silent.

"Then I'm going first?"

Qiao Xiyan pointed out, but someone still remained silent, which was really embarrassing.

"Uncle, everyone is here, why don't you go up and have a seat?"

"Yes." After Yan Wangchuan finished speaking, he drove the car directly to the line-drawing area on one side, stopped and turned off the engine, and his movements were chic and smooth, without any hesitation.

Josie reached out and touched his nose.

You dare to wait for yourself to say this.

It's too boring.

Want to go up and say it directly, why don't you wait for him to speak?


Qiao Xiyan called ahead of time. Qiao Aiyun knew that he was leaving today, so she cooked porridge, went downstairs to buy a few drawers of steamed stuffed buns, and specially fried a plate of side dishes.

There was a knock at the door at about half past seven...

"The door is open, come in." Qiao Aiyun was arranging the bowls and chopsticks, watching Qiao Xiyan come in with a smile on her lips, she was slightly surprised to see another person coming in.

"I'm going to bid farewell to my uncle. He happened to be free to send me over, so I invited him to sit down." Qiao Xiyan coughed twice.

"Well, I can't refuse." Yan Wangchuan gently closed the door.

Josiyan almost spit.

It was as if he had dragged him upstairs by force.

"I haven't eaten yet." After yesterday's incident, Qiao Aiyun also understood his temperament a little bit, and spoke to him more casually, "Sit down and eat together."

"It's troublesome." Yan Wangchuan was not polite at all.

Josie licked the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue, as if he had been tricked.

"Uncle Yan, morning cousin." Song Fengwan came out of the room wearing thick pink pajamas.

She went to the kitchen to help serve the meal, and even looked at Yan Wangchuan suspiciously.

I left at 8 or 9 o'clock last night, so I came to report this morning.

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

Qiao Aiyun was just glad that she was afraid that Qiao Xiyan wouldn't have enough to eat, so she bought a lot of steamed stuffed buns, and it would be embarrassing if there wasn't enough for breakfast.

"Wan Wan, why is the left side of your face a little swollen?" Qiao Xiyan was finely sculpted, with good eyesight.

"Ah?" Song Fengwan stretched out his hand and touched his face. Yesterday Song Jingren started his hands very hard. He went home and rubbed eggs for half an hour, and the swelling didn't go down until evening. "Maybe it was because I drank water in the middle of the night last night, and it was a little swollen."

With Qiao Xiyan's temper, if she knew what happened yesterday, she would rush to Song's house to embarrass him. I'm afraid the matter will never end. She has an exam the day after tomorrow, and she doesn't want to make trouble before that.

"Yeah." Qiao Xiyan nodded, "Where are you going to apply for the school exam?"

"Currently it's Wu Su's side, and the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts." Song Fengwan lowered his head and sipped the porridge.

After she said this, she clearly felt that the eyes of the three people were all shooting at her.

Qiao Aiyun: "Wanwan, after the matter is settled, I plan to take you back to Wusu to settle down after you graduate from high school, the capital is too far away."

Qiao Xiyan: "Yes, what are you doing so far as a girl? Wusu's Academy of Fine Arts is not bad."

Yan Wangchuan: "There are many people in the capital, and people's hearts are unpredictable. It's a land of tigers and wolves. It's not safe for you to be alone."


Song Fengwan bit his lips, "I'm just going to take the exam, whether I can pass the exam is still another matter, besides, I haven't made up my mind to go."

Why did the three of them suddenly unite?

The land of tigers and wolves?

Is it that scary?

"It's okay to take two more school exams." Qiao Aiyun smiled, "Let's have dinner first, and prepare for the joint exam."

Song Fengwan nodded in response.

What she wants to go to most is the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts. At this moment, she doesn't intend to mention this, so as not to be attacked by the crowd, she should rest assured to prepare for the exam. If she passes the exam, she insists that her mother can't help it.

Uncle Yan was really, usually silent, but now he actually expressed his opinion.

Isn't there a third master in the capital?

Who else can eat her?


After breakfast, Song Fengwan was preparing for the exam at home as usual. Qiao Aiyun and Qiao Xiyan were telling him to take care of his brother and pay more attention to his body.

Instead, Yan Wangchuan answered the phone and left in a hurry.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw his assistant shivering in the cold wind.

"President Yan, are you down?"

"Who broke the news?" Yan Wangchuan's voice was harsh, like a cold wind.

The little assistant hastily raised his hand, "I swear, I haven't disclosed any of your whereabouts to the old lady."

"I know it's not you, let someone inquire first."

"Then now..."

Yan Wangchuan got in the car and called his mother first. As soon as he connected, the old lady on the other side was very unhappy, "You still know how to call me?"


"If I hadn't heard about it, I wouldn't have understood that you got into a fight and got into a fight? Wangchuan, you've never made me worry about anything except marriage. Can I not be worried? You still don't answer your phone calls."

"I didn't hear the mute just now."

"You're in Yuncheng, right, because of Mr. Qiao's daughter?"

Yan Wangchuan remained silent.

"Back then, she was going to get married, and the engagement was broken. You agreed, but when you came back, you almost made a mess of yourself. I really don't understand you. For so many years, if you don't find a partner, you just can't let her go..."

"It's been more than 20 years in a blink of an eye. She is married and has children. Why are you so stubborn!"

"It's in her hands! I shouldn't have agreed to you going to Qiao's house to learn art back then."


"Mom." Yan Wangchuan was already stupid and didn't know what to say.

"You just want to be with her?"


"Then you come back first, and tell me well what you plan to do." The old lady hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Yan Wangchuan stared at his phone for a long time. He is an only son and he is still unmarried. He already felt ashamed of his mother, so naturally he seldom disobeyed her demands.

"Boss Yan?" the assistant turned to ask.

"Book a ticket and go back to Nanjiang."

The assistant nodded and called to book the ticket, "Hi, help me book the two fastest tickets from Yuncheng to Nanjiang..."

"One piece." Yan Wangchuan reminded.

The assistant was dumbfounded.

"Stay and stare at her, and let me know if something happens."

The little assistant twisted his neck stiffly. Was he abandoned?


Nanjiang Yanjia

Madam Yan hung up the phone and couldn't help sighing.

"Old lady, sir has always done things properly, don't worry too much."

"That's someone and something he didn't care about." Zhizi Mo Ruomu.

"But sir, it's also strange. Over the years, how many girls have wanted to marry into Yan's family, and that one is all married and has children. Why can't he forget her? She is not worthy of our husband."

After she finished speaking, Mrs. Yan gave her a contemptuous look, "Daughter of the Qiao family, it's your turn to judge whether you are worthy or not? Keep your mouth shut."

The maid turned pale with fright, "Old lady, I'm not saying she's not good, I just..."

"If you can't control your mouth, you don't have to work in Yan's house."

"Sorry, I……"

"Hurry up and get down!" An old aunt next to her hurriedly dragged her down.

The old lady has only one son, if she didn't like Qiao Aiyun, she would not have wanted to marry her in the past, and she occasionally talked about it in private, and she didn't dare to speak to Yan Wangchuan, for fear of poking his heart, and over time, she would not mention her.

I don't know whether I have a lot of resentment or hatred for her in my heart.

Or some pity.

The husband has a stubborn temper and is stubborn. If the old lady refuses to agree, she is afraid that the relationship between the two will change in the future...

"Mom Huang."

"Old lady." The old aunt just now hastily walked up to her.

"Go find someone to help me and ask, who has the Mrs. Feng family been in contact with recently when I was talking to you just now?" She went out for a walk in the morning and learned from others that her son had entered the police station.

"I see."

"I haven't received any news yet, and someone is rushing to stab me. This is planning to use this old woman as a weapon." Mrs. Yan lowered her head and stroked the jade bracelet on her hand.

"You mean, it was intentional?"

"It's always good to be careful. Our Yan family never makes enemies outside, but we don't allow others to plot against my wife. I'm afraid someone wants to use my hand to restrain Wang Chuan and deal with that girl of the Qiao family..."

"Then you still called your husband back?" Huang Ma was puzzled.

"I need to talk to him face to face before I can decide what to do next?"

It's not a trivial matter, and I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone.

The old lady is used to wind and rain, and she sees things clearly. If her son leaves for two days, Qiao Aiyun will "not survive". Even if such a person enters the Yan family, it will be difficult to support the overall situation.


Qiao Aiyun learned that Yan Wangchuan had left after he boarded the plane.

She sent him a message.

[Thank you for the past few days, you should pay more attention to your hand injuries, and have a safe journey. 】

This is the first time she has sent a message to herself.

Yan Wangchuan stared at the message and read it several times, until the stewardess urged him to forcefully turn off the phone.


In the next few days, nothing happened, and Song Jingren didn't come to cause trouble, because Song Feng was going to take an exam lately, and Qiao Aiyun rarely met with lawyers recently, and wanted to wait until after her exam to deal with the divorce matter.

Song Jingren didn't act like a demon, she was still thinking, either her conscience found out, or she was afraid of being beaten in the meeting, it would finally give her peace of mind for a few days.

The day before the exam, after lunch, she packed up her things and stayed with Song Fengwan in a chain hotel near Yuncheng University.

When they arrived at the hotel, the hotel lobby was almost full of seventeen or eighteen-year-old students, men and women, accompanied by their parents, discussing what would be tested tomorrow.

The exam was about to take place, and Song Fengwan was also a little nervous. He set up his easel, always a little restless.

"If you don't want to paint, take a break and watch TV. You have done a good job of reviewing, so be confident." Qiao Aiyun cheered her up with a smile.

"Hmm." Even so, Song Fengwan was extremely worried.

As soon as the sky darkened, Qiao Aiyun took her out for dinner. It was freezing cold, and she didn't stay outside for long before returning to the hotel.

At about eight or nine o'clock, Qiao Aiyun's cell phone vibrated. She was the manager of the jade shop. She usually helped manage several shops under Qiao's family.

"Manager Cao, what's the matter so late?" She had already notified him in advance that she was going to accompany her daughter to the exam recently, so don't look for her if there is nothing urgent.

"Just now we were taking inventory and preparing to close the door. Several people rushed in, insisting that they bought fake products from us during the day, and even smashed the counter."

Qiao Aiyun walked out of the room with her mobile phone, "Fake? How is this possible?"

The quality of jade does vary, some are good and some are bad, but you get what you pay for, and if you spend 5,000 yuan, you will never get 4,000 yuan for it.

"We also explained to them, but they didn't listen."

Qiao Aiyun could vaguely hear the sound of smashing and arguing.

"Our products all have certificates, and the ingredients in them are clearly marked, and they are strictly checked when they are put on the shelves. How can there be fake products?"

"The other party kept saying that our store was bullying customers. They didn't listen to persuasion at all, and even smashed the store. The security guards in the mall couldn't stop me. I've already called the police. Come and have a look if you have time."

"I see."

Qiao Aiyun greeted Song Fengwan and told her to go to bed early, then hurried out the door.

Song Fengwan looked bewildered, it's so late, what happened so flustered?


Beijing, the capital of Yunjin

Fu Chen is currently staring at Huai Sheng doing his homework.

He missed the preschool education, and now he is studying the pinyin alphabet. The writing is crooked and unsightly. Fu Chen glanced at it, "Why can someone write pinyin so ugly."

"I'm just learning, it's definitely not good-looking, you have to be patient with your child."

Fu Chen lightly sneered, what he lacks most is patience?

"When the third uncle's family has a child in the future, you will also despise his ugly handwriting?"

"If it's not well written, it's not good? Can you still boast?" Fu Chen took it for granted.

Little did he know that after this, Mr. Fu's face was slapped.

"Third Master, there is a situation." Shi Fang pushed open the door and beckoned him out.

Fu Chen glanced at Huaisheng, "Continue writing, I'll go out for a while."

Huai Sheng pursed his lips, pressed his fingers hard, and the lead of the pencil broke.

As soon as Fu Chen went out, Shi Fang hurriedly said, "There is something going on in Yuncheng."


"Mr. Yan went back to Nanjiang two days ago, but he hasn't returned yet, and his actions this time are not small, and he even involved Qiao's jade shop..."

"Since the Qiao family is involved, you have to inform the Qiao family." Fu Chen chuckled.

"You mean Master Joe?"

"Since Mr. Qiao stays behind closed doors and has no information, find someone to pass in the information. You should know how to do it." Fu Chen hoped that Qiao's family would come forward, but not Qiao Xiyan.

In this matter, someone is more suitable than him.

"I see."

Fu Chen lowered his head and rubbed the Buddha beads, the dark light in his eyes surged.

If someone is in a hurry to die, he doesn't mind giving him a ride.

When you do something, you really know how to choose the time.

Not surprisingly, tomorrow will start abusing the scumbag father, lol~

Soon the uncle of the Qiao family will appear on the stage. Some people expect that...

The third master will soon find Wanwan, hehe, in the future, if you dare to say that your child's handwriting is ugly, you may be beaten to death by Wanwan [cover your face]

[Spoiler: Senior Brother Yan’s mother is not a bad person, so there’s no need to guess about it, it’s just that I’m a little pissed, everyone should be able to understand this point]


Thank you again for your votes and rewards at the beginning of the month, thank you ^_^

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